Do people actually use tinder to meet new people? Or is it just a place where people can blow their egos up...

do people actually use tinder to meet new people? Or is it just a place where people can blow their egos up. Girls getting swiped right by hundreds of guys. Same for guys too tho. Honestly Ive been called a 7 (pic related) by mostly spanish girls. White girls usually call me a 6 (which is what I see myself anyway) Everytime I use tinder I just see countless white girls, Nothing wrong with that, but white girls usually dont date Spanish guys. I guess my advice is should i continue trying tinder to find a partner? Ofc im trying to make friends and meet a partner irl at my college but tinder could be a backup.

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We /soc/ now?

I would give you a 4 at best if you cut your hair

well either your ratings are inflated or I am very down on myself lmao

your on Jow Forums. trust me, you are down on yourself lmao

are you stoopid? my hair is one of my best features. long hair covers ugly face...basic science

do you sell your wool ?

Cut hair and lose weight

i actually started the gym recently. again, im not cutting my hair. i got picture of my with my hair short....thats way worst my nigga.

Don't call me your nigga, you're the spic with nigger blood

wtf? nigga your tapped lol. how can i take advice from a old head cracker? do society a favor and kys

Do a skateboard flip and die on your way back to Mexico

Dont cut your hair. Gives you personality. Tinder is a bit of a dumpster fire that comes inherently with the platform. Women, no matter how they look always have no problem matching, because they swipe infrequently. Average, and even good looking, men on the other hand get shafted since the women only swipe on the top 10% of men. What ends up happening therefore is that the top 10% end up with a ton of matches, while regular dudes get zip.
That said, I met my last two GFs on Tinder, so its not a total loss. Just dont go into it with thoughts of instant success.

dude.....thanks for actually being the only person to give me actual advice. i appreciate it. thanks for being realistic. all these other clowns need to go back to 2012 cuz being edgy is just cringe now

"skateboard flip" lmaoooo now i know your an old head. go back to

I have never had a match in years...

do an ollie

6/10? wow those girls are being nice

You probably want to fix your attitude regarding criticism if you want to go anywhere with online dating.
But don't. Online dating is a waste of time for everyone involved unless you literally have zero spare time to date in... ....and since you're fucking shitposting about people trying to get you laid, on Jow Forums, on Jow Forums, I promise your spare time hasn't even become threatened, much less in short supply.

The only thing Tinder gives you-- and it's a bad thing-- is security from fuckups. But if you have total windfall on every fuckup, you won't learn a single goddam thing and you'll be 28 without a single fucking experience to call back on.

Even falling on your face is moving forward. Tinder is just total experience and progress limbo. Again, unless you're a specific type of person, but you wouldn't be here under this context if you were.
By the by, that's for both genders.
>men line up as one of literal dozens at minimum in the hopes that they get pencilled in to a woman's schedule
>meanwhile, a woman gets the 'luxury' of every single Tom, Dick or Harry who has even a remote attraction to the way she looks 'hitting her up' and trying to get day one sex or a fucking meaningful, deep romance from God damn Tinder-- starting with the first message they send... But if you reject anyone, you're a whore!

I had like atleast 30 matchs. half of them being inactive. 3 of them being actual cool people who i talked to. 2 of them i went on a date with. but after the date they stopped talking and seemed not interested so i just stopped talking. why? lol

i have alot of spare time thank god. I go to college, do my homework then chill with friends and family or just chill alone. Might sound sad to some people but its better than working a job. (my moms make good money so i dont gotta work) Im down for critism but if its countless trolling then ima ignore it. I said im not gonna cut my hair, why do people keep saying it after i already said no? Lol but yea your right im not gonna re download tinder. im not gonna gas up no bitchs like that ,

your right bro i got so much spare time and go to colllege. ima just talk to the girls there. im not insecure or shy. i got this. thanks anons. im done here. have a good day

I won't deny the exception fallacy where, basically by proxy the potential for an exception to my rules above will exist. A super gentle Chad for the ladies, a super mommy-tier hardworker for the boys, or something. But rest assured, I can call for a shout out for every guy who has been left on read or one-word replies multiple times in a row and surely we'll have results.

The thing is, cold approaches and other real life dating, yeah they're all hard. Hard as fuck. I've done them and I have some nauseating Halo effect going on and I still find them hard as fuck. But if you don't touch people who don't ask to be touched, you take no to mean no and you recognize that chicks are in the millions, everywhere and there literally is no 'perfect one for you' then dating becomes a little less scary.

Granted, dating anywhere will fall roughly down to the same chances, it's just you get an actual turn to roll the dice in person. Online, they aren't lying to you-- you'll need impressive natural assets, either in your pic or your bio, in order to pull anything you want to.

It sounds like you have a lot going for you right now. My advice to dating is, expand your social circle..make friends, meet their friends, and meet THEIR friends... Keep repeating until someone sticks to you or you to them.

I get the hair thing but when people tell me to cut mine I consider the angle and why they're saying it. Mine is straight and blond though so having it long uuuusually works in my favor pretty well.
Remember that professionally speaking, long hair isn't always flying, but that's gonna be a ways off yet anyway.

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Lucky you. I’m just too ugly.

Lack of smarts, probably. A quick proofread of the only two lines I've seen you write:

>forgot the space in "at least"
>misspelled 'matches'
>forgot to capitalize every sentence after the first one
>started two sentences with literal numbers rather than the written-out versions of those numbers
>no capitalization of the letter "i"
>use of periods gives an awkward clipped sentence structure.

This isn't true about everyone, but I know I look for
>Wow, this person gives a shit about their words and took the time to think their shit through

In the people I flirt with, and while I can overlook maybe one or two of the above, I can't overlook all of them at the same time, because it reads to me as one of
>I don't care enough to fix it
>I'm physically handicapped and unable to fix it, or
>I'm too stupid to know I'm fucking up

And call it bitchy or shitty, but none of those bode well for me wanting to actually date someone.

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kek thought it was his hood