Why am I becoming a racist?

Hi, everyone. Im new to Jow Forums and thank you for taking you time to read this post. I was born in Russia. At the age of 18 I moved in USA and now Im 22. I never had this problem back in a days and in fact never even questioned racial equality, but after I moved here I became extremely racist. Whats even more fucked up is that I dont want to change my opinion about other races. I try really hard, but every day I see how "people of color" act really impudent to others and do stuff, that white people would not allow themselves to do. I also understand that with my way of treating other races Ill never be happy leaving here. Someone give me an advise, please!

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Nigs gonna nig. Nobody actually likes them, everyone knows they're shit, but we keep saying they're not any different from us. It'll only get worse.

Behavior is an individual choice, ultimately it's not even about race.

Yes, I understand that, buts thats just my empirical observations.

The biggest step is realising that a lot of the poor behaviour on the part of 'people of colour' is a result of the ethnic subculture thwt they participate in rather than their actual biological race. You can hold even very strong misgivings of a racially homegenous cultural group without hating that race itself. I live in NZ and while the Maori culture here is rife with anti-white sentiment, romanticisation of crime, paganism, child abuse, and is the ultimate perpetrator of most of our crime despite being such a small part of the population, I know that the Maori race itself is not the problem and that there are plenty of them who are fine decent people who divorce themselves from the toxic culture of others.

You are absolutely right. I've met a couple of nice black people so far (all of which have immigrated from Africa, not born in US) and logically thinking I have dozens of reason not to be racist, but emotionally I have a hard time controlling the feelings.

Honestly I'm more or less in the same boat, it is a weird and seemingly contradictory mindset to have especially now that everything is racist. I know that I don't really hate these people but at the same time I find myself thinking 'i hate niggers' a lot. I guess it's hyperbolic in a way, it's easier to just think things like that in the moment and apply a label rather than go through thought by thought reasoning with your internal use of language.

You can feel whatever way you like inside, tovarischch. Just like you cannot always explain love, you cannot always explain hate.

Your feelings are yours and you needn't ever be ashamed of them as long as you keep them inside. No harm done as long as you dont actively go out at night hunting individuals with an African complexion.

Note that humans are biologically different and this chap is not wholly correct; just like how Ehtiopians and Kenians are better at marathon running, and like how white people are good at drinking milk, some races are just predisposed to shitty behaviour (or, behaviour you and I would find shitty). It's nature and nurture, not one or the other.

Why did you go to America? Is it really better than Russia? I had to leave US. I can say I hate black people and not be racist. The reason is because I'm referring to more than one and need to use plural but have met plenty that were fine, that I considered my equal, which I'm not referring to. And I didn't grow up witj these feelings, they are from experience interacting with the ghetto trash culture people. I don't believe one race is superior or inferior or anything.

But the far majority of blamericans are ridiculously racist, ungrateful, and ghetto. After experiencing them I hate them and can't go back. If you want your sanity move to a nice quiet new england town. It's like as close to Europe as you can get in America and the people there have strong roots to their cultures unlike the entire rest of the country, save for maybe Alaska and Hawaii. I only ever saw one or two black kids at school and they were awesome! There was no violence or hate or any shit growing up.

Also здpaвcтвyйтe

Blacks in America have no cultural identity on top of having broken homes full of shithead dads that leave their family and shithead moms that keep having kids. so they only thing they know how to do is thug out because the kids grow up in shit situations. It's now rooted so deep there's no escape. You aren't racist you just have good perception.

Why I moved here? I don't know. I always had this romanticized representation of America. Since I started school I'll need to stay here for at least another 8 years to graduate. That's why I created this post wondering how tf to survive another decade with these people.

Stop watching the news. Go by your day to day interactions.

I don't watch news and dont use social media

>Why am I becoming a racist?
Because you were raised without the full-blast 'tolerance' propaganda Americans are subjected to, and upon coming to this shithole you see it for what it really is, rather than the kumbaya bullshit others are brainwashed to believe.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with being "racist", so long as you can keep your perception of groups and individuals separate.

Also, first chance you get, run away. There's nothing for you here, unless depression and hatred of life is worth a few thousand dollars a year

Honestly, after posting this I thought everyone who's passing by will ask me to kms, but the reaction is surprisingly opposite.

This is social media...

>implying the man doesn't make the culture
nigs nig because they're nigs. no amount of nerdy clothes and propaganda is going to turn them into civilized humans

>not born in America

There you. That's the problem not race. Really every ethnicity that comes here turns awful. Look at Italians in New York and Jersey. Just awful awful people. Italians in Italy are generally better than their American counterparts



No idea what "sageru" means

did you think we hate black for no reason? like there's some mass hysteria for hundreds of years and not because they create a toxic environment and act like bloodthirsty animals?

The Africans that make it here aren't your average Africans.

I have the same issue. Anyone who sees the way they act hates them. I grew up in a full white town with 2 black people most of my life. At 16 my family moved to a 50/50 city and now I despise blacks. Being around them let's you see what they're really like.

This. All the Italians born in Italy I've met have been great people, but the ones that are bred here in the U.S. are unbearable cunts. Honestly, this goes with any ethnicity or race. this is really just more of a culture issue. 80% of African-Americans in the U.S. are literal trash, ghetto, and don't deserve life. Africans you might meet anywhere else- The U.K., E.U., Africa are actual decent people.

the voice of reason

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This is a problem the left pushed on us. If we didn't have a multiculti, but just races in their own county we wouldn't have to deal with this shit.

Who are those guys?

You went from a mostly monoethic culture to a 56% caucasian shitpile. I remember coming from Poland to Germany when I was six. We had to do judo in School and i had to fight with a nigger. I feared touching his hands and straight out tought of some monkey.