I'm a 27 year old man and I think I'm in love with girl who's 10 years younger than me. I've known her for more than a year and she seems to like me as well. Our mutual friends have joked about us being an item several times, saying we would be very cute together. She's very mature for her age. Neither of us has made any advances, probably since we're both uncomfortable with the difference in age. I'm not sexually attracted to her, this is purely emotional, but it still feels weird.
It feels wrong engaging a romantic relationship with someone who's so young.
I feel like the best option would be to let the infatuation die. The only problem is that this would require me to cut her off and stop talking to her completely. I really like her and this would break my heart.
17 year olds are basically children. She's going to change so much over the next 5+ years, I hope you're not actually entertaining the thought of a long term relationship with her.
Jackson Morris
If you have to talk about how somebody is "mature for their age" then you should not be dating them.
Joseph Anderson
I'm also 27 dating a 20 year old. It's caused no problems, granted she works as a nursery attendant at the local church and never went to a 4 year college. If she's highly ambitious or feels like she got cheated out of slutting it up in college the age Gap might add strain but if you found a girl worth get salt it won't matter.
Leo Taylor
>Women are basically children Ftfy
Gavin Johnson
Wow, so clever
Cooper Cruz
Yes, you're probably right. It's unrealistic for me to think this could last, even if we did get together. She will not be the same person in 5 years.
Thanks for your insight.
Jaxon Robinson
then you are either unmature or just wana get your dick wet i dont believe you for a second about sexually not attracted we are all dirty dirty perverts and want to do unspeakable things to young women, its natural
Michael Perez
I am definitely not as mature as people my age, so that might be it. However, I swear that I do not care about having sex at all. A friend says I'm asexual, but I don't know. I only masturbate once a month, and I absolutely hate doing it. I've had sex with several girls, because they wanted to, but I really didn't like it.
Eli Scott
I feel for you. I'm 5 years senior my gf (25 and 20) and can't imagine how much worse it'd be if our gap was double that. She's awesome but it's definitely true that people change a fuckton in their 20's, and at 17, that girls' not going to be the same person she is a month ago bruh.
If it's meant to be: wait. Stay in touch and be good to her. You don't want to be the guy that made a move on a "but she'd super mature guys" 17 year old who later gets shocked at being taken advantage of by "an older creep." You want to be the guy that helped her become a decent 20 year old who later makes her choice too in whether you guys are compatible as partners. I've seen it happen both ways.
Elijah Lewis
>She's mature for her age unironically what every pedoshitter says.
Don't take the risk user. There's enough fish in the sea and if you wanna blow it all on someone who has a huge risk of getting your mutuals and others to permanently see you as a pedophile go for it.
Chase Bennett
if you can wait for a year or two let her mature, than maybe you can try it but for the love of god don't do it now... she is too young
Isaac Harris
>27 yo dude wants to date a 17 yo teen What for? You can't have much in common with her and she is still very young and there is no way this relationship would last or wouldn't fuck her up solidly.
Benjamin Rogers
You're better off remaining friends, letting said infatuation die, and do your own thing romantically speaking for a few years. These next few years are pivtol for her and she will grow more if she isn't dating an older man then. Give it a few years. If you still feel the same by the time she's 21 or so? Go for it.
David Lewis
I'm in the same situation only I'm 21 and she's 17 Can't tell if it's just my dick clouding my judgement but she honestly seems lime wife material and seems into ms but im hesitant to ask her out in case she/others think im too old
Is 21 and 17 that bad?
Dominic Robinson
You’re nothing but a fucking pedophile. I know a girl who’s 17 and her boyfriend is 27 and it’s not a healthy relationship and it’s fucking gross. Either castrate yourself or find someone your own age you disgusting creep.
Jacob Cruz
I honestly would leave it alone. I know it's tempting and you've probably spent a lot of time fantasizing about her but the reality is like other anons have said, 17 years old.. she's going to go through some huge personality/lfiestyle changes especially if she's going off to college. Not really conducive for a long term relationship and I'm sure she isn't all that interested in settling down. Even if she is, all she has to do is meet a Chad around her age and that shit with you can go out the window. Sorry to be cynical but guys like you are a novelty for girls that young.You (supposedly) have money, a job, but if you're working full time you can't keep up with the demands of a 17-year old. She can outmove you, outfuck you, and has a lot more time to get into shenanigans. Also once the novelty of the relationship wore off and you saw the reality you would realize it's hard to relate to her in many ways and that she probably would annoy you, not to mention the external societal pressure. A nearly 30-year-old and a teen isn't exactly a popular matchup. Sorry OP hoping to spare you a lot of pain by giving you a little now
Camden Taylor
Yes, date in your age range and not statutory rape
Gavin Green
Riding on the OP, what are our thoughts on a man in his early 20s dating a woman in her 30s.
It is because that isn't the age of consent. The age of consent is the age at which we as a society agree a person is old enough to engage in sexual activity, and if you break that rule you are committing the most heinous crime imaginable, which is sexually abusing a child.
Hudson Russell
Probably should wait till she is at least 18
Juan Morgan
That sure is a well sourced graph backed up by facts.
Easton Adams
I was just talking with my mom about this, she said it would be perfectly fine but I find it so wrong, shit i even question the 22 y/o I'm seeing right now am 27 too
Jonathan Taylor
my mum always laughs at older guys chasing younger girls especially fake ones who claim its not because they want to pound fresh pussy but because muh feels
Bentley Carter
oh shit OP i'm in the same situation I'm 27 and a 18 yo girl seems really into me, I like her but it sounds a bit wrong too, it's legal tho She's a virgin and never had a bf, so if it doesn't go well, I'd feel obligated to stay with her I don't want to hurt her
Jose Rivera
t. Roastie Wait til she's 18 then marry her, you lucky dog.
Julian Johnson
lol it's just because she's old and jealous of young beauties
Xavier Hall
Based Seething 27-35 year old Roasties ITT
Ethan Lewis
Enjoy jail faggot
Lincoln Garcia
Everyone saying that she's going to change a lot is absolutely correct. If you don't take this 18 year old as your wife and pound conservative values into her, she's gonna go to college and become another liberal whore. Now you have to wait until she's 18 but you would not only be doing this girl a huge favour and saving her from a life of heartbreak and dozens of shitty boyfriends with Hispanic names, you'd also be saving this country by adding one less liberal voter to the registry.
Andrew Barnes
She will change even if he marries her at 18 and conditions her into being a his little faithful pet. One Netflix show is enough to make her want to cuck OP and fuck a black dude with huge dick. People who unironically think that putting a ring on some young roastie will stop her from cheating and fucking countless dudes behind OP's back are deludes and think it's still the 40s.
Grayson Roberts
You don't make her your pet idiot, a wife is your equal. Marry her and treat her right, she'll see what's good.
Xavier Campbell
>>Liberals are the problem
>>Conservative politicians have literally been throwing democracy down the shitter for 10 years because they believe that they, as an elite minority, know better about how to lead the country than the voting public
Hunter Lee
Femanon here FUCK HER she is definitely getting wet over the thought of sucking that 27 year old cock. It’s not weird if the maturity and chemistry is there. Also personally I think the fact that it’s kind of taboo but you’re both kind of going for it only adds to the fun
Cameron Hernandez
t. daddy issues
Henry Green
>conservative politicians have been trying to make the country better for 50 years but keep having all their work undone by liberal politicians who just want to see NA become a third world shithole Ftfy
Charles Torres
No they haven't you delusional moron
John Martin
Based fem user
t. Unmarried Roastie
Colton Sanchez
>believing that any user is a femanon Son...
Jonathan Roberts
Then based Tranny larper
Owen Robinson
I basically did this. Two things:
1. Women at any age are total, irresponsible cunts. This is going to be much worse at her age.
2. There's virtually no chance your relationship is going to last. This is fine if you approach it with the right mindset that this is nothing more than "fun."
Understand that no matter how mature she seems, it's definitely an act (likely even to herself) to appeal to older people. When things become stressed, she will revert to acting her age. Again, have fun, enjoy the ride. Don't get too attached because that shit is gong to go down in flames (there's no way they're responsible/mature enough to separate respectfully)
Nathaniel Jenkins
No, not based. Gay men are sexual deviants with hundreds of sexual partners who all die of G.R.I.D.S. On top of that, trannies have a worse life expectancy than your average jihadincel so they'll never think long term.
Op, you are 1 IQ for getting emotionally attached to someone who is by all means mentally retarded on account of their smooth, undeveloped brain. In short, stop lying to yourself.