How could you talk with your boyfriend about weird potentially creepy sexual fantasies you may have?

how could you talk with your boyfriend about weird potentially creepy sexual fantasies you may have?
especially when it comes to roleplay

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Honestly. Pussyfooting and lying is not gonna be productive, in fact that might even confuse him.

Depends what they are.

some of them are sort of creepy like I said, some would be borderline rape roleplay type stuff
you know, tying him up and he pretends he doesn't want it
I don't know how to bring that up with him though in a way that wouldn't sound creepy as fuck

You need to just be clear and up front about it. I'd probably bail, but you'd want to find that out as painlessly as possible, no?

yeah for sure
we haven't been dating for all that long but I really like him for who he is
he just doesn't sexually satisfy me

Yeah you gotta talk with him about that.

yeah I know
when and how should I bring it up?

Not right before or during sex.
Bring it up by saying
>I would like to do some rape roleplay.

Are you a fag?

I'm female, with tiddies and everything

Post them

But for real, just have a chat about trying new things in bed; he can have his input, and you can start with the mildest stuff you can think of. That would be much more productive than keeping it wrapped up inside.

Is your guy somewhat submissive by the way?

he likes to be the little spoon but honestly I don't know if he likes to be submissive otherwise
he's not a feminine guy or anything

Sounds like he isn't an overt dom.

Get him talking about what he wants to try in bed, then go for the mildest shit that would get you closer to your wants and needs. Bit of luck and you might set him up on a slippery slope. Godspeed and remember to post tits or GTFO

>only dating for a little bit
>Doesn't sexually satisfy
>Be having fucked up fetishes

Kiss that relationship bye lmao

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y'all want B cups that badly? Go to PornHub
also thanks :-)


Use your mouth and talk to him like an adult you cunt

> goes to Jow Forums
> doesn't expect to get asked tits or GTFO

Maybe in summer, but it's winter now and the school's are still open sweetie


trust me I fully expected it

>how do I talk to my boyfriend about fantasies
>talk to him

top fucking tier advice

Well what else do you expect? How the fuck you gonna find out if he's down to get raped if you don't ask him?

first of all I'm not OP
but second of all yeah of course OP should ask him but the question was how not whether or not she should do it

Don't do this with a bf you really want to stay with. They will start treating you different. Your creepy sexual fantasies are best realized with a guy you aren't emotionally attached to. Best if done when you are single, however the intensity dramatically increases if you are in love with a guy and with him your fantasies discretely realized with another guy. Your mind and body goes into overload with shame and guilt.

If you cant be open with your SO why are you bothering with dating them?

Here's the deal: it's a two way street. He might be completely vanilla, or he might be into creepy sexual stuff that you aren't into. For example, I'm into submission and chastity, but he's into rimming and hypnosis. Once you've opened Pandora's box, you can't really shut it again. He might feel awkward including/not including your fetishes and you might feel awkward including/not including your partner's. So step one is accept that, or stay vanilla. One thing you can do is to ask him if there's something he's always wanted to try. Invite him to open up, and he'll more likely than not, invite you to open up. Depending how receptive he seems, tell him what you want. Start small, then build on that foundation that exploring can be fun and exciting. You aren't getting to bondage rape in one sitting, but you might start off with light bondage (handcuffs), or submission (rape is just unwilling submission, get him to act shy/nervous as you are aggressive. Slowly approach this one). Additionally consider if your sexual satisfactions are due to a lack of romance as opposed to a lack of fetish. That was my original thought: this fetish turns me on, but after getting what I wanted, it still didn't feel satisfying. Really _he_ is the one to turn me on, not my fetishes (which are fun and can help, but is not core to my satisfaction). Maybe that's not the case with you, but romantic outings did a lot more than bathroom control did for me.

post tits

Post handwriting.

The fuck ? I do borderline BDSM with my girlfirend , but we can also do romantic seks , or seks in the car , on whatever the fuck we want, it depend of the mood. But I surely can attach my girl to the bed and sh'ell moan like hell.

OP, I don't know where the fuck you from but I can surely be raped by you if you want, I can even pretend to be dead haha

playing dead is a huge turn on
the ultimate control of a man's body

I sound like Jeffrey Dahmer lol

Zoinks. I worry for your bf.

I'm not gonna kill anyone lol

So you want him to do the ol dead starfish and you are into that?

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Are you German by any chance

you type like a literal murderer

Are you german by any chance


sorta yeah

candid of me

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my advice is to break up with your bf and see a therapist because wanting to fuck a dead body is fucked up

chill it's roleplay dude
I wanna fuck someone PRETENDING to be dead
not an actual dead guy

Can't you get almost the same thing with a hair brush and some pillows?

why do people have sex at all when they could get the same thing with their hand

Because of the responsive breathing person whomst at least gives you feedback etc

bruh he finna be breathing
he's not actually gonna be dead!!!

Helpless is a better term then
>No gf to cuff me

Would you be able to do anything but ride him and give him head? It just seems like it really cuts down on what you'll be able to do.

just riding him and slapping him around a bit is good enough for me

no but the whole point is that he doesn't even struggle
like I don't even have to cuff him
he's just completely limp

I do have sorta rapey fantasies like I said in a comment way up there but those are seperate from the dead guy ones

I think you'd better tell us about some of the former
For advice purposes

Personally that's pretty hot for me, as a dude. Not sure about anyone else

Not me. I like being in control too much. I like to fuck my gf in several positions during our sessions. And I really, really like going down her because she tastes sweet. I would be a little upset if I just had to lay there

Yeah, having a girl that's into this is fantasy-tier.

>I do have sorta rapey fantasies

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good, I like you

you too
any guy who would let me do that would have to be so beautifully submissive
not many guys would lol

yeah if it's not obvious already lol

ever hear the expression
"baby im tri, ill try anything"