Is paying for a professional matchmaker worth it? What is it like and is it worth the money?

Is paying for a professional matchmaker worth it? What is it like and is it worth the money?

I'm female if it matters btw.

Pic unrelated

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Maybe. What is your life situation like? Do you find it difficult to meet people? Do you not have enough time?

Yes. Most of the men at my workplace are either married or much older than me.

So you're looking for more the career type of man? Age range? Can't find them on normal online dating sites?

Tinder & bumble not working?

>So you're looking for more the career type of man?
>Age range?
Late 20s to late 30s
>Can't find them on normal online dating sites?
Many stopped replying at a few points. I met a few guys but some were just downright strange. A few were even taken.

What is your situation OP?

Age? Career situation? Phsyical appereance?

Late 20s, lucrative career, I guess I am somewhat above average looking but not exactly super hot

Why aren’t men interested in you?

Sounds good. Location?

I live in a city

You're looking for someone above you in career wealth, in looks and personality, when you are already high up the career ladder as well.
Unfortunately for you, those guys who you are looking for are looking for beautiful 18 y/os.

You are too late getting into the game, and now you need to widen your scope to someone who is less better off than you.

Sooner you accept that, the sooner you can get into a relationship. But you will not be happy, because of the dreams of "but what if..."

Well that's helpful. Maybe you could specify the continent?

Lol, this. OP is most likely doomed.

that sounds awful and desperate
just keep meeting people normally, someone ought to interest you

I am sorry OP that you fell for the "womyn can have it all meme" and went for a career.

I will be truly honest with you now. You will be too high maintenance and too accomplished for the men your age. A successful man goes for a younger less accomplished woman for a reason.

The housewife + businessman is a working formula. Since once you get into the core of it man work to provide for their families. Same reason women beautify themselves, not necessarily to appeal sexy to specific men, even appearing sexier than their female friends to an imaginary male gaze is fine enough.

The dynamic in your relationship will be unusual and that reuqires somebody unusual. If you find another career driven man it is good, you can work together to elevate each other but it will most likely be a business partnership. Or you need to find a man who is fine with being the underdog in the relationship, not a cuck cause you wouldnt go for that. You wouldnt have respect for that man.

You essentially need to find somebody that has enough self respect to not be your slave, but enough self realisation to be fine with the idea that the woman being the leader of the house.

This is a little extreme but not too far off base. I'm early 30s with a lucrative career, and instead of looking for a girl that would normally be in my office on my level, I'm looking for someone who is early-mid 20s to date.

This has nothing to do with an imbalance of power, but more the idea that a younger girl has less responsibilities and will be able to do more things. She'll be more adventurous, and we won't both be working late nights with an inability to see each other. Same when it comes to kids... if I do end up having any, I don't want them spending their developmental years in daycare. Every career mom I know right now is having issues with the kids at home. Which is no surprise because they see their parents for enough time to be asked about their homework, eat dinner, and then start getting ready for bed.

As far as a matchmaking service, it might not be the end of the world, but my uncle is engaged to one and she kinda walked me through the service. It seems like the kind of thing that might make you feel shallow or rude. She was insistent that these girls were great for me, and in the end I didn't like any. It's kinda like when a friend sets you up with someone and you think they're just a total bore... now you feel like you're insulting your friend AND the person.

I am a successful man in his 30s and you are full of shit. If I go for a "younger less accomplished woman" I only do it for sex, not a serious relationship. Someone like OP is far more likely to be the type of girl I would have a serious relationship with.

However, i have no idea how to find such a person. I certainly am not the man for that job for example.

You can try to find some young fuckboi, but he might leave you once you get older. Will most likely do.

You must have known these things, a career woman is smart by definition. So i assume thats why you are looking a matchmaking service, it is a good idea. But the man who need to use that will not be your cup of tea.

Am i on point?

Guessing you haven't gotten around to my reply. "Lesser accomplished" doesn't mean deadbeat. You can be in your 20s and have a decent job but not be stuck like this girl who is probably director level or above, who holds all of the responsibility.

You will still choose the younger one for a wife most of the time. I of course have to generalise cause OP doesnt give specific details.

if you are single without kids, then you are the rarity - and the sort of person OP is looking for. You are an edge case, not the norm.

Most people like you met their SOs when they were a lot younger and are still attached as they've gone through thick and thin, or they are single and have kids which eats into their time and money, which makes them less desirable from the womans PoV.

Oh, good that you know better than me what sort of girls I want in my life. Thanks for showing me I was wrong.

I am single without kids, and this is far from being a rarity. There are plenty of quality men and women in their 30s and single. The average age for marriage is about 30. Why do you think people meet their SO as teenagers? This is simply not the normal case, if anything it is a rarity that people who become a couple meet before 20.

It happens because of school, college & university, and the mingling of many many different single people. When you work, your chances of meeting single people who you can just start flirting with drops significantly

Easy there tiger, you cant deny the fact majority of the time it happens like i said.

Even if what you are saying is correct why arent you going for a wife like OP now? Genuine question.

Off topic a bit, but define lucrative. 120+ In LA,NY or a flyover?

Not at all. People who have a day job plenty of options to go out and meet other people.

>you cant deny the fact
Fact? Do you even know what that word means? You threw out a completely nonsensical fantasy statement. Not a fact, or something you can prove.

You asked why I think *most* people meet their SO as teenagers, and I gave an answer.

I did not deny that there other occasions and opportunities, only that they are reduced in comparison due to working life leaves less free time

Depends on how much free time you've got. I would always suggest doing things yourself in life if you have the capacity. Other people are unreliable.

I don't know if my opinion is viable in this thread because I'm an above-average height white male swimming in a sea of women at University. In fact, one of these women used magic on me two years ago and now I'm in the best long-term relationship of my life. Looking back, she had a game plan in place and totally bamboozled me.

You're a woman; therefore, polar opposite of my anecdotal experience. Please take anything I said lightly.

Most people do NOT meet as teenagers. The simple fact is that when you are kids, you have no clue about what sort of person you want as a life partner. It's rare for a relationship started in high school to last long, or even into marriage. Do you seriously expect 17 year olds to be able to find someone they will spend the rest of their life with? It's rare.

Just take a leap of faith on a wild card that appears into your life. have faith, trust your heart, and all will be fine.

OP seems to have left. Too bad. She didn't even reveal where she is located.

t. loser who still hopes a successful woman will love him

I am also a successful man in his 30s and you're full of shit. I worked my ass off in my teens and twenties and I want my piece of the beautiful woman pie.

And you cant prove you are 30 and successfull. But i will fucking play ball .

Literally google "average age of men and women at first marriage" . There isnt a single country that women are the older .

And do you want some links where your age and income increases together as well?

So it literally is a logical conclusion that men marry less accomplished woman. You have nothing but anecdotal evidence of yourself and you try to disprove general trends with it. It wont matter, even if you marry somebody like OP, you would like to marry them when they are younger, more energetic and prettier. So go amuse yourself with 20sths.

Maybe she will come back. I hope she does i want to see how her story developes.

The woman is usually about 2 years younger. So the averages are something like, male 32, female 30. Hardly supports your claim that all men go for women 10 years younger.

I never said "10 years" you lying user.

Try speed dating. At worse it'll be a fun experience, at best you'll find an amazing husband.

You should consider dating a man who's a little older than what you're asking. It's because you ask for a lot, while offering a little. Your salary is a threat to normal men, so you just wiped like 90% of all men off the table with that.
So you'll need to find a man who considers you a catch. Do you believe a (for example) 33 year old lawyer would find your attractive? Just be honest with yourself. Maybe a 40 year old divorced lawyer would love someone like you.

The more you're willing to give, then sooner you'll find a match. If you don't lower you standards at all, then it will take you a long time and lots of searching. So you're still giving something: time. Something must give.

If you consider yourself suffering right now, please don't do it in vain. Educate young girls on the importance of getting married young while they're still beautiful and save them from the struggles you had to face. It will make the world a better place.

don't trouble your heart. I'll fuck you OP.
Pic related.

Honestly, no idea about hitch, but I'd just keep banging on with online dating 'til you find someone.
You sound like the type of girl I look for myself. Maybe spice up your dating profiles,
make them clearer. Or get drunk & go to a busy district with a sign "LOOKING FOR A NEW BOYFRIEND"

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