I am here to answer some questions if you have any.
>If I dont answer them I probably dont know much more about them than you do.
I applied after a recruiter came to my campus.
As far as what I did in the CIA I can only tell you my job was basically that of a targeting analyst.
During my work there I mostly dealt with Asia, I would say China and North Korea are the ones that kept us all busy back then.
Ex-CIA employee AMA
Why do you kikes make so many BS AMA threads? You must be out of ideas of what to shill.
Do you prefer a Jell-O pudding or fruit flavored gelatin? Personally I could go either way.
Some are legit you'd be surprised
>You must be out of ideas
Never out of ideas buddy
sage the discord tranny
If you were too stupid to make a false flag that doesn't violate the laws of physics, why did you think you could make a functional world government?
Why do you want to genocide White people?
You can try to say it's not intentional, but you helped create the sex, drug and rock'n roll culture to force a break with the left and the socially conservative Soviet Union, and no you do NOTHING to help pro-whites stop it.
Jell-O I would avoid that one...
Which brand of lube do you prefer when your wife pegs you? Related question: what brand of condom do you buy for your wife's bull, or does Jamal bareback her?
Are you a graduate of George Washington University?