Why do we give (((them))) so much money?

Why do we give (((them))) so much money?

Looking for non-meme answers.

Attached: 234px-Flag_of_Israel.svg.png (234x170, 2K)

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A certain ethnic overrepresentation, dual nationality to a certain country, four thousand years of documented treachery and thievery to a certain kind of people.
Take your pick.

we helped them build it so cutting off all funding would be like knocking over your own sand castle.
to explain the extreme amount of funding without memeing, its because they are the only country in the middle east who at least tries to join the modern world. if we were ever at war with a middle eastern country (like we have been the past 20+ years) we would have connections and support to rely on in the area.
enemy of your enemy is your friend.
that's not memeing btw. there is a better explanation but that's the best one that doesn't include posturing about the aims and goals of jews as a whole around the world.
it actually hurt to say that but its vaguely true even if in the end its an illusion.

and i am not a mudskin


(((we))) helped them create Israel. Look at the UAE. Dubai is a modern city in the modern world

Vassal state

Vassal states historically payed annual tribute and joined the host nation's wars

Because your (((GEOTUS))) is a BIGLY and YUGE fan of Israel

Israel is our military base in the middle east. It's not complicated.

Vassal state cope

Proxy to keep shitskins busy in the ME trying to kill the Jews instead of plotting to fuck with western countries.

the money is given because without it they would not survive.

google how much it simply costs to build a road in the US. now google how much one jet costs.

its a lot of money when we talk about money on a personal level but when it comes to funding a country its not that much. the big problem isnt us giving them money, its that were their bitch.

Sand nigger cope

We arent giving them anything, you are stupid if you think the american public has any control over what Senate does. Sure whites could protest against giving Israel money, but at the end of the day Shekelstan is getting their money.


the us is israel's military base in the west

Fuck off kike

>t. sand nigger



We don’t give (((them))) anything. (((They))) steal and give it to their (((brothers)))

Spreading cash for influence is the American way.

Kikes are sand niggers too faggot. If you’re white and you love kikes you are a fucking race traitor and should be gassed. Go move to Israel and get the fuck out of America if you love jew subhuman filth so much.

Read the Madagascar plan. The Germans predicted exatctly what would happen if the Jews were given a Vatican state in the region.

Israel is right wing and leftists are constantly protesting them. Are you a leftist?


we need an ally over there against the sandniggers and the khazar are that ally.

Israel is neither right or left its a threat to the entire white race.

Because you are brainwashed slaves to Jews. Non meme answer.

There is demographic data you can look up by town. Assuming you’re in America. But as the other anons have covered. Voting district Also check if there’s any section 8 housing in the town built , or planned to be built. They snuck one complex in this really. Nice white town by me. It isn’t finished yet but needless to say property value will go down in that area. Also another town has section 8 houses sort of hidden, super white wealthy town. All of the little crime that does occur , occurs around that spot. But you would never know it unless you talk to someone who lived there.



>This arrangement would prevent the possible establishment in Palestine by the Jews of a Vatican State of their own, and the opportunity for them to exploit for their own purposes the symbolic importance which Jerusalem has for the Christian and Mohammedan parts of the world.

This shit is right out of the Talmud:

>It is permitted to incite the sinners (Gentiles) of this world into war. (Talmud Berakot 7b, Megilla 6b)

Because us congress is blackmailed by israelis


Because they spend it buying weaponry from our military industrial complex

>Israel is right wing
Who gives a fuck, they aren’t white they are Semitic subhuman animals. They are the fucking enemy. Shitskin countries like Israel should be destroyed and colonized by superior whites
>leftists protest them
Leftists protest everything how is that an argument?
Why do we need any fucking allies? The US could fight every country in the world and still win. Just carpet bomb the kikes and sand niggers until the terrorists vanish. Problem solved. Who needs allies when your military is bigger than all the rest of the world’s militaries combined?

You Spend more on japan and korea. Dong hear you compkaininalso just because your goverfaggots get that money out the budget doesnt mean it arrives here.

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LOL it's clearly right wing that's why leftists like you hate them so much

What made you decide to become a race-traitor? Or are you actually a real kike?

A lying kike? I'm shocked

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only reliable ally in the middle east

At the end of the day, America (and the world) has much more to gain from a mostly-peaceful and prosperous state of Israel vs. another poor Sunni Arab nation a la Egypt, Syria, etc.

b-b-but Obama hated Israel

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I’m sure most of the expense is military, not foreign aid

>reliable ally
Yes they sure proved their worth when they bombed the shit out of a US navy ship. Or when they sent zero soldiers to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan

>mostly-peaceful and prosperous state
Nah. We'd have world peace and a functional society if we just killed all of the jews

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To enable the third temple to be built.

we are ZOG

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Because we're fucking cucks

Yea, that's what the colors are for. What's your point, kike? Why should our military be used to defend the JEWISH state? The US is supposed to have a 1A.

>we are ZOG
jews are 1.4% of the US population, 0.025% of the world population

Attached: dual cit jews 2013.jpg (879x881, 264K)

I was going to say ask Germany. Since you're the only German respondent so far...do you think our cash spreading is having the desired effect? I am completely against it. Our greatest leaders paid for things we actually benefited from (e.g. Jefferson, Madison Monroe). Not imperialistic, just good transactions.

Thanks, saving this and SAYJJJ

Cut throat crime, ritual terrorism and debilitating skull fucking.

Reading all the comments, why would anyone unironically defend Israel? What's there to gain?

Let them have it. Worship of Money is evil.

They are beggars, how the fuck do we gain shit by sending them free money? They’re a shitskin country that wants gibs, no different from a sandnigger country.

>jews are 1.4% of the US population, 0.025% of the world population

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it goes back to US companies, so its an indirect way the US govt subsidizes the arm industry.
you do realize the amount you're giving isn't significant. stopping the aid will definitely won't knock us over.


Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2.

Read through this thread, it's all there...




Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now. Redpill them and the rest will work itself out.

Attached: jew US WW2.jpg (1653x1620, 401K)

25% of GOP donors.
50% of DNC donors.

It's simple lobbying.

Your 300 billion arms deal with Saudi Terroristia is ofc a bigger problem

I think you’d have a dumber and less neurotic world, but not necessarily more peaceful and prosperous. You’d lose lose so many of the best scientists and mathematicians and competent leaders. I think you’d be surprised how many successful “whites” out there that Jow Forums lives to brag about have a good portion of ashkenazi genes. Many Jews are evil but not all

It's like the jizya but instead you pay jews.

He's probably just a kike behind a proxy. The German people have been extorted with holocau$t guilt the same way we have.
Ask this user

>Why do we give (((them))) so much money?

Meme answer: Because it pisses you off.

Non-meme answer: Because it pisses Muslims off.

if you actually believe we are your proxy, you're retarded.
we defy your decisions and interests all the time here, because they conflict with ours.

You made a great investment in Europe imo. Must have paid back multiple times and gave you allies.
Not sure about all the money that goes into the middle east.

I thought that bait would have been a lot more successful.

sending and maintaining troops in foreign countries also costs money, you know.

You missed the point. We wouldn't be involved in the region at all if not for the kikes.

There are no good jews.
>how many successful “whites” out there that Jow Forums lives to brag about have a good portion of ashkenazi genes.
Your definition of success is completely different from ours. Jews are parasites just like niggers. We built the universities and laboratories which you now infest. You cannot survive without a host.

Is this a joke? Kikes are 100% pure evil and have never, ever accomplished anything good. They are satanic usurer mongrels. The world would be 100000x better off without them

>The US could fight every country in the world and still win except half of Vietnam.


Oh, you think? Man, you sure are smart. Is this that famed IQ I keep hearing about? We would not be in the middle east if you filthy parasites were able to defend yourselves, or if you had any concept of honor.

I believe that the real answer is something like white guilt.

burger-munching protestant vermin came to believe the Jews were somehow necessary to their ridiculous end-of-days theories

> imagine being a brown skinned and black eyed subhuman in 2019.
You are literally an NPC god made for us to kill.

Keeping control of Middle East

It's not ours at all. It's like calling a bloodsucking leach on your arm "yours" and you need to keep feeding it because it has already become very fat on your blood already, it would be a waste to scrape it off.

Mostly AIPAC. If you want their money (they have a lot) you'll have to sign a pledge to Israel. If I remember correctly AIPAC gets a large chunk of it's money from American Christian Zionist boomers, so this won't be a problem in 30 years once they're all dead.

we won our wars without you sending troops and we never asked you to send us troops.
and you entered the ME for oil.

An overwhelming number of our congress holds dual citizenship with Israel, and Jewish ownership and dominance of the financial system/media. Gives them Carter Blanche

Do you have any clue at all? The head of AIPAC is deciding who becomes the Secretary of State. They are the deep state.


>like white guilt.

You saved them from Germany you dumb burger. They should pay you

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in the fullness of time the arab scum will rape your women, and nobody's in a hurry

The money we give them comes back as bribes to our congressmen. That's all.

>we won our wars without you sending troops
Except you won the wars with weapons built and paid for by white countries.

It's not "the" German people. In fact: Eastern Germany has received as good as zero holocaust guilt. Even though Jews must have still remained a lot of power in the Soviet Union and they certainly do today in Russia. It is exclusively you and the Anglo who did this brainwashing, therefor in western Germany. And now west Germany is a cucked, multi racial, multi cultural copy of Murica while East Germany is one of the most right wing places in Europe. If not the most right wing. It's time to realize that (((your))) propaganda is worse, more sophisticated and more totalitarian than that of the Soviet Union.

tons of politician shills here seducing little bois


burgers dont need oil. are oil independent, especially since fracking. no oil from iraq. zero. it was all pnac and the israel lobby.

Sup, Jew?

>You saved them from Germany

It's ironic because that's what burgers learn but at the same time they pay the people they saved. kek

he knows, kill him
and u r greater israel

>Why do we give (((them))) so much money?
Demand them to open borders to show solidarity or no more money and see what happens

Because you're a slave race

Israel would have gone under half-a-dozen times in its warfare with its neighbors during the past 50 years if the United States had not provided massive military and diplomatic support. If all of the Jews in America and Europe sold their television networks and newspapers and film studios and moved to Israel, that flow of blood from their hosts would be cut off, and Israel soon would cease to exist.

Good points.
>It's time to realize that (((your))) propaganda is worse, more sophisticated and more totalitarian than that of the Soviet Union.
Absolutely agree.

not 48 and 67 we paid fully for everything

If you're talking about who gave jews in general so much money, no one. They gained it themselves. Stereotypes aren't created from thin air, the fact that jews are extremely greedy and money oriented makes them ruthless and cunning in their venture to procure wealth. Therefore, as with most things that you set your mind to and work hard towards, they eventually became super rich and thus powerful.
If you mean Israel itself, it's just a result of their power. Also check pic related.

also this

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they didn't use to be oil independent.

Because the UN is sick of dealing with them and their eternal victim-hood and internalized oppression.

Besides, we can't afford to Kosher their rice rations or salt anymore. They obviously won't pay for it, fuckin jews. We don't want to be accused of systematic antisemitism over the paycheck of a rabbi's blessing.

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