Why do conservatives believe the Jewish lie that protecting the environment isn't important?

Why do conservatives believe the Jewish lie that protecting the environment isn't important?

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I'm not going to kneecap my life because it'd make the earth end 90 billion years from now instead of 100 billion years from now

Climate change is a scam. The 15 biggest container ships pollute more than every car on earth. And an average of 10,000 containers fall into the pacific per year.

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Because of this, there is now a trash island in the pacific that is bigger than Texas.

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The only way to protect the environment is to stop giving food and medicine to brown people

Americans are happy to outsource our manufacturing base to China so long as we can buy cheap shit.

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because republicans are literal retards

source? this interests me greatly

And America contributed aprox. 2% of that island.....

Why does this get posted all the time yet nobody post an aerial shot of the trash island

Boomers, and rich kids and rich people.
People who never had to struggle or work hard like to talk about shit but in reality rich kids and boomers are basically the most worthless fucks to ever be born on the planet.
Think of the Monty Python sketch about rich kids, then you have the answer right there.

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It’s not an island it’s an area of micro plastic concentration

Both of these problems are solvable. "Changing the climate to what it should be" is much more abstract, and that's why politicians love it. There is no way to instantly prove whether or x policy is fixing the climate--it would take years to do this. So they'll just implement their BS, make a shitload of money, and tell us it's working. And the average person will believe it.

she legitimately looks like a tranny here

Yup. Whites are very environmentally conscious. See this pic

Not to mention they haven't even said what the ideal climate was that we are now changing from.

The issue is that the current rate of CO2 emissions risks a rapid climate shift that we can't deal with, that causes an extinction of many species, decimates crop yields in many regions etc etc. the climate changing slowly to something else isn't really a problem

wasn't it prooved that CO2 plays almost no role in climate shift?


get her fucking horseface outta here, let it drop

No, when did you hear that? It is well established that greenhouse gases play an important role in climate. Its the reason the Moon is freezing and Venus is a hell. Past mass extinctions (Permian, Triassic, Ordovician) are linked to changes in CO2 level. Obviously, its not a perfect correlation because of other factors (like solar activity and the position of the continents) that have an impact. but theres no reason to think putting CO2 into the atmosphere as fast as we are won't have a warming effect

They aren't trying to save the environment. They are just trying to rob us.


Could you MIGA zion rats stop thinking about cock and trannies for 2 minutes?
stop for a fucking moment with all your queer homo closeted cock sucker shit.
good lord yall have a gay cock fetish or something.

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the donkey aint savin the environment GOYIM!!
she is evil GOYIM!!
give another 38 billion to israel and 2.4 trillion to us rich bankers GOYIM!!
rofl ok fag shills of zion and beyond.

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But that doesn't prove that environmental problems are 'fake'. If you are worried about the liberal response to them, the best choice is to find better solutions, not to ignore the problems, because people will become concerned and move to the left.

I doubt that 15 container ships pollute more than the cars on the earth. To turn out that much emissions, those 15 cargo sips would need to burn hundreds of billions of oil each year. The expense of this oil alone would render it financially inefficient to ship via cargo ship. To ship a car from South Korea to the US would cost millions of dollars in fuel costs for the cargo ship alone.

Chinks and Indians are destroying the globe, not us. Having a child is the worst thing you can do to the planet. If she actually cared that much she'd support programs to make third world retards breed less

Wrong, any and all species can deal with a 1 degree change in a rapid time frame. For instance, yesterday, it was 34 degrees, and there were birds and deer in my yard. It is 53 degrees today, and despite this one day change of 20 degrees, the birds nd deer are fine. When it was 3 below zero 2 weeks ago, they were OK. When it was 90 degrees last August, they were also OK.

They literally have the name "New Deal" in their on purpose.
I'm not sure If you realize but you don't need much more than that to realize they've made something that is absolute shit and want people to adopt it so that they can socialize the economy


The economist's "facts" are wrong. There is no way that 15 container ships produce more emissions than all of the world's cars. It is absurdly off the mark. Just because someone writes an article, it doesn't mean that what was written is factually correct.

It specifically mentions nitrogen and sulfur. Nothing at all about CO2. Are you actually retarded?

Could I get an actual photo of the island?

those greenhouse gases you're speaking of is mostly water vapor. not only CO2 doesn't play a mjor role in this, there was this research that measured how an increase in CO2 concentration affects climate change, and it showed that beyond a certain point (which CO2 has surpassed long long ago in our athmosphere) it generates almost no change.

Original claim was that they "pollute more." Nothing about CO2. Are YOU retarded?

>The 15 biggest container ships pollute more than every car on earth.
Container ships pollute more sulfur dioxide than cars, but sulfur pollution is not a big deal and is vastly different from carbon dioxide emissions that cars still emit more of.

>Its the reason the Moon is freezing and Venus is a hell.
The reason these planets are hell is because they have no magnetic field to prevent the atmosphere from turning into shit.

>CO2 doesn't play a mjor role in this

Venus' atmosphere is 95% CO2 and look at how that planet turned out

There are emission regulations on cars but not on container ships, they run on fuel oil rather than petrol which produces insane levels of greenhouse gases and is far cheaper than petrol.

>which produces insane levels of greenhouse gases
They produce a lot of sulfur dioxide which is not a real greenhouse gas, it only causes acid rain in high concentrations. Not really a big problem in the global ocean.

The article is trying to trick you into believing that container ships produce as much CO2 as cars and it seems to have worked on most people.

seeIt mostly has to do with the ocean currents. They form these gyres that cause concentrations of trash.

>Nothing at all about CO2.
CO2 wasn't considered a pollutant until 2009 when the courts decided that it was. Clearly, no one is dying from CO2, so it's just good pilpul, and as a said previously, a scam.

that is devastatingly selfish, you're worse than a trillion hitlers.

lol shit you guys ran into some thinkers

>Health risks of shipping pollution have been 'underestimated'

"The setting up of a low emission shipping zone follows US academic research which showed that pollution from the world's 90,000 cargo ships leads to 60,000 deaths a year and costs up to $330bn per year in health costs from lung and heart diseases. The US Environmental Protection Agency estimates the buffer zone, which could be in place by next year, will save more than 8,000 lives a year with new air quality standards cutting sulphur in fuel by 98%, particulate matter by 85% and nitrogen oxide emissions by 80%.

The new study by the Danish government's environmental agency adds to this picture. It suggests that shipping emissions cost the Danish health service almost £5bn a year, mainly treating cancers and heart problems. A previous study estimated that 1,000 Danish people die prematurely each year because of shipping pollution. No comprehensive research has been carried out on the effects on UK coastal communities, but the number of deaths is expected to be much higher."

Source: theguardian.com/environment/2009/apr/09/shipping-pollution

Turning the air to poison is more of a threat to us right now than greenhouse gases.

I'll show you a livestream of it. Go into your bathroom and look above the sink.

And, it all came from India and China

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>Health risks of shipping pollution have been 'underestimated'
>60,000 deaths a year
>0.001% of global deaths

Guys, sulfur dioxide pollution is not a problem. Stop being a bunch of fucking retards

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The world's biggest container ships have 109,000 horsepower engines which weigh 2,300 tons.

Each ship expects to operate 24hrs a day for about 280 days a year

There are 90,000 ocean-going cargo ships

Shipping is responsible for 18-30% of all the world's nitrogen oxide (NOx) pollution and 9% of the global sulphur oxide (SOx) pollution.

One large ship can generate about 5,000 tonnes of sulphur oxide (SOx) pollution in a year

70% of all ship emissions are within 400km of land.

85% of all ship pollution is in the northern hemisphere.

Shipping is responsible for 3.5% to 4% of all climate change emissions

Triggered tranny

>0.001% of global deaths
It's more than the global deaths caused by CO2--zero.

No one on this board is "conservative" this is a natsoc board. National socialism is the highest form of environmental care and protection

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You’re an actual retard

don't let the australian get to it

>lol there's billions of niggers so why do you care about people being poisoned in first world countries
Go home schlomo

We need to invest in clean genocide technology.

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>And an average of 10,000 containers fall into the pacific per year.
Lol. I wonder if any of them had illegal aliens cooped up inside.

That's a compliment you retard. Hiter was the good guy.

I don’t buy that cheap shit tho

Phunny rabbit. What happens when I don't get my oatmeal? The people of Waterloo deserve an answer.

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so then you're less than a trillion times good.

Everyone agrees protecting the environment is important. Where there's disagreement today is whether the solution is making the UN a repressive communist world government because of some weird unsubstantiated pseudoscience.

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Believing in climate change isn't protecting the environment, In the west we have fairly tough laws on actual pollution, we have little work to do. Others need to catch up and we shouldn't have to pay for it, we already did once.

Big companies are pushing the left to be as obnoxious as they can about enviornmental politics so retards get baiting into being contrairan against everything and suck big oils dick.