>instead of giving Amazon a 3 billion dollar tax break we should use that money for public schools instead
Is she fucking retarded?
>instead of giving Amazon a 3 billion dollar tax break we should use that money for public schools instead
Is she fucking retarded?
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Are you? American public schools are desperate for money, Amazon is not.
I love how she thinks there's a magic pot of 3 billion dollars laying around, just waiting to be spent on her delusional communist fantasies.
I'm sure she would've fit right in Maduro's successful government lol. What a whacko.
The tax break is not money on hand, you imbecile. The money doesn't exist. If amazon would have to pay 10 billion in taxes, they would only pay 7 billion. Now they pay nothing because they go elsewhere and you get jack shit.
>tax breaks are the same as cash in hand
and this is why america is so fucked up
link to a quote of her saying that, liar.
And she guaranteed that they get none from this now. That $3 billion was not a cash check to Amazon you fucking sperg. So now NYC is losing out on $27 billion over the next five years all because they were willing to rebate $3 billion back. That money was air and always would have been.
Amazon is a globalist tool. They want to centralise all market transactions on earth, that's why Amazon is always given insane tax breaks and has the financial reserves required to run a zero profit business to put other businesses out of the game.
To be fair, south and central americans kill themselves well enough without anybody's help
Yes. And for an economics major she has a grade school understanding of anything related to economics.
>. If amazon would have to pay 10 billion in taxes
i get that bezos is funding u shills but nobody believes your made up numbers
amazon pays nothing in taxes
SAGE this & get it drop out
get her fucking face outta our board
I can see you're a product of that
Public schools are child abuse. All teachers should be killed.
Oh boy, another corporate cock sucking thread. How much does AMZN pay you guys these days? Are you allowed a desk, or do you sit in a wage cage? AOC may be a dunce, but you cocksuckers are a bit too much.
Drumpf BTFO!!!
I want to make love to AOC.
They still pay unemployment tax
They still pay sales tax
They still generate payroll tax (yes, the employee pays it).
It sucks that they pay nothing on the eleven BILLION dollars they make, but it’s the lawmakers who are to blame. You’re blaming the wrong side of the equation.
where are they supposed to go?
it's kind of hard to run a delivery service without any sort of actual presence.
This isn't a federal tax, that's why it's taking about New York you retard
Amazon was literally going to build a middle school for the area
No, now they're 3bil in the whole for her school funding and they lost 7 bill in tax revenue
I guess you are too busy getting your cock sucked by a dog to realize that local and federal taxes are different and that Amazon provides money the the US government in other ways. Corporate tax is just one slice of the pie.
No wonder Canada is having such problems.
yes, but that doesn't make it cool that the cia is the largest terrorist organisation in the world
She's Dunning-Kruger incarnate.
I'm amazed she managed to pass enough exams to get a degree (not enough to get her a better job than barista though).
Goddamn leaf. You're why everyone hates Canadians
She thinks her district has 3 billion dollars
>Is she fucking retarded?
This was for a 2nd headquarters (filled with relatively high paying, white collar jobs), not a warehouse.
>schools need money
NY state spends 20k per child. In an average class of 25 kids. That is $500,000 to educate them for 9 months.
I really don't get why the New York democrats all rallied against Amazon, it really seems like they're just against capitalism as a concept.
No, her genes will die with her
she will however foster 2-3 new generations of cats
She looks like a cross between a horse and a fish.
You can buy her t shirts on Amazon. Wonder what her cut is
Actually as an American that is pretty cool.
Pretty much. They just started hating Bezos a year or two ago when Amazon started becoming very profitable (after literally decades of massive investments in their business and no or meager profits) and his wealth ballooned. Amazon gets a lot of flack because it's associated with him. Maybe some of the fervor will die down after his wife takes half his assets and he's dethroned as richest person in the world, but I'm not holding my breath.
Amuses me too because Amazon's profit margins are a whopping 3-4%, while companies like Alphabet, Apple, Facebook, etc. routinely post profit margins in the 30, 40, and even 50 percent range. And yet somehow Amazon is the greedy and evil one. Go figure.
It goes to her campaign fund, which in turn goes toward paying her boyfriend's salary.
>Is she fucking retarded?
She thinks Amazon and Google and Facebook are going to sit there and have their top employees pay a 70% income tax.
>doesn't understand the diff between a tax break and tax revenue
being this fucking stupid
Seriously thinking about ripping off her shirts and selling them myself on Amazon or Ebay.
>US tax code allows money-losing companies to reduce their future taxable income.
Amazon (AMZN) piled up billions of dollars in losses over its two-decade history. It posted $3 billion worth of losses during its first eight years as a public company. It swung between profit and loss since 2003. Its most recent annual loss was $241 million in 2014.
Amazon's total earnings have easily topped its losses — many times over. But some of Amazon's earnings came from sales outside the United States, on which Amazon paid either lower or no US taxes. Other earnings were offset by Amazon's investments in equipment, such computers and robots at its fulfillment centers.
Last year, Amazon benefited from an accelerated tax credit for equipment purchases, which was part of the corporate tax bill passed at the end of 2017. And the company has received research and development tax credits. So Amazon's federal tax bill came to a net credit of $129 million in 2018 after getting a $137 million tax credit in 2017.
The company said in its most recent annual financial statement that it still has $1.4 billion in federal tax credits available to offset future tax bills.
I'm not amazed you never managed to get a degree yourself though
No federal tax, but have much taxes are the amazon employees paying through Income tax, property tax, and sales tax? Liberals will never understand the real reason for tax breaks
lets break this down so dumb ass like you who would believe a 1/3rd pound burger is smaller than a 1/4th burger.
>Amazon begins operating in New York
>pays tax in NY (ex. 10 billion in a year)
>but gets a tax that lets it keep 3 billion of its revenue (ex. Amazon is now paying 7 billion in taxes)
NY would be getting 7 billion dollars in taxes from Amazon operating in the state
>NY tells amazon fuck off we'll tax you as much as you like
>Amazon decided not to build an HQ in NY
>The potential hypothetical 7 billion NY would be getting in taxes from amazon evaporates into thin air because the company decided to take its business to another state
Insert retarded horse tooth bimbo with a nice rack
>"NY will be saving those 3 billion in tax cuts to use on schools!"
the 3 billion she is referring to doesn't exist because Amazon isn't around to pay taxes in the first place to pay the original example 10 billion in taxes before the tax cut.
Moral of the story: Socialists are sub 60 iq subhuman dipshsits, and tax cuts are less money tax payers give to the government, not money the government takes out of its own piggy bank to give to the tax payer.
That should be fine, she doesn't believe in ownership anyway.
>killing Latin american commie dictators and slinging dope
its pretty fucking rad to be honest
Give the money to me, I know for a fact that it would be put to better use than if amazon or public schools got it.
Mirin fellow Leaf whos taken tax courses
Remember that time when throwing more money at a bad thing made it less bad?
>give more funding to brainwashing facilities that 'teach' people to love us and hate the opposition.
I will definitely take a note of this. In the past when I was doing better than now, I remember that this is the way I thought. Positively. I feel like I‘m going to make it but I have no one except anons here to really talk to about this right now.
she is fucking based
They where also looking at northern Virginia, I'm betting somewhere near Richmond.
Worth pointing out too is that these are tax credits that have been on the law books for DECADES and are available to ANY business who would have been looking to build as heavily and create as many jobs in Queens as Amazon was planning to. This wasn't some backroom deal created just for Amazon, they were incentives put into place years ago specifically in response to so many companies moving their HQ out of NYC due to a less business-friendly climate. And Amazon would have only got the tax credits if they created as many jobs with as high of wage as they estimated they were going to, this wasn't some handout to them with no strings attached. There are job creation and wage conditions that the tax credits are contingent on.
Socialists in NYC really fucked up on this one. I mean it's not like the city's gonna go bankrupt or anything, they're still an extremely influential global city that has a lot going for it and plenty of appeal for people and businesses. But this Amazon HQ2 would have made them even more prosperous and been a win in the long run for NYC and the state.
the more importnant question is why is amazon getting tax break in the 1st place? could be a legit reason.
>Is she fucking retarded?
also pls tell her to stop dragging us into everything, her policies has nothing to with us, we do not do identity politics
>public schools
Offered as an incentive for them to pick NY. Any more brain busters retard?
welll.... this...
See article below. They're all tax credits available to anyone, nothing special for Amazon.
an incentive to move to NY and bring jobs to the state
>State gets taxes from Amazons income
>more jobs in the state means NY gets more tax revenue from those jobs as well
Its retarded cronyism that strangles smaller business within the state in all honesty. But NY is ass backwards in more than just tax policy
The eternal kraut, truly the enemy of humanity.
That money was in the form of a tax break on monies coming in from Amazon. Since Amazon is gone, there is no 3 billion dollars.
That lady is pure stupid. Surveys showed that the people mostly against Amazon in NY were upper class Manhattan liberals- not in her district. The working folks: Blacks and Hispanics in her district wanted Amazon headquarters there.
She is the best thing to happen to the Republicans in a long time.
OK? They can fuck off to China for all I care. It would be better for the economy.
Is this three letter identifier a psyop by ((them))?
It started with MBS the Saudi "reformer" and now AOC the US "reformer"
Is it meant to indicate post-modern identity and appeal to millenials?
hurr durr fuck the rich amirite
The CIA is trash, but little can be done about it since you get CIA'D if you try.
Lmao you shills have absolutely no other lines. After you got completely annihilated last night, I'm surprised you even bother showing your faces.
>the 27 billion tax revenue is a made up Republican lie
>that was estimated by democratic officials in ny who were negotiating the deal
>the 25000-40000 jobs estimate is a lie made up by republicans
>see above
>no one wanted Amazon to be there
>polls showed the majority approved of Amazon locating there
You were so asshurt you resorted to spamming the same adhom "arguments". It's honestly like debating five year olds who think in good/bad absolutes.
What money? That was a discount on 30 billion amazon was going to PAY in taxes. The money doesn't exist and it never will now thanks to this empty headed cunt.
I live in Seattle and know full hand what Amazon can do to a large city. Good job on NYC for not falling for the 25k job meme. Also, they were not going to build the HQ in AOC's district. Good ole delusional Jow Forums.
so retarded that they had to extend the left side of the human intelligence bell curve by a few miles on a regular sized piece of notebook paper.
>Is she fucking retarded?
pic related
Yes. Not taking Amazon's money is not the same as the government spending money....
If the government cuts your taxes, is that the government spending money on you? Jesus.
How did this bitch get a degree in economics? Did she just suck the professor dry for four years?
In this instance, no.
Democrats seem to be under the impression that by default 100% of your money belongs to the government, and any that they are gracious enough to allow you to keep is a gift that you should be grateful to them for.
Liberalism truly is a mental disorder.
She's the best thing ever! Its like watching a sexy car wash, but instead of washing a car she destroys liberal cesspools with their own politics
>falling for the american schools are broke meme
stop paying diversity counselors and pay administrators less and you will fix the problem. throwing money at school districts with no accountability to the public will never lead to a solution.
Look Canada, I am dumb as a fucking stump and even I fucking understand how fucked over the people in NYC got from this dumb bitch.
People who are well to do are going YAY but the rest of the people desperate for work are pissed off, and leaving NYC to Flordia.
>Le basic economics maymay
>Is she fucking retarded?
Yes OP. Yes she is retarded.
@7:40, sorry.
Giving companies tax incentives != straight up giving them money.
We should abolish public education, it is useless.
Amazon's HQ2 would not provide good entry level jobs. It's a corporate office, not a warehouse. The lowest jobs Amazon could offer those in NYC are security guards and janitors. AOC wants jobs that anyone in NYC can easily get hired for. Not high end tech monkey jobs only going to a few. Amazon NYC was not going to even be built in AOC's district, so is it any of her fault?
Yeah, that's true. And it's solidified in the Left's language too. Trump's tax cuts are a 'giveaway' to the rich. As if the government is doing you a favour by not taking your shit.
American schools are propaganda camps for leftists. Nothing more. They need no money.