G-d will strike you Neo-Nazis down again. Just like how G-d struck down the firstborn of Egypt for their sins of their parents against Israel. Just like how G-d allowed Germany to be invaded and split in half for their sins against the Jewish people. G-d is and will always be with and bless the Jewish people.
The alt-right might rise but G-d will strike you NEO-NAZIS down just as G-d struck the firstborn of Egypt! Just like how G-d caused Germany to be defeated, and allowed Berlin to be captured by the Soviets! Germany was split into two countries, and ceased to exist for forty-five years.
When the Czar of Russia was being antisemitic and trying to extinguish, God caused the Russian Empire to collapse and be split up. The Russian people suffered so much during this time because God was punishing them for their pogroms against the Jewish people. Then, God was so mad at the Czar, that he - in his holy judgement - caused the Czar, his wife, his children, his entire family to be killed by the Bolsheviks. Blessed and praise be Hashem!
Haman tried to kill the Jews, but Esther under G-d's protection saved the Jews.Then, the Shah of Persia killed Haman and hanged his sons because he tried to extinguish the Jewish people
All people who tried to attack the Jews; the Egyptians, the Babylonians, the Romans, the Russians, and the Germans. G-d has caused their nations to collapse, their women and children to be slaughtered by invaders, but the Jewish nation always survived and always will survive!
Tldr of the Bible. Book One (Old Testament) >Jews tell story after story of the atrocities they perpetrated against anyone that even looked at them funny >From killing the first born of entire city's to out right complete genocide of dozens of peoples. Book Two(New Testament) >The goyim "how to" manual >live like this and you can go to heaven, which we invented(basicly a world without jews) >if you even think of getting upitty we will nail you to a cross for all to see, or worse! (See book 1) The End.
What happened to Germany after they tried to wipe out the Jewish people?
Was not Dresden, Berlin, Munich, Frankfurt totally destroyed? Werre not many Germans slaughtered and tortured by the "Asiatic" hordes of the Red Army?
Germany did not exist after WW2 for many decades until 1990, when because G-d is infinitely merciful and loving to ALL of his children, decided to RESTORE Germany to its former glory. This is because G-d always restores what he takes away, whether in this life or the next. He allowed Germany to be rebuilt an become a leading economic power. But, if any other nation should decide to try to annihilate the Jewish people, God will surely cause their destruction!
It says in the Torah, "I will bless those who bless (Israel), and whoever curses (Israel) I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you." Genesis 12:3
All the major world powers are blessed by G-d because of He that they helped the Jewish people in the past; America, China, Japan, India, etc.
Woe to the Nazis, the Czarists, and all other antisemites who seek to annihilate the Jewish people! Destruction is their bed, and death is who they sleep with!
Michael Edwards
God is such a complicated yet simple subject. Faceist Placeist, leftist.