Threads designed to discuss regional politics.
Daily reminder that Estonian ellections are very soon, make memes, and contribute, to the cause.
NEWS NEWS IN LATVIA Latvian, Armenian presidents note necessity to continue strengthening political, economic cooperation /latvian__armenian_presidents_note_necessity_to_continue_strengthening_political__economic_cooperation/ NEWS IN ESTONIA Five Estonian parties holding election debate in Stockholm /five_estonian_parties_holding_election_debate_in_stockholm/ NEWS IN LITHUANIA Lithuania marks 101st Independence Day /lithuania_marks_101st_independence_day/ NEWS IN FINLAND Crimes against humanity, harassing journalists, and lawnmower racing - Finland in the World Press /world-int/world-news/finland-in-the-world-press/16199-crimes-against-humanity-harassing-journalists-and-lawnmower-racing-finland-in-the-world-press.html
SONGS /watch?v=1nehkhIOa-0 /watch?v=GOXgV5vCGlA /watch?v=3_d7UTXB_pY /watch?v=AjxhWKKfXPQ
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February 16, 2019 - 17:35
February 16, 2019 - 17:58
Inb4 Estonian nigger poster
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February 16, 2019 - 17:58
There is one Estonian guy on Jow Forums who posts Ebony girls all the time, he has a fetish for Black woman, he is called ''Estonian oil driller guy''
February 16, 2019 - 18:00
I blame the Wehrmacht soldiers for giving our grandparents too much chocolate.
February 16, 2019 - 18:02
kēk, but just for the sake of Russian butthurt we must continue SS veteran marches, they get absolutely buttblasted every single year. :D
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February 16, 2019 - 18:04
ERR will also host another English language debate on the 18th. Not sure if anyone but me even watched the last one kek. Also there was news recently of Estonian and Russian representatives meeting to talk about things. One of those things happened to be our border pact. Our government is very happy to sign away our territories at the moment and keeps saying it's in the best interests of both countries. Fucking disgusting.
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February 16, 2019 - 18:05
They're stupid enough to think that Russia will attack only because the borders remain disputed
February 16, 2019 - 18:09
They gave away Abrene, to Russia, fucking dipshits. >:(
February 16, 2019 - 18:11
Lithuanian Independence day today bros, it's a good day
February 16, 2019 - 18:11