Why do the Irish and Germans get so angry when you tell them

They were horrible immigrants for America? At least the Italians understand what they brought but these two are adamant that they're THE best life had to offer. Which is honest to God not true. Not every Germanic group was like Germany, Austrians, Swiss, Dutch, and Luxembourgian all integrated and assimilated into the American way. Even the Nords. For the Irish, they wouldn't stop crying and yapping about Ireland and England being cunts yet when the Polish arrived they didn't start massive groups to demand Poland be brought back, they became American. These two were clearly bottom wrung immigrants that would not stop keeping their culture, Germans wouldn't stop speaking German - there are still places that do, the Irish wouldn't shut the fuck up about Catholicism, ever, and they were both generally always voting for candidates that brought more of them. So fuck them. They're terrible.

Just to be clear, Northern Ireland is 100% based and fine.

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German and Irish immigrants were poor refugees
Italian immigrants were rich businessmen

Do you like Scottish Americans? I think we were among the best of the immigrant groups.

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Besides Lyndon B. Johnson you're good people.

Quite honestly, just all send em back here, will you?

the worst ones were probably all the niggers you shipped over yourselves

A lot of them were here in the beginning because the Crown wouldn't stop bringing them over here

Scottish Americans count as founding stock. My family ended up here after the jacobite rising.

yea because the rest were economic migrants
we werent

What did you think of the North when you visited?

I've never visited Ireland. I'm talking about the history my country

Only low self esteem Irish are replying to this thread.

Go take a hike you usless Anglo cunt.

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Why do Americans think that the Europeans who went there were generally somehow of higher quality? Most European migrants to America were poor folks, criminals & other misfits.

Those poor misfits and criminals created a nation that conquered the world. Kinda makes you feel better than everyone.

ah sorry you gave me that impression. The Irish immigrated on boats known as coffin ships. They got the name cause leaving our homeland and never to return made them as good as dead to their family as they'd never see Ireland again. Occupied homeland with a language in decline and a famine. Well user how they had to fall back on was their faith and a chance at a new life that was memed. Poor, smelly, with no idea what greeted them. Which was No blacks, No Dogs and No Irish. We eventually did integrate and got spat on doing it. Modern white americans are about as white as modern black americans.

>a nation that conquered the world.

what? the world had already been conquered by english, french, portuguese, spanish, etc.

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All you've ever done is destroy yourself and Europe

>germans are bad immigrants
just a heads up:
the second batch was jewish and the first made your country.

you're welcome, idiot.

>first made your country.
citation needed

I've heard about the "lazy mick" and "white nigger" stereotype for the Irish but who the fuck says German immigrants were shit?

Germans on the whole are pretty unremarkable.
AFAIK there isn't much of German culture left in America, and if it's with povertystriken white trash.

yeah scots are welcome

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This is pretty low level d&c, Chaim.

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>My family ended up here after the jacobite rising
Where they Jacobites? if so, they were indentured servants (first slaves in america) to Scottish that cucked for England.

>Horrible Immigrants
>Forced from Danzig
>Look for new life
>Come to America
>Become Rural farmers
>Asked to serve America
>Land with the 29th INF
>Fight fellow Germans on Omaha
>Fight fellow Germans at the Bulge
>Fight Japs on Iwo Jima
>Get called bad migrants
If I could take it all back, I would.

Attached: GottStrafe2.jpg (663x1024, 171K)

based anglo'd german bröther

>Picking and choosing

go home germ

Tell me how the Nazis we brought over weren't the best that life had to offer? They developed virtually all of the modern technology of the last century.

Hate us cause you anus

Can't even break into the top 40

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Wo sind die amerikanischen Frauen mein nigguh

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Maybe I should be more specific, When my family came to America they became rural farmers in South Dakota, and their family became pretty large, All the sons of that family Enlisted/Drafted
>1 in the 29th Infantry on D-Day
>1 in the Bulge as a Bazooka Operator
>1 in the Rhine as a Tank Driver
>1 In Iwo Jima as a Radio Operator

I care why? My beef isn't all Germans, my beef is the bulk of them


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>Taking in lower class whites who would still ultimately benefit the US and come from blue collar fields
>Taking in spics and niggers who will benefit from the US as they demand more gibs, rack up debt, and vote for people who will destroy the country and bring more of them in while stripping away our rights.

Not every German/Irish immigrant for America was the best but it sure as hell beats nigs, muslims, and spics coming over.

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That's why they've lived in slums, kek.

Are we talking Scots Irish or just the Catholic/Famine wave of Irish? Because it's the Catholic influence that makes an immigrant shit. The Scots Irish are quintessential Americans. Similarly for Germans, protestant Germans were an infinitely better group than the Catholic Germans. Catholicism just has no place in the US and has always been an outside force trying to get in.
Virtually all of the British isles outside of Catholic Ireland make up the core/founding Americans. Scots in particular have always been one of the groups from the British Isles who were always welcomed and admired in the American colonies. Even today we get history classes in the US talking about the influence the Scottish Enlightenment thinkers had on early American politics and the American Revolution. And of course John Paul Jones, one of the heroes of the Revolution, being a Scot.

faggot kike enabling anglo detected if your island died to the black plague the world would be a better place

No one has ever told a German he was a terrible immigrant. Cry moar Irish nigger

Er Strafe Es

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>Fellow Germans
Yeah, thanks for proving OP's point. You're an American, not a German.

You spam these threads on a daily basis. The Irish and Germans are "old immigrants", that is immigrants who arrived well before the mid-nineteenth century and are the most well integrated. I have absolutely no possible idea how you could think that German immigrants retained their culture as they are without a doubt the most strongly assimilated non-Anglo immigrant group by far. When one thinks of "General American" it is a Midwesternern Americans who mostly have German immigrant ancestry. I have never heard someone refer to themselves as German-American. Additionally "Austrians" and Swiss are literally German, showing how ignorant you are. The Irish larp as being from Ireland one day every year and other than that are a very well integrated successful immigrant group. The Italian-Anericans legitimately larp as Italians and it is with them that hyphenated-Americanism exists. Poles too are very militant about their culture and will always make sure you know that their great-great grandparents or whatever were from Poland, without exception. Ulsterman are literally white niggers and are the white trash you would find in Appalachia or would have historically been dirt poor sharecroppers in the South living with niggers. Ironically the immigrant groups you lambast in these posts are the groups which have been in the US the longest and are the most well integrated. You have obviously not interacted with whites with immigrant backgrounds leading me to believe you live in some niggernest shithole in the south or in Mexico 2.0.

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Nigga, even your founding fathers were if not normannic upper class, then at least anglo saxon germanic people.

If you say bad germans you may think of catholic southern germans, who are balkan tier.

Learn history, you may learn something
>"old immigrants"
Bad too. They were not the most integrated if it takes centuries for them to act American. That makes them bad. Especially when the groups I just listed integrated quicker and more efficiently.

Nigga they were second generation migrants, they even spoke German before English, they were literally Germans fighting Germans.

As someone who descended from only German and Irish immigrants unironically both of the things you've said are true. I've given up on that shit and just call myself American; for that is what I am. Anyone who says otherwise is a shill, and anyone who says they are something else, when in actuality they're American, is too a shill.

That's what she said. As in your girlfriend about my student frat.

Well Franek, not everyone is an identityless Jewish bitchboy. It's actually funny how with all the whoring for Israel "Poland 2.0" is about the most apt qualifier your glorified jail kitchen sink of a country still in fact qualifies for. If not for us (look up the Germantown Quaker Petition), you'd still be battling niggers for a handout from the kikes like, you know, HALF OF YOUR COUNTRY ACTUALLY WENT TO WAR FOR. Oh, wait, you still do that. And you even still go to war for your serfdom. 38 billion for Israel's border wall from the man whose government can't spare you five to build your own? You know, the one he promised to get elected? Guess that's one more wasted effort that my people had of you misbegotten race traitors. It's crazy, but his ancestry is literally the one reason I think Trump is wasted on you faggots rather than the other way around. And even that is only because he proved he read at least one book. No seriously, why wouldn't we want to integrate? Could it be that you whored out for bankers we warned you off TWO-THOUSAND YEARS INTO A STANDING RACE WAR? Is it that you followed the Britcuck blood-failures into war for Zionism OUT OF LOVE FOR YOUR OWN COLONIZER? Could it possibly be that nothing about your nation, customs or history ever has advanced anything but the betrayal of values for IMAGINARY FUCKING FUNNY MONEY? No, seriously - I'll take bets that German-speaking parts of the Great Waste Disposal are still more American than your pathetic pseudo-Slavshit ass could ever dream of. Go pray for Israel at your Megachurch and stop pretending like you can talk down to people, subhuman.

Thanks for proving my point

Well I suppose it counts as one in Yankland.

what if im german and catholic?

dude, what are you talking about. German Americans are THE most assimilated ethnicity in America. Italians still eat Italian food and celebrate Columbus day and they are Catholic. Irish have their shit. German-Americans don't have German food, don't know any German. If you go into German Lutheran churches you even see American flags all over the altar because in WWI and WW2 they were desperate to show everyone how loyal they were to the US. Germans are also the closest ethnicity to the WASP founding stock of the country except maybe Dutch people.

yeah no they were neopolitan/sicilian niggers

yes based Kraut make this happen

>Great Waste Disposal
Ah yes, who can forget people like Alexander Graham Bell, Nicola Tesla, and Andrew Carnage as worthless trash thrown at us by Europe.

In all honesty, I think you're taking this a bit too far. Polish immigrants also were extremely annoying too and also have enclaves were they still speak Polish.


yeah, that's why Germans need to stop hating on us

t. 6th gen. German American

The scottish supported the crown in the revolution mostly NAUGHTY BOIIS

srsly my grandpa had to keep German pows when all his people back in the midwest still spoke German, and all the German Americans were very conscious of this

wo sind die Bayerische Struempfen mein neger

Obvious troll thread. I will repeat it again. Irish, Germans and Scandinavians are the most well integrated immigrant groups in the United States. US immigration quotas post 1924 favored the UK, Germany and Ireland extremely favorably to the point where German and Irish nationals were awarded over 50% of all available immigrant "spots". Eastern Europeans such as your vaunted Poles and Russians were effectively barred entry to the US. I wonder why WASP policy makers would prevent entry of Eastern and Southern Europeans while overwhelmingly favoring those from German and Ireland? Could it be because Eastern and Southern Europrans were poor and did not assimilate well?

yes protestant Germans are excellent, but fucking American religion ruined them

>Eastern Europeans such as your vaunted Poles and Russians were effectively barred entry to the US
Yeah because of Communists you fucking retard.

seriously, why do you never meet lazy Germans

It might have to do with the fact, that the Italians are not taking any shit. Unlike the Yanks and Southeners, the Italian-Americans are actually keen on defending their heritage, as we have seen with the defense of Columbus.

Of course you're post is anti-Catholic. You think Catholics are really America's problem? You think that has been the malign influence?

You can make fun of Germans. That's totally PC after the tales they tell about the world wars and no progressive likes the Irish, because they are Catholic.

yeah, but He's punishing Germany even harder

fuck you potato leprechaun

this is all true except for the Irish, who took a long ass time to assimilate and are still a fifth column, viz. Kennedys, alongside Italian democrats and Jews

What I loved about these immigrants is that they didn't get hand outs so majority of them went back home when they couldn't cut it.

Wish it was still like this today, soooo many shitskins would not be here.

no, Germans in America are probably mostly protestant

What is the Immigration Act of 1924?

Whiter than you


>Come from a nationwide famine to the U.S.
>Ancestors don't take long to make similar income levels to native Americans
>Modern Americans pride themselves in the millions on having ancestors from Ireland

Yeah, the Irish immigrants were the worst, weren't they?

US immigration debate on the left praises Germans, Irish, and Italians and uses your people as proof anyone can be American. You are part of the problem, especially when it took centuries.

Wasn't just them. It effectively ended immigration from Italy as well as all of the Slavic regions of the former Habsburg empire. It wasn't "muh communism". WASP lawmakers did not want Slavs or Southern Europeans in their country because they were unassimilable, and they were absolutely correct. Case closed.

Whatever Earl

>get Sauerkraut renamed to "Freedom Cabbage"
>get the Bismarck or Berlin town your fathers founded renamed to something Anglo

I like to think that in ten years time the "new Germans" will actually demand reparations from the USA. But now there is already a Somali in the Congress. Modern Times, everybody!

That's what I was getting at. The Poles and Irish stand out in jokes because they are Catholic. The Yanks certainly had no trouble with all the German immigrants. They used them to fight the South.

>Italians still eat Italian food and celebrate Columbus day and they are Catholic.
t. idiot shitskin.

I'm italian and am atheist.

pick one.

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Way to completely ignore everything that happened in-between

no, Irish took forever to stop being potato niggers in the slums and electing white monkey crime lord politicians.

Germans actually worked hard and saved money instead of getting into government and so they assimilated far quicker. In the midwest streets are named after Germans all over the place because they farmed and owned land everywhere

Op is Going full retard...all europeans have to ban together now for our survival , we don’t have time for this kind of infighting

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Earl? How many Germans are named Earl?

the german immigrants shaped a lot of our culture. you're right that the irish sucked but that's only because they were trearted like shit.

I never read anything like that. In fact most libertarians and lefties are getting their panties in a punch over the Japanese prisoners during WWII, but nobody mentions the stuff the progressives back then did to the German immigrants. Just like lefties and libertarians are complaining about the fire bombing of Tokyo, but never of German cities.

The only scholar I read writing positively about Germans was Thomas Sowell. And what did this black men attribute to the Germans? That Sunday was spent in the Biergarten or with the family. Wow!

It's not like any historian is going to cite the founding generation on their thoughts about ethnicity.

I forgot. The Kenndys had some good stuff about Robert Taft, who was against the Nuremberg Trials and all that nonsense. The Kennedys were of course Catholic... hmm....

>Implying you're German
stfu traitor


Why northern irish are based and worth a fuck compared to southern irish....citation needed ..cunt

there was a lot of anti-German and Irish sentiment around the time of the civil war, but they typically disliked Germans because the revolutions of 1848 made people afraid they were going to bring their degenerate left wing politics over. And you're right, they used Germans and Irish for cannon fodder, otherwise the South would have won. Germans had an easier time getting ahead, but you could not become part of the American ruling class as a German until they opened it up to everybody after WW2. You can see how much anti-German sentiment was still a thing in the 20th century if you read H. L. Mencken, who liked to point out that Anglo-Saxons were intellectually and morally inferior to Germans

poles and irish stand out in jokes not just because they were catholic, but also because they were stupid

The Kennedy's were also all in favor of changing US immigration law to what it is today.

Any evidence for this or are you just going to spew shit on Jow Forums and think you can get away with it?

don't call me a shitskin, brown gabbagool greaseball motherfucker

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whiter than you at least


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Nothing positive will ever be said about Germans by the left or mainstream right in a context even remotely related to WWII. The Japanese are responsible for the deaths of at least 30 million people, but that is inconsequential because they only killed other yellow people. The Germans targeted Jews so we as a collective western culture will be guilt tripped for the next millennium. There is holocaust education in basically every US public school at least once per year, especially in lower grade levels.

Seems everyone is jealous of the master race mix of Irish/kraut.

I don't blame Americans for not wanting Germans in their country. They were afraid of French too, after the French had helped them win their war against the crown no less!

>You can see how much anti-German sentiment was still a thing in the 20th century if you read H. L. Mencken, who liked to point out that Anglo-Saxons were intellectually and morally inferior to Germans
Did Mencken really pull of something like that? The guy was a true blooded American. I can't imagine that stuff. Of course he was absolutely mad about the WASPs going in for another marriage with the Brits again.