Black history will be known one day.
Suppress it as much as you like
No one shot the noses off they fall off after time.
No. Im sure kike agents broke them so that blacks are passed as subhumans in the mass media (gank rap, blings etc), so they sap understanding between blacks and whites and make eternal black goy vs white goy distrust and they rule at the top. See redpilled black activists that spillled the beans, malcom x and such.
Das rite
Whyte peppo need to learn they history
American nignogs are so fucking stupid.
Only white brasilians have internet. What a fair society
Reminder that just in case the impossible happens (we wuz kangz proven), then you niggers would cry. It would be Ethiopia/Somalia/East-Africa/Horn-Of-Africa that would be Egyptians and we all know they reject the common chimp (rest of Africa). Reminder that east Africa had kingdoms and empires.
>based or red pilled
Fuck off kike.
Ever heard of those retards that say they have royal lineage in their bloodline?
>My family is part of the Habsburgs
>My family came from a royal Duke
This is the same shit on a nigger level
holy shit you niggers are dumb.
When you destroy a statue by hitting it in the head, you hit multiple spots. Every single one of those statues has damage all over the head area. Most have been beheaded and the lower body missing.
Stupid niggers.
I said nothing about religion. Flag should tell you what only real religion is. (Orthodox)
one day black science man was giving bill nye a ride to a lecture they would both be speaking at. when they got on the interstate black science man put a cd containing the track presented at the top of the post then when bill laughed mid way through the song black science man repeatedly asked "is it so crazy" until bill realized black science man looked upset then he apologized for laughing and said he thought it was a joke and that black science man is free to believe any thing he wants and that in all honesty he isnt a egyptologist so who knows
but that moment spent in that compact car would fester in black science mans mind. haunting him with visions of bill nye smashing mummies in museums... that is until one day under the obama administration when black science man confessed he hated bill to michael obama who when not moonlighting as a "woman" is busy weight lifting. "she" wasnt having any of that and bill was cornered when he was giving a presentation one day and dragged off by secret service who would then berate him and later he would be confronted by black science man who would berate him as well and so would michael obama until he was practically in tears. black science man savored the victory hoping he could play both sides and be the shoulder bill cried on... only to be given the cold shoulder for a while until he made it clear he wasnt ever going away and would show up in all places bill goes to
I'm pretty sure that's just christian vandalism, greek busts got their noses cut as well
Inb4 all founding fathers were black
>royalty in my blood
Oh we’re playing pretend? Well in that case I’m a direct descendant of king Edward V
Everyone was black and white people just magically appear a few hundred years ago
>This seems incredibly inefficient. Did they use tanks?
they might not be black ...but they are definitely not white
Name one successful nigger community ever
Along with gouging out eyes, slicing off ears, cutting out tongues, castration, dismemberment and other ghoulish punishments, nose-docking has been a widely recognized form of punishment not only in the classical world, but also in Pharaonic Egypt, pre-Colombian America, the Arab world, early India and Medieval Europe, and in recent years occasional instances in South Asian countries have attracted media attention. Across all these contexts, it has been a powerfully symbolic gesture associated with disempowerment, humiliation, visibility, exclusion, lost identity and pain.
A display cabinet in the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Copenhagen, exhibits scores of disembodied noses (and various other appendages) from its Greek and Roman sculpture collections. This macabre collection of body parts was assembled in 1981 out of marble and plaster noses that had been deliberately removed by the museum’s curators from classical sculptures during a post-war ‘de-restoration’ campaign: because they were all fakes, this defacement was part of an initiative to render the Glyptotek’s sculpture collections more ‘authentic’.
Actually black Nubians broke the noses off when they invaded Egypt. Btfo retard
Don't worry Jamal, we got the noses on their mummies. Not so black afterall, eh?
>black history
>banging two sticks together and dancing around a fire speaking with clicks
>blacks steal other peoples history confirming the stereo type of blacks being thieves
Blacks tend to play victim for things that happened in the past.
Being enslaved does not make you automatically have more rights or privilege against another race.
Zulu empire. Swill could only dream the hapiness of Africa citizens. You are cold and lifeless, like your sinister gold
>Black history will be known one day.
Right, that's why the stopped living in a tech world and decided to go back to living in mud huts.
Kike textbook i assume?
That's nice.
The more important and relevant WE WUZ discussion is of the Americas. We know ancient Egyptian's were black, we even know black people called Europe home before whites.
>We know ancient Egyptian's were black
You'll find that DNA results show that blacks came later and were first slaves. Ancient Egyptians share more DNA with Europeans than Sub-Saharan Africans.
>nigger history
There is no such thing.
greekish, mediterranean region nose
You can't argue with 50 ton statues or all of the art work. Don't be dumb, wherever there are pyramids there were black people.
> Tfw african drum rhythms btfo classical borefest
Nigs can only nig.
>A leaf
Sure. Ignore DNA results. Oh right, Ancient Egyptians use black eyeliners and some even had blue eyes...Oh right, the kikes favour niggers over whites, it would be pretty damaging to the kangz if all this facts got out...
The only thing more obnoxious than negroes is negrophiles.
I don't even know why you're talking about DNA desu. You're telling me they found the DNA of everyone alive back then and catelogued it all? Nice I believe it.
its the same kikes who ruined AOE2
The destruction of Egyptian icons was common because Pharaoh's wanted to erase the legacies of his predecessors. Read a book, nigger.
>niggers call hitting wood and animal skin with a stick or bone art
Some real, white mans art for you subhuman.
>A leaf
Modern Egyptians share 8% of their genome with central Africans, far more than ancient ones, according to the study, published in the journal Nature Communications. The influx of Sub-Saharan genes only occurred within the last 1,500 years. This could be attributed to the trans-Saharan slave trade or just from regular, long distance trade between the two regions. Improved mobility on the Nile during this period increased trade with the interior, researchers claim.
Egyptians weren't black, moron.
>This Arabized Ethiopian, who's people are completely unrelated to the Bantu, definitely proves my retarded point!
Canadians are a plague upon the world.
Modern Egyptians are not ancient Egyptians. The closest relatives are the Beja people of today which are quite diverse in appearance.
>Illiterate niggers living in mudhuts vs europeans that kept records and can trace their lineage several hundred years back
cope more shitskin lmao
So if nigs were kangz and pharaohs, they had a population of slaves well before America so why in the fuck do they bitch so much? Don’t they then owe the Jews muh reparations?
>A leaf
Egypt over the span of antiquity was conquered many times including by Alexander the Great, by the Greeks, Romans, Arabs, and more. Researchers wanted to know if these constant waves of invaders caused any major genetic changes in the populace over time. Group leader Wolfgang Haak at the Max Planck Institute in Germany said, "The genetics of the Abusir el-Meleq community did not undergo any major shifts during the 1,300 year timespan we studied, suggesting that the population remained genetically relatively unaffected by foreign conquest and rule."
in the hieroglyphs, the men were usually painted red for their skin color. black represented death mostly but also some times resurrection.
> tfw african village is the comfiest place in all of disneyland
what's your point
and the women were colored yellow because they mostly stayed indoors and were not as tanned as the men,
Amen brother. Spread pic related
Western architecture is narcissistic and shit tier. The soul feels calmer and at home in african style aesthetics
It's worth noting that as far as I can tell, the people who drew all that stuff didn't make the pyramids.
>photoshopped shit
Show me a white guy with hair like that lmao
> Not trusting kikemedia but trusting kikeacademy
They were
So, black?
It's so strange being on Jow Forums and having people eat up ((official)) history.
There's this but I don't really agree with the right side, top right one especially, because Arabs like that don't have hair like this either.
> Wagners hybris and self worship, the orchestral
Falling may be funny sometimes, until you hit the ground. Wagner mentality is sicko tier, and writing music that needs lung of steel to play by an orchestra isnt exactly genious tier creativity
Large windows like that are fucking stupid.
Europeans will always be the kings of architecture.
>It's worth noting that as far as I can tell, the people who drew all that stuff didn't make the pyramids.
> Large windows are stupid
All races arent depraved weather wise
>me dislik whitey moosik becuz me negro too subhuman to pley whitey orgestra
Typical subhuman negro. Nigger cannot compete.
It is the nature of the negro to be jealous of the white man.
If black pharaohs are true blame the jews, who revised history, not whites
Literally big stupid piles of shit that serve no purpose whatsoever.
With regard to weather?
What the fuck are you talking about?
And how does it pertain to the architectural integrity of windows?
You have to get into archaeocryptography, real archaeology, logic, and stuff like that. Basically the stones were too heavy and impossible to form for any known ancient civillization(except maybe ours). The Serapeum with its 100 ton coffin things is something I can't even imagine us doing today without using some ayy tech.
White people are less innocent than the Jews, don't be retarded.
you need to get your timeline straight nigga,
blacks were the last to inherit the Egyptian empire and run it into the ground like Detroit.
the ancient Egyptian time period (the one with the pyramids) was Old Kingdom 2575 BC – 2150 BC
those accounts are 425 bc - 60 bc.
do your research before using meme images
They do serve a purpose and they're infinitely more impressive than any church or whatever.
Still insignificant.
Your frozen ass hated big , energy wasting windows.
You can't believe the official story mate, this is all made up bullshit saying known retards built the pyramids using pulleys and copper tools. It's retarded.
You don't think it did? Do you even know anything about them?
>Greek flag
Wake up Europa, the gates have fallen again. Why do Greeks suck so much the last 2000 years? Can't even do 1 job correctly.
>African architecture
>Designed by a white Boer
>Pic related
We wuz house builders n shieet
It all started with greek incest. After that gyros niggers got raped again and again and again until their genepool was essentially roached.
No wonder this fellow likes nigs, after all hes related more to them than to us whites.
African architecture is supreme. They showed spain some based plans
White people are RESISTANT to the cold, you fucking retard. We BATHE in GLACIAL water for FUN.
Wind storms will shatter those big stupid things, it's not like sub-Saharan Africans ever even created glass windows in the first place though, pathetic.
>Colosseums and Gothic Cathedrals are insignificant
>the Pyramids serve a purpose
ok retard
Eat Shit, Nancy.
Kang George V was a black man and you can't prove otherwise.
Unlikely, since niggers were never much for writing. Or are all your historical texts hidden in Wakanda?
Yeah, that they washed dicks
The bricks are actually concrete laid in situ. There was no magic technology. Anything past the base is basically concrete
>Literally big stupid piles of shit that serve no purpose whatsoever.