Karl Marx BTFO

This is getting ridiculous. Just stop. JUST STOP.

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meanwhile in Germany

(btw this is ISIS tier, bongs)

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Why is it still standing?

fucking krauts make me sick

Why is the Lenin statue in Seattle still standing?

>Why is it still standing?
Because it's made of fucking adamantium or something

>Why is the Lenin statue in Seattle still standing?
Because it's a privately-owned statue standing on private property.

fuck off kike loving roach

Pepsi state

>just stop. JUST STOP
Ah, I see what you did there my British friend. It's like rape, NO means YES.
You cheeky bastard


>sponsored by China
top kek and they worry about russian subversion.

Why doesn't the capitalists protest for the removal of a monument of a man that has done nothing for society?

if double ill take a sledgehammer to his face

Do Brits need loicenses for hammer drills now or why the fuck is it still standing?

dang. another time prehaps

It's also for sale why have we not raised the funds to buy it and cut it up for scrap?

marx did nothing wrong

What do you expect from brainless Kraut sheep? Hegel made you all bottombitches for the Nannystate. Kraut's couldn't wipe their own asses without a government-approved policy and procedures manual. Add WW2 guilt and I'm amazed Germany hasn't gone full Jonestown. The true OG-cucks. Been licking state boot for centuries.

>Because it's a privately-owned statue standing on private property.
Imagine the irony when the Statue of Lenin is allowed to exist because of private property.

Hey, good job London!

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German science is za greatest za vorld!

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(((cucknadian))) sure does have a hard time controlling his hatred for Germany

>Imagine the irony when the Statue of Lenin is allowed to exist because of private property.
It's not a monument to Lenin, though. It's just a statue that someone who isn't a communist is trying to preserve, so that future generations can see what they looked like

Because the owner of the grave charges 5 pounds per visit to pay for upkeep.

because spending time money on a pissing contest with brain-damaged communists isn't an efficient way to distribute resources.

I like it better this way

>This is getting ridiculous. Just stop. JUST STOP.

eat shit commie lover


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>ISIS tier
1) erasing history because the moon god can't handle competition.
2) Vandalising some tard-level 'philosophers' statue to draw attention to his theories' (which is currently in play all over the wester world) consequences.
Hmmmm, bigthink.exe

>Grade-1 listed monument
What did they mean by this

>What did they mean by this
A grade-1 listed building can't be destroyed or altered. At least, not legally.

You can look at that one as war trophy.

It means that even in death, men are not equal.

>all the muzzies acid attacking people on the streets
>no one acid attacks a metal sculpture of this bearded fuck

>brits measure money in weight
Fucking retarded like how they drive on the wrong side of the road

Why? Because some sissy faggot is in power for a few years? Is that why I'm a cuck? Germans have been the niggers of Europe for 60 years. At least I can walk around my city without fear of some shitskin raping and killing me. In a few years Trudeau will be a footnote. Germany, and Scandinavia for that matter, will be a caliphate. You're in no position to throw stones Teemu. Clean up your own fuckin backyard.

Because people who destroy historic monuments are pathetic. Jow Forums is so hypocritical. Flip their shit when sjws destroy confederate history. Cheer on the destruction of a leftist statue

>hey let's vandalize the grave of a man who died over a hundred years ago & didn't even witness the events of the following century & the bastardization of his ideology due to infighting
>a good idea
*sigh gonna *sigh
Pic related, a frenly reminder to all y'all!

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>import tons of Poles to be plumbers
>be surprised when they don't like (((Marx)))

Feel the digits Finnigger.

>sigh gonna sigh

imagine being this much of a fucking nigger

Of course it should get smashed up. Dream of doing it myself but I don't like London (Highgate) because it's full of niggers

>cucknadian thinks cucknada has better demographics than Germany or Scandinavia (which Finland is not part of btw)
Breddy fucking hilarious. Your demographics are irreversible and so is JewSa. Unless of course if you're a civic nationalist cuckold and love based black christian niggers

>Vandalised with boomer-tier slogans
yeah this is great, top job lads

next time replace the bust with a paper mache jew.png

Because they'll build 10 more with the money they get, retard

>Since 1959
What happened in 1959?
Also nice heils.

It did get acid attacked a few weeks ago iirc.

All Grade-1 monuments need to be destroyed in order to restore equality. Real equality has never been tried before

Just twice, like ever or today?

Hate to agree with the leaf, but he's right. Either it's all okay or none of it is.

I would piss on a communist statue as well
But there are none left

>Cheer on the destruction of a leftist statue

fuck your guilt trip you communist faggot, you rips our shit down we're coming after yours now, eat shit

I'd spraypaint a large dick on that statue desu with you my red friend

>A statue commemorating the hero of my enemies is destroyed
I don't see the problem here

Just a random number. Nothing historical implied. I could've said 75 or 200. Post-WW2 Germany in general has been pure nigger-tier. The roots of that niggardry go back to Hegel at least.


>this is a valid argument
Try visiting the Kuopio University Hospital sometime.

total degeneracy level

How do Hitler statues never get vandalised?
Really makes you think.

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im not making an argument u spastic, im insulting you for talking like a nigger

curb your autism

because he was unironically the most important and saintly man of the past century desu

Hitler is that you. I know you're hiding somewhere

Lmfao. Hitler statues? What fuckin planet do you live on? You can't possibly be this retarded, even for a limey.

Based Chink.

No someone twatted it with a hammer, so it has hammer Marx in it now.


do none of you mongs own a truck with a winch?
tear that shit down

>do none of you mongs own a truck with a winch?
How are you going to get a truck inside the cemetry? Are you going to fly it in with a helicopter?

Do you want to buy the corpse of a fucking asshole? you can put it under your shitty statue.

It's probably a jew that hates Marx because he told the truth.

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>blaming Marx for what other people did long after he was dead
How can someone that retarded.

do you not have roads all over the place inside your cemeteries?

european cemeteries predate cars, chum

I don’t think brits have pickup trucks



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Like poor Hitler.
The Holocaust was made up after Hitler killed himself.
Read Churchill's volumes on the second world war. Not one mention. Because they were written before the big lie

Graffiti is subhuman behavior, but the statements here aren't wrong.

Sounds badly in need of redistribution.

We go to Brighton or cottage to pick up tight man ass

Come the fuck on. I am trying to eat here.

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fuck gommies

germans just cant stop statefagging

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No which Polak did it? Confess now!

Why does he have a private grave? Shouldn't be be in a proletarian mass grave? What a fucking bourgeois oppressor.

^this, historically marxists have been really good at creating mass communal graves

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really upholding that sterling leaf reputation

It’s not good to tear down statues. They need to stand as remembrance for deeds done. In Marx’s case, it should be a reminder of the 262 million deaths by communism. Maybe add a statue next to it of a pile of skulls.

>mfw this was sponsored by China
>mfw Germans constantly cry about how awful Americans treat them
>mfw they meanwhile literally accept communist statues and talk about how socialism "has never been tried"

> a self aware german

bro, I know 2 people from germany.....Im so sorry user.

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Germany would've made a 60 foot statue of Mao's dick if China had paid them to...

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Marx was based and hated shitskins /slav niggers.
What stupid slavs made out of his ideas has nothing to do with it.
That's like blaming airbus for African cargo cults not flying planes.

Oh fuck off , will you?

Im sick of germans shilling BASTE SOCIALISM to the rest of us , fucken degenerate bootlickers

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Dumbass shabbos goy

Now maybe someone could do something about that fucking Lenin statue here in the states?

Times were different back then.
Workers worked over 12 hours a day for pennies while the boss got filthy rich.
In his time we was absolutely right but times changed and workers got more rights and money so he's obviously outdated.