What makes a Jew a Jew?

I've been hearing from you crazy conspiracy theories the Jews aren't real Jews etc. What do you mean by that? They're Jews if they practice Judaism wtf

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A Jewish soul.


>many great and illustrious nations with which this pettifogging little nation cannot possibly be compared, such as the Assyrians, Medes, Persians, Phoenicians, Egyptians, Etruscans and others have passed to eternal rest and entirely disappeared. And even so today, this gens extorris [refugee race], this John Lackland among the nations, is to be found all over the globe, nowhere at home and nowhere strangers. Moreover it asserts its nationality with unprecedented obstinacy and, mindful of Abraham who dwelt in Canaan as a stranger but who gradually became master of the whole land, as his God had promised him (Genesis 17:8), it would like to set foot somewhere and take root in order to arrive once more at a country, without which, of course, a people is like a ball floating in air. Till then, it lives parasitically on other nations and their soil; but yet it is inspired with the liveliest patriotism for its own nation. This is seen in the very firm way in which Jews stick together on the principle of each for all and all for each, so that this patriotism sine patria inspires greater enthusiasm than does any other. The rest of the Jews are the fatherland of the Jew; and so he fights for them as he would pro ara et focis [for hearth and home], and no community on earth sticks so firmly together as does this.

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>It follows from this that it is absurd to want to concede to them a share in the government or administration of any country. Originally amalgamated and one with their state, their religion is by no means the main issue here, but rather merely the bond that holds them together, the point de ralliement [rallying-point], and the banner whereby they recognize one another. This is also seen in the fact that even the converted Jew who has been baptized does not by any means bring upon himself the hatred and loathing of all the rest [of the Jews], as do all other apostates. On the contrary, he continues as a rule to be their friend and companion and to regard them as his true countrymen, naturally with a few orthodox exceptions. … Accordingly, it is an extremely superficial and false view to regard the Jews merely as a religious sect. But if, in order to countenance this error, Judaism is described by an expression borrowed from the Christian Church as “Jewish Confession,” then this is a fundamentally false expression which is deliberately calculated to mislead and should not be allowed at all. On the contrary, “Jewish Nation” is the correct expression. The Jews have absolutely no confession; monotheism is part of their nationality and political constitution and is with them a matter of course.

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>They are and remain a foreign oriental race, and so must be regarded merely as domiciled foreigners. When some twenty-five years ago the emancipation of the Jews was debated in the English Parliament, a speaker put forward the following hypothetical case. An English Jew comes to Lisbon where he meets two men in extreme want and distress; yet it is only in his power to save one of them. Personally to him they are both strangers. Yet if one of them is an Englishman but a Christian, and the other a Portuguese but a Jew, whom will he save? I do not think that any sensible Christian and any sincere Jew would be in doubt as to the answer. But it gives us some indication of the rights to be conceded to the Jews.

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biggest lie is equating religion with race

jew race have jewish racial qualities (look like demons)

jew as practitioner of religion can be any race including jew race

language is messy like that

Wittgenstein didn’t like Judaism, he was gay.

Schizophrenia mixed with Cluster B disorders.

Is Schop pol's official philosopher?

It's about askenazi jews who is mostly khazars and they are not related historically to Israel.

Nice read. I don't disagree with him, and he doesn't sound to me anti-Semitic at all. He's just stating the truth. I agree with him, and Schop wasn't an anti-semite, even after looking at these texts. He isn't calling for the killing or expulsion of Jews, he's just merely stating what everybody knew at the time, that they were a separate nation without a nation.

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kek I triggered this insecure kike into making a thread


A sure sign is they unquestionably support Trump.

Pretty much.

Check Benjamin Freedman speech.

Judaism is a genetic illness. Jews are a biological race of parasites and the only solution to the jewish problem is total physical extermination of the Jewish genotype.

>What makes a Jew a Jew?

Anyone with jewish ancestry.

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Pretty sure Wittgenstein disliked Judaism.

Demon worship

So did Karl Marx. But both were still extremely jewy.

Their white skin

>They're Jews if they practice Judaism
this is literally what the Torah says.. also the diaspora(s) have spread the original 12 tribes throughout the Earth fulfilling God's promise to Abraham that he would make him the father of many nations and his seed would be like the sand in the sea and the stars in the heavens.

They're the only culture that propagates itself through the mother's lineage and mutilates the males to keep them in a cucked, beta mindset.

This "wounded male" persona influences Jewish men to be underhanded and manipulative instead of open and transparent like in other societies.

Also Jews manipulate goyim not because they want to, but because they have to. They have zero direct combat ability, they lack hardiness and resolve- as well as the numbers to properly defend themselves.

So Jews have adopted the use of goy meatshields to subvert and use against their enemies. The USA is basically just Israel's Foreign Legion at this point.

I don't hate Jews. But they must be brought to justice. Banished to Israel and forced to accept infinite niggers would be a fair punishment for them.

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Check'em. HUEHUEHUE.

Jews are not a race, they are a theological entity.
Their claims to be a race are absurd.

Well, from the top down it's mostly a combination of Arab propaganda mixed with revelations.

>Jews are Khazars
So, you have this king in eastern Europe who converts his kingdom to Judaism. So, you had this nation for about 50-70 years or so that officially had Judaism as its state religion... which then converted to Islam. Arabs really latched onto this weird tidbit of history to prove that Jews didn't actually have any connection to Israel.

The problem this has is that there already was a sizable Ashkenazic diaspora in Western Europe at this point as they were dispersed throughout the Roman Empire. Likewise, Jews didn't actually live in substantial numbers in Eastern Europe until the religious conflicts made it risky to be Jewish in the Western countries.

The problem this has with Israel is that the majority of Jews living in Israel aren't actually Ashkenazic -- they're Arab Jews that were pressured to leave after Israel became a thing.

Essentially, Jews aren't real Jews, they're a synagogue of satan. I'm not a theologian, and I really have no idea what it means, or in what context.

>Jews are Jews if they practice Judaism
They're not, though. Jews are Jews if they convert formally, or if they are born into it. Black Israelites? Not Jewish. Why? Because they didn't convert properly, and have no ancestry.

This is also why Indians/Ethiopians who want to move to Israel (B'nei Manashe/B'nei Dan?) have a huge cluster fuck