Been seeing this guy for two weeks now, been heavily flirting, sending lewd pictures etc. I wanted him bad...

Been seeing this guy for two weeks now, been heavily flirting, sending lewd pictures etc. I wanted him bad.. Then he told me he's 5". I don't understand why it's such a turn off for me, but I can't look at him sexually anymore no matter how hard I try. I wish size didn't matter to me, its not like the guys I've been with before have been much bigger but at least 6". Wtf do I do adv

Attached: 4dyVGNz.jpg (512x709, 60K)

This is bait.

No, seriously. I'm sorry.
The guys I've been with have been literally 6" and not more than 6.5". Not that much different. Wtf is wrong with me man

I doubt it, 5" is very short for a man, no one could hold it against a girl for not wanting to date a guy big enough to fit in her purse.

Break it off and let him find someone else then

But he's otherwise perfect and he very quickly became one of my closest friends :(
What have I done

OP is a guy.

Why not give it a try? Most guys cant properly measure themselves and some have wide girth which seems to be the real winner from my experience.

“Short nigga but my dick tall!”

his dick is 4.5-5 inches of girth. I'm used to bigger and even that felt like not enough :( I think my ex was slightly above that, and after a lot of sex I'd loosen up and it would just not feel good anymore.

>after a lot of sex I'd loosen up
This is not how vaginas work, larper.

If OP is a girl it is most certainly bait. Technique sticks to them far more than size ever will despite the well shilled internet meme.

If OP is a guy,it's believable. Gay people are obsessed with size.

Uhhh yea it is, you virgin. We could only see each other every two weeks, and I'd be tight as shit the first time after 2 weeks. Then it would gradually get more comfortable and just not feel as good anymore.

Fine, dick size is important to you.
Dump him and searh for bigger cocks.

Maybe it won't be. But I'm not really excited to have sex with him the first time anymore. :(
I'm so happy he told me beforehand though. At least he couldn't see how dissapointed I was.

I'd like to get over this.

>tfw 6.5"

Attached: Ultra+rare+smug+anime+girl+if+youre+reading+this+youve_56cff8_5818425.jpg (229x220, 8K)

Soo, you free tonight? ;)

Inb4 people dont understand that it's a joke

Dont worry toots I've actually got plans for tonight, come find me when you've broken up with short stack.

Give it a ride and see how you feel.
Sex is like test drivingn cars these days.

“How would you like to be the proud owner of this sweet ride? I can see you now, riding this everyday, can you?”

The actual depressing as fuck thing is that he's very smart, stable, well off family, cute, fucking JACKED. We get along SO well. What the fuck is wrong with me.

okay user, but what if after having sex with him I decide I don't enjoy it. It will be all the more hurtful for him, no? Oh god I don't want to have to pretend

I kinda wonder if you’ll feel loose to him.
He might need to find a girl that isn’t so “stretched out.”

Nah, at least he gets laid, just dont tell him the truth of why if you want to be kind.

im not though. with my old ex, I couldn't even fuck right away after because it would be too painful. maybe I'm just used to it very rough

there's not even that much difference in 5 and 6 inches.


Attached: 459F079F-896C-4C1F-B349-DCA145F74BEB.jpg (640x920, 63K)

Ade wound

Attached: 81C65E6F-7645-447B-A611-3A48E2633DC5.jpg (640x920, 112K)

Warm mayonnaise jar.

Attached: 7B7EBD7F-3646-48E8-88F3-E1E236AB8C65.png (200x202, 14K)

Like a loose fitting boot full of warm water.

Attached: 7E344F1C-7C40-4571-8F95-450A6FBE8C40.jpg (225x225, 29K)

>this is how people on this board actually see sex

If you're gonna LARP, do it correctly. I bet you don't even know what panty liners are for.

user, please don't embarrass yourself like that. I'm talking from personal experience, if you yourself can't relate it means you haven't ever had back to back sex. If you're a femanon that has had rough sex before, you can't possibly tell me I'm larping. Which means you're not, you're a guy that's quite possibly a virgin . Better luck next time.

That’s what makes this such a great place.

>I bet you don't even know what panty liners are for.
They're for soaking up the extra cum guys leave in there, I'm not stupid.

How is this LARP not instantly nuked?
A highschool theatre class looks like a hollywood movie compared to this.

OP, if you are so retarted that you cant love someone because of how tall he is, then please go fuck some 7'' deadbeat black dude who tears your beefy pussy apart and leaves you as a single mother.

I bet OP is one of those 600lb-life whores who need a man that is 6", hung like a horse and ripped, but the only thing she brings to the relationship is the knowledge how to microwave frozen pizza

>6", hung like a horse
Yeah 6" is fine, but it's not big.

What's sex for you, user?

A mating ritual and an expression of love.

>A mating ritual

It's not a mating ritual, it's the actual mating. Are you an idiot?

I'm not saying I can't love him. Read the thread :D in asking how I can accept it and i acknowledge it's not a good thing. I'm looking for ways to get over it

you don't actually mate

I don't actually what?

Actually the average size of erect American dics is 5.2 inches according to one study...I think because of porn and because of sexting most American women have an unrealistic expectation of dic size...guys who sext usually hold it up to a camera in such a way that it looks bigger and yes guys photoshop their dics...actually I would rather advise him and I would tell him to dump you...and tell you to marry some big dic guy who will ultimately dump you when you get your first gray you deserve...

>yes guys photoshop their dics
Wow, that's unbelievable. Totally dishonest. How would you even do that anyway? Like what kind of software would you even use? Just totally pathetic. Do they make online tutorials or something? Wow, just wow.

user, if you want to send girls your dick, you might as well just find a picture of another bigger dick and send that. They can't tell if it's yours or not

I looked for one, but the pics I found were the wrong color.


MANLETS, when will they learn

I know

>Actually the average size of erect American dicks is 5.2 inches according to one study

So? The average american is fat, average does not equal good. When it comes to woman they typically go for men who are above average in every way. The ideal penis size for woman is 6.5, over an inch above average.

:( wish he was 6.5

>The ideal penis size for woman is 6.5
If we're gonna play this fucking game then get your data right. 6.3" x 4.8" is the statistical ideal.

Well he's 4.5 by girth so.

Meh, it's normal desu. It reminds me of some men liking big butts or tits or some require both.

I wouldn't beat yourself up for it.

You might be surprised how little size matters, though. I'm a bit abover 7'' and when I have sex with my girlfriend she bleeds if I am either too rough or don't use enough lube. There are guy's with smaller pricks than me who probably don't have to deal with that. I'm almost certain if my dick wasn't so fat girth wise I wouldn't have this issue.

You have 7" girth or length? I can't even imagine 7"
What I loved most in my old relationship was how rough we could be. I always hurt afterwards and bled sometimes but felt so good during

I think it's 7.5'' length. The girth I've never bothered to measure, but it's quite thick. If you compared it to a water bottle's girth it might be 70-80% that depending on my arousal.

The girlfriend loves sex, but after she is really sore. Bleeds almost every time if I don't take it slow. She sounds like she takes pride in taking my dick. Women are weird.

Well, I can appreciate her point of view.
I have discovered that 4.5" girth doesn't sound too bad to me. besides he's jacked as fuck so

The vagina is muscle, it can loosen and tighten back up to normal size, the whole loose vagina crap after having lots of sex is a myth unless you're constantly fucking, and even then give it a bit and itll go back to normal.

t. OB/GYN nurse

Do actual females post on Jow Forums?

Your idea of females, and the level of... 'person' that females online are basically represents a dichotomy.
On one side, we'll call it my side, is a female who's just a person with tiddy, vegana and some more emotional variance (compared to men).
Your female is a witch devoid of soul and ethics who constantly toes double-entendre and mind games, often contradicts most things they say and will do anything to avoid the label of 'slut' despite doing pretty much everything qualifying a slut (and more really).
Finding your female is a FUCKload easier online. Jussayin'

So... that's a hard no then?

but i literally said that's exactly what happened. I was always tight when he'd come over. I'd losen up after doing it four times for four days straight and it wouldnt feel as good as it did at the start.


Why can't you just roleplay as the guy with the small dick? This is so much weirder. What do you get out of this specifically?

because you're talking out of your ass.

This is a horrible way to get jackoff material and you should be ashamed
