I’m not sure what to think anymore. Since this site is anonymous I’m pretty sure I’ll get honest answers here...

I’m not sure what to think anymore. Since this site is anonymous I’m pretty sure I’ll get honest answers here. Am I pretty?

Attached: 5FA9CC51-69A3-42D3-AA5B-1C8EDDCAB4D9.jpg (720x970, 301K)

yikes you're ugly
also /soc/


I actually physically jumped in my seat a little bit when I clicked on the image to get a closer look because I was just so visibly shocked at how ugly you are.

I'm actually holding my hands together tightly to try to calm my self down and steady my nerves, I really didn't need this on a monday.


You owe me a new keyboard, I can't clean all the vomit out of mine.

I don't care what the others say, I think you are cute.

I'd date you if you were chill

7.5/10 This is all the detail I will give you here. Go there. It's what is for.

Yep, very, question is, why do you care?

you look like you can't suck dick for shit. useless.

You look like any mediocre basic bitch

Yeah, I'd say so

Attached: 1520172582254.jpg (418x358, 29K)

>10 replies
>9 posters
someone here is a samefag

anyways, why the fuck are you asking for an ego boost on 4channel? go whore yourself out to whoever is the first dickhead that tries to pick you up you'll feel much better

I reverse image searched your pic and Google identified you as "girl" so it can be that bad.

post titties

This. Literally 2008 myspace tier attention whoring. Kill yourself, OP.

Yeah, you're a pretty girl.


Looking at your picture I just know I would hate you IRL

You're useless and worth nothing so you come here to waste everyone's time..



>Am I pretty?


I'd give you an honest answer if this were /soc/. You know, the board meant for this kind of stuff.
Jow Forums is not the place for these threads so I'm going to have to report you.

Dunno. Post a picture of yourself.


You're not ugly, but definitely not pretty.

Why are you even on Jow Forums? You seem youngish. This site is just poison for mind and soul

Ugly if girl. Hot if well-endowed trap.

Too tall to be a goblin.

would wife

She looks sad. Like she's just been crying.