Tl;dr GF's dad is dying so she cheated on me

tl;dr GF's dad is dying so she cheated on me

>meet girl at a whiskey making experience more than a year ago
>was hungover as shit as it was my birthday, but ended up going
>cute girl, instantly clicked turned out it was her birthday as well
>spent the entire night chatting and start meeting up to do things together
>everything in common, spend hour talking and start dating
>happy for a year until her dad gets diagnosed with testicular cancer, it's terminal and he has 3-6 months
>her family falls apart, GF can't drive so I start ferrying them to and from the hospital
>pretty much move in with them to help around the house as they're falling apart
>most nights she'll fall asleep after crying in my arms for hours
>her dad has a chat with me, thanks me for helping out and says how happy I make her and how she always talks about me
>her sister and mother can't stop telling me how grateful they are, I'm happy helping them out
>have a business trip last week so can't help them out, leads to a small argument where she claims I'm abandoning them and choosing work over them
>have to go though, work have already been more than understanding with me having to leave early or take days off to help them
>apologise to GF and go on trip, her sister drives so it shouldn't be an issue
>GF doesn't call me at all during the week, doesn't answer my texts, decide to give her space
>occasional texts from her mum and sister
>came back on Friday, went to my place to check on it and relax as I was exhausted
>GF calls me, wants to come round
>immediately bursts into tears, she can't stop crying when she arrives


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>tells me that she felt like I was abandoning her, so she called her ex to help
>tells me that she went back to his and fucked him, tells me how sorry she is
>hold her whilst she cries and falls asleep, drop her off home the next day
>haven't spoken since, she's called me 87 times and according to WhatsApp I have 300+ messages from her
>don't thing her mother knows as we're still texting and told her to let me know if they need any help

I don't know what to do. I love her more than anything in this world and as silly as it sounds the fact we met on our birthdays and are born on the same day/year seems like fate to me (my parents were born on the same day as well). However she cheated on me and I know she's going through a lot but I don't know if I can get over this. Am I being selfish here?

>I love her more than anything in this world
As if that fucking means anything, she clearly doesnt love you back. Break it off or suffer like a broken housewife. Your call.

Break up.

She was unreasonable on multiple accounts, and that's a big no-no. Also, her ex is a cunt.

There are plenty more girls born on the same day as you, and even then, it unfortunately doesn't mean anything no matter how much you want it to.

Heck, the only reason I can think of to not break up is for the sake of the father. Once he dies, you have literally no reason to stick around.

Lets see. She had a choice. His dick or you and his dick won. That OP isn't showing love for you but love for his dick.

>>hold her whilst she cries
So you gave the cheating cunt comfort because she pretended to be upset for cheating on you. Do you have even one ball in that sac between your legs?

man people do the weirdest shit when they're grieving, not taking her side but yeah...
you should probably break up

He did good. But he can's stay with her. Don't know how he should deal with the situation because of her father. I think OP you should help the family out as much as you can but you should also leave her, once the trust is brokenIt's time to leave. Wish you and her dad luck!

The revenge play is to go ask the dad for advice.

break up with her she doesn't respect you at all. no excuses for cheating

That's brutal, don't do that. Just be a mine and break up with her. Don't be spiteful or anything, just let her know that cheating is a deal breaker. You don't owe her or her family anything, and that's not being cold, it's just the facts. Imagine if the roles were reversed. She would have dropped you on the spot. Move on

>immediately betrays you when you don't do whatever she wants when she wants it
>"d-do i break up with her?"

ffs, you really deserve getting cheated on considering that you still ask. block contact to her and her family; explain to the mother why so she backs off for good too

If she went to her ex at the business trip, she might have gon to him again now as well. Sorry OP.

You've seen how she handles herself during stressful life situations. She might not know how to deal with this and appreciates you but isn't ready to have a real relationship and you don't have to save a sinking ship out of guilt or obligation. Don't hate her but leave because that trust will never come back. The betrayal has been done. It's over.

First I'd recommend to break up with this bitch. What Kind of human is this ? You're helping and working and all she got to do is sitting on another dick ? Shiiiet.....

I would also recommend this But in a gangsta way.

I don't know like taking the sis and mom together to see the father but not the bitch ? Staying with the dad while the bitch still here and do NOT talk to her, just ignore her.

And when the father will ( sadly) past away, IGNORE THE BITCH , don't talk to her !

Maybe the sis and the mother but fuck this bitch just live your own life.

Also definitely tell her family, specially father. Dont act angry while doing this. Tell them this hurt you and if she did after this time, you just can not know she wont go to his house everytime you have a fight.

In general, I'd tell you to give her another chance. But in this scenario, she's an utter bitch.

Fuck that hoe chuck that hoe
I dumped my ex who wanted to marry me and was clingey as fuck for kissing her ex. I later found a cheating vid on the internet with her years later. Sometimes you dodge a bullet when you dump a cheat.

Attached: 1540056220974.png (585x585, 164K)

This is where you walk away. Her ex can help.

>I later found a cheating vid on the internet with her years later
Link pls

Sounds like she's been using you, man. Like you're the guy who's there to take care of her and her family, but the moment you have to go away for just a bit for work she jumps back to her ex. This won't be the last time, and once her father passes away she's probably not going to stay with you.

I generally don't instantly assume the person being spoken about is in the wrong, but this story sets off some pretty glaring red flags I think you need to consider.

Leave her. The situation sucks but you have no obligation to continue helping them if she’s willing to throw away your relationship the second you need to do something for your own sake. Your own job and mental well-being are valuable and you shouldn’t have to hamstring yourself just because of her bad decisions

No it's nasty shit and I was high when I saw it 6 years later. She has roast beef vagina anyway and honestly was a bit of a fatty too.

>No it's nasty shit and I was high when I saw it 6 years later. She has roast beef vagina anyway and honestly was a bit of a fatty too.
C'mon user, this is Jow Forums....nel, we love nasty shit

>Help out a family that's struggling with terminal ilness
>Women see this as weakness and hops on chads dick
Like clockwork
Do you think she wouldn't have cheated if you took all her fathers shit and fucked her mom instead? Because I think she wouldn't have.

Second this user.

Naw I don't even have the link senpai. Once I made sure it was her I clicked out of it and never looked back. I regret that because I need it if I got aids from Tyrone. I am getting tested in a month for AIDS. Shit sucks. Fucking hoe showed my ID in the video and shit too. God damn I hated that woman. It's all gucci I told her to her face that I was in love with another woman by like a million times more than her when she wanted to marry. Lol. She's crazy and while the ride was okay you don't stick your dick in crazy despite what others say. She went to the state mental ward while dating me. She was an absolute nut.

>showed my ID in the video


Once a cheater, always a cheater.

You never see a larp before you fucking newfag?

I have never seen this one no.

Break up w her. Shes a dumbass bitch. Fuck her. Ur doing all that for her and she so easily throws it away. Seriously fuck her

I know you love her OP and I know that you'd feel terrible doing this to someone whose dad is dying. I'm just going to say that you need to think about yourself a bit too; you're a really selfless person for having done this and you don't deserve to be made second fiddle to an ex.
I can't add much to this thread except to say I'm very very sorry this had to happen to you and if you decide to break it off, you'll find another girl who realises what a kind, nurturing person you are.

I would say break up with her. You can keep helping out the mother, sister and father but you're done with the girl. I know this is a tough time for her so you might consider a second chance, but if she really decides that because you're going away only for a week for your own career, that it is "abandoning her" so she goes and fucks some ex of hers, then who knows what else she'll do in tough situations that come up in the future.

Keep helping the family if that's what you feel like doing, but the relationship is over and you're done. Time to pack up and move on. I think she will definitely cheat again one day.

>tell her dad
>break up and move on
>let her mom know as well
>do maximum damage before leaving the sinking ship

a girl who cheats on you after you doing so much for her isn’t worth being a girlfriend let alone wife. She has no impulse control and the fact that an ex can easily fuck her tells me she won’t stop.

Marriage won’t stop that behaviour, especially after she stabilizes after her dad had died and she gets over the grief.

Marriage leads to even more fights and compromise and guess what she’s gonna do then?

Atleast you don’t have kids yet, don’t marry a woman like that, she won’t think twice before ruining your life.

Let the parents know what an ungrateful cunt she is and dump those retarded people altogether.

Plenty of people around the world who would be grateful to have a person like you around them.

what your doing is great. helping her family is nice. but if you go back to her you might as well fucking cut your dick off cuck ass nigga. Im furious reading this wholesome story just to end it with "should i go back? I really love her" just your cuck ass asking this question i know your gonna go back. niggas gonna get cucked again too i bet

Dump her
Trust me I had a situation where I broke my back and did everything for the sake of a girl and her family
She cheated on me and I gave her another chance just so she could do it again
After we broke up she told her family I was abusive and cheated on her .
Dump her

Leave her.