Owen is talking to Tommy Robinson!
Why do you watch two kikes sucking each other cocks?
jewtalk live
Nah, i rather watch my turd drop into the toilet bowl
Tommy and Owen, we came full circle.
Levy Judenstein can fuck right off. Traitorous cunt should take the right of return and never come back.
what a contradiction a zionist with a jew red pilled, i think Tommy Robinson is just reacting to their local city problems, the projew accusations are just too unfair
Yes, gib superchat money to talk about how they aren't really racist Such insight!
>the projew accusations are just too unfair
maybe you should shut the fuck up
They just want more free market, but with law that doesn't allows Muslims inside, while black Christians are ok, until they see them, but not racist.
>tommy robinson
How boring.
Blah blah blah internet attention.
Holy fuck has this board been overrun by shills.
Who's tommy Robinson?
Do you mean Stephen Yaxley-Lennon?
Tommy Robinson is working for the man.
Is this the statue they talk about?
What is the deal with TR, he is anti-muslim activist on the Israeli payroll, that it?
Jow Forums has always disliked Tommy Robinson, newfag. He's a fucking zionist.
If singles Owen Benjamin wants to be sodomized by Joe Rogan's gorilla cock.
a jew asset to control the capable british man of fighting age.
more than on payroll, though, his real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, he's an actual Jew. He's a full-blown zionist, and he doesn't give a shit about the UK, or white people. He's been controlled opposition from the beginning.
Pretty much.
The TL;DR version is Jews went to the EDL and said "STay on the muslims never complain about banks or kikes" and "Tommy" aka "Stephen" aka "Paul" aka God knows how many fake names this nigger has is the mouthpiece for them.
The only Owen Benjamin stream that counts is when that dimwit finally snaps and kills his wife and kids.
wtf yes it is. Thats horrifying.
They constructed a statue for rape victim? How British.
It's interesting how the Tommy Robinson and Katie Hopkins psy-ops are directed at America rather than the UK. They have very little support in the UK as everyone can see that they are controlled opposition but also because there aren't any evangelical Christians in the UK (or very few) so the play doesn't work as no one in the UK gives a shit about Israel. They just don't want loads of Muslims in the country but honestly don't support Israel.
Why dont you take down your state funded child rape statutes Ahmed?
This slimy cunt 'Tommy Robinson' is avoiding the question on the origins of the migrant inflow. I noticed he accidentally said it was 'orchestrated' but clearly realised what he would be implying so just started yelling incoherent shit again.
Did you blokes see him drunk and talking about buying heroin all around the world and unironically wanting to fight wars for Israel, he's a mess. I believe I saw it on Adam Green's 'Know More News' Youtube channel.
Two zionists that should get the rope? naa
would Owen Benjamin still be a Hollywood whore if he had not fucked up his career being edgy on twitter trying to stay famous.He didnt give a shit what was going on in Hollywood until he shot his career in the dick.
Owen left hollywood because he didnt support trans 8 year olds and called out a faggot for putting his kid on hormone blockers.
fucking hell tommy is an absolute madman. owen too.
revolutionary people... your great, great, great, great grandchildren will know the name 'tommy robinson'...
Why? Beautiful pieces of art. There were lots of Pedo's in British Society. It used to be a thing in British Public Schools. Up until the year 2000 it was the responsibility of the child to avoid the advances of pedophile teachers. No kidding. Hopefully, it has ended but that was what the Q user operation was meant to be about. Not seen anything yet. I don't know why all this means British people have to support Zionism anyway?
Obvious Jew is obvious.
Why didnt he call out all the hollywood filth while he was there. Looks like all he did was call it out when he was on the way out. He was hardly at the peak of his career. He didnt have a problem with it when he was making money.