So was Amazon pulling out of New York bad for FAANG or did it show that tech companies have all the power? (being willing to walk away from the deal as Trump says)
So was Amazon pulling out of New York bad for FAANG or did it show that tech companies have all the power...
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Amazon definitely came out ahead.
Before, it was 50,000 jobs at the expense of some tax breaks. Now New Yorkers get nothing thanks to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and some other city will benefit from the headquarters
Cities shouldn't be spending taxpayer money to bait billion dollar companies into "creating" jobs.
>Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
How is this commie still in office?
My city welcomes Amazon. Always had.
> or did it show that tech companies have all the power?
How did you get to a completely opposite conclusion ? People in NYC told Amazon to fuck off after they figured out about the deal.
It shows that the whole competition between cities where they made stupid videos to compete for Amazon's HQ2 was nothing but a PR stunt.
Brah, this is NYC, population 8.5 million, this is not some small town in the middle of the desert.
Amazon just goes somewhere else where they want the jobs. New York's image as a place good for business for future companies looking to relocate is tarnished.
That's a valid point user. But it's hard to stop idiot politicians trying to do everything to get moneh or re-election. I hope they learn something for the next time.
>muh big apple
>muh 8 gorillion
That typical New Yorker hubris.
40 years ago New York was a crime ridden shithole on the verge of bankruptcy that had to get bailed out by bankers. It could easily go back to being that way with current attitudes.
I am fine with the current numbers. The rent is already too high and subway way crowded. Most big tech companies are already here at some capacity anyway.
> with current attitudes
Why does a good attitude require a 3 billion dollar incentive ? Other big companies have been coming to NYC without any of that.
They'll probably end up in my city. I'm fine with that, but I'm not looking forward to the influx of faggots from California.
They all get deals to
Literally how does she still have a political career. People cannot be this stupid. Even MSNBC is trashing her now.
3 billion dollar tax incentive for 27 billion in potential wage tax revenue over next 10 years, not even counting the tax Amazon itself would eventually pay.
>Other big companies have been coming to NYC without any of that.
Yeah but for long now that the city has shown itself to be more concerned with pleasing far left wing activists than attracting business to the city? Same reason companies are running away screeching from SF -- the city is more concerned with left wing social policy and NIMBYism than development.
Big retarded move by New Yorkers, the 3 billion in insentives would have easily been paid off in 6-10 years, and in the long run the city would have made a gigantic profit. Crazy how the (((financial capital of the world))) managed to fuck up this investment so badly
>advocating for more jewry while unironically mocking jews
interesting choice retard
>biggest company in the world wants to invest in your city
>will create thousands of high-paying white collar jobs injecting billions into the local economy annually
>chimpout because muh small businesses run by incompetent minorities will go out of business slightly faster than usual
new york just took another step down the road to venezuela (and that's a good thing)
>defending left wingers crying about gentrification (aka too many white people moving in and making neighorboods livable)
>calling other people jewish
Over 10 years they stood to make 27billion in payroll taxes...
For a $3billion concession.
Now they get nothing.
Occasional Cortex thought the $3billion was somehow coming out of NY coffers, rather than just not being paid into them. She is still spruiking that she saved NYC $3 billion dollars...
Is she actually a retard? Honest question.
>paying taxes
Don't congresspeople usually try to bring jobs to their districts rather than scare them away? Is this the birth of a new type of meme politician?
It's a sign of things to come.
Young people are gonna flood congress and the house once all the walking corpses die off.
The downside of such a large company moving into a town or small city and creating loads of jobs is you essentially create a company town that is entirely dependent on that company staying around in order to survive. If one day in the future Amazon decides to pack up and move again or by some weird turn of event Amazon goes under or even simply undergoes a large downsizing that town will be economically devastated.
It happened in Detroit when the various auto manufacturers moved out. Having Amazon in your town or city is a temporary boon but it is also a huge liability, a ticking time bomb.
Also consider in addition to the massive local unemployment there's also the problem of the facility. This 2nd HQ will no doubt be very large and it's hard to find buyers for such larger parcels of land. There are problems in towns across the country selling off larger former department store or other super-store plots. The buildings are often left abandoned and have to be demolished at the cities' expense then the plot typically has to be split and then cleaned up to make it attractive for people to begin to move in. In a town economically devastated by Amazon's departure this is virtually impossible.
In other words, the risks of taking Amazon in are far greater in the long-run than the reward so as far as I'm concerned Amazon can fuck the hell off and stay away from my neck of the woods thank you very much.
Her entire district is illegal aliens and various shades of brown given refugee status and chain migration green cards by King Nigger. They'll vote for a fellow brown promising free shit until the sun explodes.
You're an utter mongrel retard. We don't fucking want them you nigger we want our transportation fixed and to slow the gentrification
>slow the gentrification
You probably believe everything in that image
Gentrification is literally a left wing word for "too many white people and not enough violent crime and graffiti"
And you're calling other people niggers?
She's not even a full on socialist bro. And people vote for her because they like her I guess.
No it's just for too many white people. It's changing areas and making their cost of living go up, forcing out longtime residents due to rising rent costs. But I'm sure you haven't experienced that
It's literally a human geography term
>She's not even a full on socialist bro
She made the news 3-4years ago for claiming to be full blown Che Guevara tier commie. It's hilarious that she isn't even full blown socialist now.
You guys are fuckin retards please don't comment on places you don't live in. That neighborhood is pretty white as is. It's extremely expensive to live there, it's waterfront right across from Manhattan and Amazon moving there would increase costs further. OTHER white people don't want their rent to be increased and shit either. People even preemptively increased rent already
Source? Smells like bullshit. Though even if she did say she's a communist, it doesn't fucking matter, she's not. Ask actual communists. She's a social democrat. It's like you people have never read anything in your life. How do you not know these middle school tier political terms? You're no better than dumbass lefties who call every right winger a nazi.
What is it with the left and only being happy when surrounded by poverty and violent crime? Is it so they have something to occupy their mind bitching about?
>slow the gentrification
So you want to go back the NYC of the 1970s is what you're telling me?
They're going there regardless, I'm just enjoying the show.
Go back to*
Nobody wanted Amazon here, kill yourself. Only uneducated people shrugged and thought "sure." Every demographic of people I've come across opposed it
Just don't want it to be more expensive than it is to live here
Take your bait elsewhere. American conservatism is a disease
>tfw you solve your citty's gentrification and transportation problem in one fell swoop by making it a shithole that nobody wants to live in a la Detroit
How does that solve the transportation problem? There's no problem it's just old and dirty
Violent crime in NYC has been on the decline and when you adjust for population you'll find violent crime to be below the national average. I believe NYC ranks the 10th safest city or something like that.
Yeah okay NYC is gonna have a lot more crime compared to East Bumblefuck Oklahoma or wherever the hell you're from but so will any city just because there are more people. Either way as someone who lives relative close to NYC and goes to the city periodically I can tell you you're full of shit. It's not the violent hellhole you'd have everyone believe it is. You'd know that if you ever stepped out of your basement instead of spouting ridiculous claptrap you heard on Jow Forums or some other equally shit source.
No people want to live or work there -> no congestion -> no transportation problems associated with high daily use
It's not the violent hellhole it was in the 70s and 80s because of the very gentrification you're complaining about lol.
>or did it show that tech companies have all the power?
Any corporation has all the power when unemployment is high and the exact inverse is true. Why do you think so much corporate money is spent lobbying for increased immigration?
I'm not the same guy whose arguing with you about gentrification and I don't hold very strong opinions on the subject in general.
Well they couldn't have a non jewish big bussiness in New York of all places could they?
>New York in the 1970s
lol wtf, crazy shit
I mean, I've seen examples of every part of that table. Don't act like you haven't
God how I wish new york can go back to the sleazy city it originally was. Filled with bars, betting parlours, dealers, whore houses etc. Now the only appeal is extremely high taxes, no guns, shitty views and exorbitant rent.
regulations fuck everything up.
What tax payer money was NY going to give to amazon? Please don't tell me you are referring to the 3 billion in tax abatements.
You now realize that Times Square had several porno theaters in it during the 1970s. Based and redpilled.
Yes, yes, good goy. Keep fighting against those pesky regulations so I can run my business and make more money!
yes goy keep fighting for regulations that only effect small businesses, putting them out of business and making us an unnatural monopoly by the removal of all potential competition, therefore making me more money
>that only effect small businesses
kys moron
>Smells like bullshit
It actually isn't.
>it doesn't fucking matter, she's not
Because your emotions makes it not true?
>She's a social democrat.
Now she is, since it's more palatable for her current party. (Rumor us that she'll be back on the "Communist" platform as an independent soon).
>You're no better than dumbass lefties who call every right winger a nazi.
I enjoyed your mental breakdown user. I'm guessing that you voted her an actual "ex-communist"/current socialist Democrat into power. You did this to yourself, and retards like you need to be shot.
Well at least she tries to be pretty, and cnn only shows how she's just a goof instead of negatively reporting on her.
In NYC you can literally buy votes with government money.
>implying Amazon pays taxes and that Amazon would have hired people from Jew York instead of importing shitskins from third world countries
because the next election isn't until 2020?
He probably means back to the 1920s you filthy libtard. The 70s was when shit really went down with that faggot LBJ allowing companies to import non Whites into America, and the normalizing of non Whites.
>the tax Amazon itself would eventually pay.
>amazon paying taxes
>It's changing areas and making their cost of living go up, forcing out longtime residents due to rising rent costs.
And there's literally nothing wrong with that. "Cost" is a self-regulating mechanism that facilitates efficient use of resources. Low-efficiency residents should move elsewhere to make way for high-efficiency residents. It's arrogant and stupid to think that some politicians or journalists can figure out how to allocate resources better than the solution that's crowdsourced from tens of thousands of individual transactions.
NYC is still number 1 in financial services, and that won't change anytime soon, they don't need to suck amazon's dick
>federal income tax is the only tax
You can pretend all you want but protectionist policies don't keep prices down. They do what they always do, artificially inflate prices. Look at San Fransisco. Rent control for 3 generations and no one can build or knock down shit. Did it prevent gentrification? Maybe sort of. Did it keep the cost of living down? Maybe if you're blind.
It's the best of both worlds: prices go up and the city stays a shithole. I'd rather just have prices go up and at least the streets get cleaned up.
>slow the gentrification
Let me guess, you don't actually own a home in New York, you're just a travelling merchant paying rent there and pretending like you should have a say
I live in Brooklyn where most "long-term" residents are West Indian immigrants from the past couple of decades. Why should people who displaced other long-term residents be given special protections?
Not him, but income tax is the one that pays for all the welfare and entitlements, and shit such as building roads.
> but income tax is the one that pays for all the welfare and entitlements
60% of the spending in your chart is funded by FICA tax, not income tax.
>don't make our neighborhoods nicer and wealthier because I can't afford it anyway
t. never had a paycheck in life
How does a small company survive a $15 minimum wage? Amazon can thanks to their huge income. What about licenses and permits? Do you know how much that costs? A small business can't be in the taxi industry or even sell food on the sidewalks without paying absurd amounts of money. What about enviromental regulation? Do you think small business owners easily can afford enviromental lawyers?
>It actually isn't
Then cite your sources. I looked into (even though the burden of proof is on you) and I've found nothing.
>Because your emotions makes it not true?
It has nothing to do with emotions, it's about facts™. She does not support collective ownership of property. She does not support abolishing capitalism and having a planned economy. Since she does not support these things, she is not a communist.
>Now she is, since it's more palatable for her current party
Ahh, so you're saying that she rolled back her views to appeal to the people. I still haven't seen evidence for this.
>I enjoyed your mental breakdown user
What did I do to suggest a mental breakdown? And why did you say this in response to the quoted portion above it? It doesn't relate.
>I'm guessing that you voted her an actual "ex-communist"/current socialist Democrat into power
I don't vote.
> at least she tries to be pretty
She's alright, kinda weird eyes though.
Most full-time, permanent employees already make more than $15/hr in NYC. 90% of the people getting minimum wage are either part-timers like students or people just starting out.
It's ok libtard/commie/non White/illegal you did an ok job trying to come off as a right wing/conservative but you fucked up. Trump is president now you don't have to take your anger out on hard working people. You'll still get your welfare check even if you're not alive and human. *pats your back*
It was good for Canadian software developers - more jobs in couver and ronto
That's just plain embarrassing.
>She's not even a full on socialist bro
>Though even if she did say she's a communist, it doesn't fucking matter, she's not. Ask actual communists.
Lul. Castro, Xi, and Stalin also weren't full blown communist/socialists bro, and there technically haven't been any full blown communist nations.
Aren't you against guns?
>most new yorkers supported the deal
>most LIC residents supported the deal
>most low-income residents supported the deal
>most politicians supported the deal
>studies show that rent will not significantly increase in LIC
>30B in tax revenue when the city is losing more tax revenue each year
>tax revenue that supports transportation and programs
The majority of people opposed were high-income white collar workers. So now we're back to >we know better than poor people and everyone else too
The proposed site is literally on an abandoned plastic factory in an area that is majority industrialized.
Thank god the abandoned plastic factory was saved - where would it go when it was gentrified out of LIC?
>payroll taxes
You're a retard. Those taxes get paid by the salaries Amazon gives out.
it proves taxation based on borders is silly when the borders can be gamed
That dumb cunt LMAOC thought NYC was going to GIVE $3billion to Amazon, and that she "saved the money from being given to amazon" that fucking idiot.
THIS is who people voted in, a bitch that's so fucking dumb that she doesn't understand how taxes work, how tax breaks work.. she literally thinks NYC was going to GIVE Amazon $3billion
How is it possible to be that fucking stupid? How does she even put on her shoes in the morning?
Now if only NY would have the balls to fire 50% of the poo in it cabs that are shitting up the city driving like shit double parking on busy roads etc and being the real cause of the insane congestion.
Number 1 in industry for the 1%. Ironically amazon would have brought more middle class salaries into the mix and would have been healthier for the city. NY is just like the bougie shitholes of commiefornia. The elite ruling over an increasingly poor bottom class.
The ones I see peddling this shit the most are whites policing other whites and minorities who don't think the way they're supposed it. If you have such a problem with it maybe you should take it up with the white community
l e g i s l a t o r
You humongous faggot.
lmao what is this from? I'm guessing its a mexican SF raid on a cartel house?
>nicolas cage was responsible for NYC declining crime rates
Best part of being a smooth-brained zoomer is that you can pretend your bullshit is fact. Keep it inside your containment box.
>muhh commie boogey man
>facts end where my bullshit begins
>a single congress woman unravelled a deal while the local politicians, unions, community organization and district conatituents had absolutely no say of the matter
Imagine being this much a loose jaw moron (and believe it too).