Why do I get alternating waves of pure excitement and energy and then dread and depression

Why do I get alternating waves of pure excitement and energy and then dread and depression

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Quantum entanglement if you're asking.


Constant, instant gratification courtesy of the webbernets has poisoned and weakened you
I'd genuinely recommend destroying your body over hard labour or farmwork or something equally mid-term and grueling.

That's called bipolar disorder, get checked.

Bipolar people experience this same phenomena as a mood swing, not as a "wave of energy." The etymology doesn't trace like you think it does.

I get this too except sometimes I'll be really motivated and feel like I'm on crack for a couple days, then feel really depressed and hate with a burning passion how cruel and evil life is, then sometimes I feel just average. I know people would say this is bipolar disorder or whatever but fuck going to the doctors and honestly it's not that bad, I love the periods where I feel high as a kite.

Would you trade either state for the other?

man this is exactly me, feels like the up and downs are becoming increasingly higher and lower though, afraid if it gets too low I might end up doing something bad

Any idea what triggers either one?

Bipolar probably
Puberty maybe?

Can a 26 year old have puberty?

That's called being manic depressive. It's a mental disorder that many many drug companies have made pills for that will level you out. I'd look into speaking to a doctor about it, OP

The heart opens and closes.
Are you grieving?



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idk have your tits grown in yet

I refuse to take drugs
What else can I do

Could be predisposed to some sort of vitamin or mineral deficiency. Maybe B6 or Zinc


Bipolar lasts for relatively long periods of time, contrary to popular belief, it's not a snap shot change. This guy might be bipolar though.

These key nutrients are coenzymatic cofactors for mood and methylation modulation as well as for amino acid and neuromediator metabolism

Could be that you have mood swings or youve bipolar disorder

bipolar? probably not

probably just how youre used to things. keeping it all up and then experiencing catharsis after letting it all out

its kinda like pushing a beach ball in the water. sure, it works, until
"hey, user!"
then you look over and wham! you get hit in the jaw

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you're bipolar and need to be put on lamictal. then you won't have to put up with it.

Possibly bipolar. Does it run in the family?

Pure life, enjoy it!

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I don't want to take drugs ;_;

I prefer Aquafina myself. Reverse osmosis, remineralized... Pure life is just tap water.

Pure life is insanity?

Basically friction, or things catching on a really small scale.

maybe bi-polar
drug abuse

im day 8 of quitting tobacco/weed and have to deal with uncontrolable emotions. I just feel shit all the time with random moments of eurphoria

Puberty isn't a disease so you can't exactly just have puberty, you'd be going THROUGH puberty, you're talking about some theoretical physical puberty that you could hold with your own two hands, now that would be cool.

Time to see a psychologist.

speaking from experience here, but I noticed it’s from not having a set plan or schedule doing things. kind of winging life and not really dedicating to anything will get you reacting to every small thing be it good or bad. if you just force yourself to be deteremined then you’ll snap back to reality. you care too much about things that aren’t beneficial for you. start reading and exercise

I've seen shit like that on LSD, freaky stuff

Uh, no. He should meditate his mind. We're an evolving species and while we used to be farmers, we're turning into cyborgs now, basically, with how much time we spend interlinked on the internet. You'll help him fit into this world by supporting him on the computer, not telling him to get off it.

>You'll help him fit into this world by supporting him on the computer, not telling him to get off it.

dude. We are looking at a screen in the night, radiating fake light. We are sitting in chairs. People on the internet mostly talk crap. You will read crap. If you have not learned to control your mind and to seek out the right information and be able to neglect everything else, youre a slave to the regurgitated opinions of others.

You need to learn to think, and even if you learned it, the internet will cause you to unlearn it.

Im sitting here not because its wholesome or interesting. Im sitting here because its a habit and my brain is too retarded to understand that it doesnt help me.

It would be healthier to stare at a fucking wall.

Maybe I should quit the internet

Try the drugs and if you see yourself actually improving and working towards your life goals then stay on the plan the doc recommends. If there's no improvement then do the usual and work out, eat healthy, and stay disciplined

That helps if you don't need the internet daily

Sadly I do

It's back

Competitive boxing is what works for me.
It's like, we instinctively need some "danger" of sorts to stay mentally healthy, since survival in the wilds is a CONSTANT struggle.
We don't struggle anymore, we don't fight anymore.
But we do require that stimulus.
Fighting is the best way to get it imo.

How long are these phases, how quickly are they shifting?

Every few hours

See a therapist.