Ask the Opposite Sex Anything

Before you post, check the FAQ.
Try to keep questions concise. Use paragraph breaks.
It helps if you address your question "Guys," "Girls,"

>What do girls/guys think about ?
>Do like ?
There is no one answer. Preferences differ and worrying about some complex only ever makes things worse. In fact, worries like complexes are very often the real problem.

>I'm shy and afraid of .
Get over it by practicing and exposing yourself to it, bit by bit, step by step. You can't rely on some "magic moment" (or activity) to instantly change you.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out. "Signs" of attraction are basically meaningless.

>Where do I meet people for ?
Anywhere outside. Or online. Above all, leave your comfort zone.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me.
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, froyo, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, gallery, park, .

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Other urls found in this thread:

My gf just said that i made her cum with just my text messages and her imagination - without her touching herself

what does this say about me?

this thread was made by a woman

wrong user, but i'll give you another chance to try

it means you need to show us your fucking text messages


Why does this board insist it's okay for 40+ men to date 20ish women but the opposite is taboo?

this thread was made by a tranny

You're right!
Well I'm also into photography and sended her therefore the first dick pics in our relationship (after 6 months). Combined them with some novel like text messages. Wrote stuff like "While laying in the orange shine of our night lamp i'm kissing your mouth and your breast and just to move my hand down your pants"
(sounded better in my native language)
Kept this romantic writing style going for half an hour while telling her how i would fuck her in many different ways, just for her to tell me that she came by reading my messages.

We have around 5-7 times sex whenever we meet and i make her cum 8-10 times. Our sex life is fantastic, but the fact that she came by reading my messages and seeing my dick pics was kinda unexpected

It says that you have a caring gf that wants to make you feel good. You should be grateful.

Thats really nice thank you kind user

Do you have to offer exclusivity after a first date? I see people saying they'll be talking to multiple people then keep talking to the others to try them out as well. Is it something you disclose to them?

Girl I like likes me as well to some extend but has a boyfriend.
This is lose - lose, right?
If she leaves him for me, she'd do similar to me, and if she doesn't, well I don't get her.

That means there isn't shit I could do, because if I succeeded in "stealing" her, I shouldn't want her, correct?

Honest question- do girls compare their partners dick size to their previous partners?


just fuck her


So I'm in love with someone and they at least like me, except one problem
They're leaving the state in the next year. How should I prepare myself for that?


>just fuck her
I'm afraid that's not an option. I would 100% get attached

Is it normal for my boyfriends dick to pulse? I'm very inexperienced. He's my first boyfriend and we haven't had sex or anything yet. I was watching him sleep a few nights ago and I was looking at his penis and it was pulsing.

how much are we talking?
After orgasm it's normal.

Girl from college calls me and talks to me on phone for like multiple hours nearly every night around 9pm. She usually stays on phone till around 2am. She makes these weird moaning noises but we never really talk about sexual stuff so I don't think she's fapping. Why does she make those noises?

if he's erect then yes.

What? We havent had sex yet so there was no orgasm. I was just watching his dick while he was sleeping and it was like pulsating

Because she's stretching or yawning probably. Have you ever lived with a girl?

No its not that kind of noise. I asked her why she was making these noises and she just laughed.

4" Bruce Banner, 5" Hulk.
Is that an acceptable dick length on a guy?

>shorter than normal into shorter than normal

I'm working with what I've got here. I didn't ask "is it ideal?" I asked if it was acceptable, if it's a dealbreaker or not.

Could you be interested in a guy who is younger than for arround 15 years or does the guy has no hope for you ?
[spoiler]She's 37 I'm 21[/spoiler]

my Dick is always hard and when my girlfriend is nearby it's also pulsating. Normal for some people and pretty much sign for you to suck his dick till his balls are empty

Not a girl but they usually dont like that much of a younger guys.

No, 15 years is too much. 7 is a stretch imo, my ex was 5 years younger and I felt weird about it sometimes.

your technique is far more important that dick lengh. Dick lengh is just making the game easier, but technique is where its at

Well i have a 7.5" dick, but it would be useless when i cum instantly. Just get the girl really wet and cock hungry. Suck in her neck and tits, finger her a bit while pushing your dick against her and grabbing her ass and tits. Then push her over with your manly force and fuck her deeply from behind. Girls don't know the difference between big and small dicks, but if you act like an alpha she will cum

Well user i'm gonna tell you something. My first gf left her black boyfriend on his birthday for me. We stayed together for 2 1/2 years, just for her to break up 2 times.
I've found the love of my life after that relationship. It can work out sure, but there is definetly a higher probability that something will go horribly wrong

Is there like a list of do's and don'ts for people with anxiety and commitment issues? I'm debating on getting into a relationship with one and things have been seeming amazing between us and then she needed a hospital visit and since is trying to say she's not good enough for me. I'm doing my best to encourage her without making any promises I might accidentally break.

Does anyone know if girls in high school typically go through a bisexual/lesbian phase? My (straight) sister tells me she did and so did many of her friends but I don't think that it is really a thing

how to get better at talking to girls? Other than treating them like normal people and being out there and practicing. Listening to talk shows like Joe Rogan? Asking cause my only social interaction up until like 17 was vidya, and have been trying to get out of my shell for a while

Its totally a thing and most guys go through a semi gay phase too. Teenage hormones do some crazy shit

Don't try to be something you're not.

>hanging out with girl who is a friend, but not a GF after work
>have feels for her, but keep them in check. pull plenty of other pussy on the side
>for namesake, we'll call her 'Daisy'
>"Mom bought clamato juice, user. Let's do Caesars!"
>Grab a 2-6 of vodka
>It's a Monday night, we both work FT jobs, but whatever. How bad can a couple be?
>SPOILERS: it gets pretty bad
>FFWD to 2AM, the 2-6 is gone and so is most of a 2L of cider we went on a booze cruise for
>Daisy wants nose beers
>try to talk her out of it
>bad things can happen when she's drunk and coked out
>ultimately wind up going to get them
>while out, get text from other girl that I've been smashing from time-to-time since July
>for namesake, we'll call her 'Mira'
>"Have u ever had 2 girls at once? :)"
>"No. Why?"
>"Would u like to?"
>drop Daisy off at her place with her nose beers
>explain to her what's happening
>have tried to reschedule with Mira --not happening, it's now or never
>Daisy says she'll be okay
>leave Daisy's around 4AM, go to Mira's place
>fugg like rabbits for hours (shit was SO CASH)
>head home around 10AM
>call in sick to work
>check phone afterwards
>2 messages from Daisy
>6:15AM: I lied
>6:30AM: I'm in trouble
>crack dial her cell and work extension for 20 minutes
>no answer
>been awake for almost 30 hours at this point
>need sleep
>wake up at 4PM
>check phone
>2 messages, 1 missed call and 1 voicemail from a rando number that I don't recognize
>it's Daisy's stepdad saying "it's an emergency, call me ASAP"
>he wants to meet in person to talk
>meet him at coffee shop a few blocks from my house
>he fills me in on WTF is going on
>Daisy cut herself to fucking ribbons and woke up her mom and stepdad soaked in blood
>it was so bad an ambulance was called
>she's now in the hospital
PT 1/2

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PT 2/2
>stepdad confronts me with a list of times when we left/came back the night before (they have security cameras)
>"The doctors need to know what she took, user. If it was 'X' and they give her 'Y' it could kill her because 'Z'. And don't bullshit me because I will break your legs if I find out you lied."
>nothing left to preserve by lying, could lose Daisy if I don't tell the truth
>stepdad says to not mention that we talked
>ffwd to next day
>Daisy texts me, fills me in on her version of events
>play dumb like I don't know
>we go for sushi
>ffwd 1 more day
>Daisy has been fired from her job
>texts me "I hate you. Our friendship is over. You told mom and it fucked everything up."
>angry AF, don't reply for a whole day 'coz I'm too mad
>"Snitch has nothing to say. Awesome."
>keep head down for a week
>fill her in on what happened that day, explain that I thought she was dying, etc.
>"I'll call you in a couple days, user."
>ffwd 2 weeks, not a word
>she's removed me on facebook
>haven't spoken to her since Oct. 3rd

WTF is happening here anymore? How do I fix this? Clearly she needs help, but I hate this feeling of being shut out from someone I care about

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What kind of shit makes a girl good at sex?

Being engaged at all. Doing anything besides laying there like a dead fish. You want more? Willingness to give head, and when you're fucking try to keep pace with the thrusts using your hips.

>Talk to girl in dating app
>Get along and talk for 2 months
>She gets flaky and stops texting back
>Cut to a month later she apologizes and says she was distracted by a close guy friend
>Start talking again for 5 months
>Meet up for about the third time
>She immediately stops texting back after that
>Cut to 6 months later
>Randomly sends some heavy text apologizing that she was in a bad place and didn't know what to say

I don't even know what to do at this point. I like her personality and want to be her friend but I'm not sure if I should be willing to brush things like this off as easily as I am.

First off don't try to fix her. That's not your job.
Secondly if I were in your shoes id get in touch with the dad if you're actually serious about the situation.

Where is this comic from? I like the art style

>don't try to fix her
Feels like I should take care of her though on some gut-instinct level though. Not 'fix', but make sure she's okay.

>get in touch with the dad
I have. He doesn't have much helpful input beyond "hope you guys can sort it out".

Give her time then. She needs to sort her shit out.

'chiara b' is the artist

maybe this should be a wake up call to stop being a piece of shit and hanging out with even bigger pieces of shit and enabling them

Rate me girls, what opinion would you form of me if you saw me in the street

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>don't be a starfish
>enjoy it and be seen enjoying it
>don't use it like a reward or punishment
>learn how to suck a dick
>learn how to communicate if you want something, dudes don't have vaginas and have no idea how it feels unless you tell us
>want it, initiate it, make him feel wanted the way you want him to make you feel wanted
>condoms ruin sex, swap std tests and get an IUD

I hear that a lot from other people too.
>"she's crazy bro"
>"move on, bro. don't wait around on her like some lost puppy"
>"she needs to un-fuck herself"

I guess I just hate the waiting. It's been nearly 2 months since I last tried to contact her. Yes, there's other girls around, but... they're not her.

Bruh I understand this feeling exactly. From October 4 to december 6 this girl had my number blocked but she apologised to me about it after. Give her time. If she's that important she's worth the wait.

Not a grill, but something like a 4/10 maybe a 5/10. Try shaving and not dressing like a bum. Also get a haircut. You're not 13 anymore, have shitty unkempt hair is gay, take some pride in your appearance.

Mostly what first guy said.
Don't lay there all quiet at bare min.
Thrust back at him, run your hands over his chest, arms, in his hair, stomach etc
If he's doing something right, let him know, a moan, a yes, or keep going.
During a beej, Never let teeth touch, pretend it's like that game operation and his nose will light up and he'll make that sound. Other than that enthusiasm can make up for lack of xp. And paying attention to his reactions can make up for the rest
When he finishes, don't immediately stop or you'll ruin it. Keep going but reduce pace and intensity

taking care of myself would make me gay though

I cut my hair short so that’s sorted and I don’t wear hoodies all the time

If u like her, y u ditch her mid hangout for someone else?

>taking care of myself would be gay
Okay then be a disgusting piece of shit; I don't know what to tell you.

1.) She's not the GF, and 2 girls at the same time is pretty hard to pass up.
2.) It was 4AM on a Tuesday. If I didn't leave for a 3 way, I would've had to leave for a shower and a change of clothes anyways


1 you said there's no girl like her. Do you mean it or not?
2 did you tell her that you were leaving for another grill? If so that made her feel bad and cut herself

>Do you have to offer exclusivity after a first date?

No. In fact the unspoken default is non-exclusive until it’s specifically mentioned otherwise. You *can* bring it up yourself on a first date, but there is a minor risk as being interpreted as clingy if the other doesn’t feel the same and you try to force it on them. It’s probably better to do it in a “I’m not going to see anyone else, but you’re welcome to” type way where your expressing that it’s your own preference for yourself and they can make their own.

>I’m in love with someone [...]They're leaving the state next year

Don’t overthink it. Just enjoy what you got. Even if you had all the time in the world, the odds are actually against you guys sticking together longer than a few months, so it’s kind of pointless to think on something that you don’t even know is a real possibility, and then further let that stop you from ever trying in the first place.

>flak girl
>like her personality and want to be her friend

Then what’s stopping you? Clearly she’s either too flaky, or in too fucked a position for anything serious, but if you want to be a buddy, I don’t really see what stops you from treating her like any other friend you only see every once in a while. You know what I mean, the kind where you’re not really involved in each others lives, and you don’t really seek each other out, but when you do hangout, you still can have a blast. Minimal effort friends, are pretty low commitments.

well damn, guess I just got friendzoned.

We had been talking for a short while, I thought we were hitting off well. She even agreed to meet me around new years even though she was so busy I wouldn't even have considered it an excuse/white lie if she had said she can't make it.

Tonight she texts me very late at night with a "hey, I'm still awake" and tells me that a friend of her tried to hook her up, but the dude was too awkward about it even though he was good looking.

Part of me is thinking she is trying to make me jealous, even though I text her more than she texts back.
Part of me is thinking I should understand that as a "back off" sign, and I'm leaning towards the latter.

Also she stopped responding for the night, and maybe fell asleep, but yea I guess it's over. Pretty sad, even friends said they think we fit together. Oh well :(

And no, we weren't dating yet. We were still in the "getting to know each other" phase, but I think she already put me in the friends-category, considering she'd tell me about unsuccessful hookups

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There really isn't another like her, but she seems pretty dead set on being "just friends". Maybe that can change.

In the meantime however, I work too hard on myself to just to sit around wagging my tail like some puppy dog hoping "maybe one day she'll let me smash".

I make no apology how I use that which she doesn't seem to want.

And yes, she knew. 98% sure that's not why she cut herself. She only does that when she's drunk and/or coked out.

Other girls are just meaningless sex. Everyone knows she only gets the best of me.

She cuts herself often?
Is it always just after you leave her for some thot?
Have you ever tried to put the moves on her? Ask for a date?

I know this is a serious issue. But imagining myself getting hammered and coked up on a tuesday, having a threesome and calling in sick at 10am makes me laugh uncontrollably

>She cuts herself often?
Not *too* often. This incident was perhaps the 3rd time since August, before that it was once or twice back in February, but even then, it was only light cuts. Nothing worth getting stitches.

>Is it always after you leave for some thot?
No. This was the first time I've ever "left for some other thot." Before it was after I'd inevitably doze off at around 5 or 6AM, I'd wake up and she'd have done it to herself

>Have you ever tried to put the moves on her? Ask for a date?
Buddy, at this point I'd been about as close to being a BF as you can get without actually being called a 'BF'. And she doesn't respond to the moves.

Oh, hell yeah. It's hilarious. A real roller coaster of highs and lows. /nosarcasm I was actually in hysterical laughter at the end of the day

i think this girl likes me but i dont know why. i live with my parents and i havent had a gf in over a decade. im pretty much a loser by most womens standards. should i just give up now?

Not addressed to any specific gender, but is this what friendship is like as an adult?

Friends at a hobby/class/community centre:
>go to hobby
>get along with everyone there
>crack jokes with some people more than others
>sometimes theyre laughing to the point of tears
>i invite them out for drinks/activities
>they dont come out

Friends at work:
>go to work
>do work
>have lunch with coworkers
>get along with everyone there
>crack jokes with some people more than others
>sometimes theyre laughing to the point of tears
>we go out for drinks together in a group
>we message eachother through fb or whatever
>i give my 2 week notice
>not invited to anymore drinks
>coworkers dont msg me anymore, they dont come out to my invitations either anymore.
>its been 2 months since i quit, they used to message me at least once a week for drinks on the weekend, and whenever i'd chat with them they'd take days to respond and would usually be like "yeah sorry man i have an appointment this weekend".

Lately I've been just going to bars alone and playing some bar games, and making some "buddies" there knowing that we'll never be more than "buddies". I want to make friends, but maybe my definition of "friends" is out of date?

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Engagement and enthusiasm. I want her to want this, and enjoy it, and show it. Being active, reacting to my touch, grabbing my back with her hands/nails, letting me know what she wants (preferably physically rather than verbally), wrapping her arms around me, telling me she loves me and/or talking dirty to me, maybe a little moaning (though I don't like it to be too loud personally).

My biggest sexual fantasy is to have sex with a girl who wants to have sex with me.

Is it attractive if a guy's good with babies/kids? Children just seem really drawn to me for some reason, especially at work. Kids chat with me, babies stare me down, some babies even try to talk to me. I'm not even doing anything special.

Can anybody tell me why all the good women are either taken or never talk to anyone? The only people I can find who are willing to date are either fatties, uglies, feminists, or snakes.

I know I'm not every woman's dream or anything but I'm not scum either. what changed?

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My gf broke up with me(over text...) Last week. I felt terribly sad and it made studying very hard. To this I said "okay" and went radio silent. She said "just okay?" and since then has texted and called constantly.

Do I just keep being completely silent, or should I send her something to make her shut up?

I really don't want to talk to her, especially during finals I am stressed enough. Do I block her or what? Thanks!

How come every attractive girl with an interesting personality has a bf. I’ve been really getting my shit together the past couple months and actually had the confidence to talk to girls (mostly at parties because (20, m in college) but whenever I go stalk their social media later i come to find out that they always have bf’s. Is there something about being in a relationship that makes a girl so much more attractive and interesting? I guess this turned into more a rant than a request for advice but fuck.

I guarantee you she won't shut up
I had to go through the same thing with someone I broke up with years back. That's just the rebound talking.

Then what should I do?

Had an ambiguous yet amicable breakup 3 weeks ago during a visit because of distance. I don't think we really properly talked it out or had the time to and just now I'm noticing actual possibilities to be physically together again.

Does it seem to clingy or needy to bring it up? I don't want to be too late.

Is it weird for a male to immediately turn over after sex to cuddle?

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Ignore her. Block her if it gets annoying.
Start worrying if she starts sending her friends after you

Something about the way you type is annoying

I realize now why I'm such a robot and why I can't find a date
>I hate socializing with people
>Nobody even knows who I am
>Because of that, women automatically label me as a loner weirdo who can't be trusted

The only way to get out of this is to become a normie and do normie things like join clubs and friend groups. It won't be easy, I hate everything about trying to be an extrovert.

Wish me luck lads

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Good luck, and godspeed user.

Because the incels here are retarded.

Yeah. Generally speaking, I prefer going from big to small, because for some reason, I'm more prone to being impressed by the performance of a small dick, while a big one pretty much always disappoints me for not being as great as I feel like it should be.

Way too young.

Also, I'm only 29, so 15 years would be downright creepy, but I don't think I would care much, even as I got older, as long as the guy was at least 25. That's usually the point where you've matured enough to not be difficult to deal with, and avoids you changing too significantly. A lot happens in those years, and most people change radically in their personality and preferences, so it's a bit of a risky choice to go for a 20 year old.

>Girls don't know the difference between big and small dicks, but if you act like an alpha she will cum
Femanon here, can confirm.

>Dick lengh is just making the game easier, but technique is where its at
Problem is that this gives big dicked guys a false sense of security, which leads to a lot of them being God awful at sex. Having a 7 incher doesn't automatically make you a God at sex, yet some guys seem to think the sight alone will make a girl explode into an orgasm.

I have a far better success rate with 5 inches.

Guys usually enjoy sex with me, and I pretty much do all of this, so this seems like a solid list.
>enjoy it and be seen enjoying it
Pro tip to the guys reading this: sometimes, if she doesn't appear to be enjoying it, she probably isn't. Unless you want her to fake it, you should git gud instead. Asking her is also a good idea, and if she claims she doesn't know what she wants / too inexperienced /whatever, force her to masturbate in front of you, with toys if necessary, and see what she does that makes her react. Don't accept her being a passive cunt that expects you to figure out what makes her feel good, she should know this best herself.

>taking care of myself would make me gay though
Please tell me guys don't normally think like this. Literally every single hot actor takes super good care of themselves, and nobody thinks they are gay.

>Can anybody tell me why all the good women are either taken or never talk to anyone?
Because tinder. Dating culture these days are toxic to regular relationships, because it sets a retarded expectation. Either you fall in with the dating culture, and literally have 20 hookups per year (with or without sex, but sex is usually implied), or you avoid it entirely, knowing that if you try to participate, you'll be treated like the tinder whores, and guys will expect to get their dick wet by date 3 at the latest.

Fuck that. I'd rather not talk to guys at all as long as it is like this. I can wait a few years, and hope this stupidity blows over, or I stumble into a genuinely good guy I fall for.

Take your incel whining to .

Not a virgin, and not involuntarily celibate, so nope.

Hating the current state of dating doesn't make you an incel.

You weebs here might be able to help me with this.

My boyfriend wants me cosplaying for Christmas, but he hasn't given me any pointers as to what (he wants to be surprised). I know he watches anime, but I don't, so I don't have any good reference points to use as good "waifu" characters to cosplay as. He is generally too ashamed of watching it with me, so i dont even know what he watches, and he normally doesn't want to tell me when I ask, either, and he closes it all down if I try to sneak a peak at what he is looking at.

I plan on wearing it for the entirety of Christmas Eve, so ideally nothing too stupid, like a half naked Rikku costume.

Horo is best waifu.

Use a buttplug tail for added points, and act like a smart cat the entire time. Guaranteed success. If he doesn't know about this anime, he is a failure of a weeb, and if he doesn't like Horo, his taste is shit, and so is his waifu.

Attached: Holo_Infobox.jpg (337x400, 28K)

>He is generally too ashamed of watching it with me, so i dont even know what he watches, and he normally doesn't want to tell me when I ask, either, and he closes it all down if I try to sneak a peak at what he is looking at.
He is probably watching hentai or porn then.

Hmm.. nice style. Less weird than I expected it would be.

Not sure about the tail and ears, though. He usually shittalks furries. I don't know who Sonifox(?) is, but my bf has wished death and misfortune on him these past few days, primarily for being a "furry faggot who should burn in hell" so I'm a bit wary of using anything involving fur right now.

>He is probably watching hentai or porn then.
Nah, he always strokes himself when he does that, and then comes to me for sex once he has had enough of watching it.

My friend swears by "match"
Yea you have to pay but everyone there is looking for something serious.
What specifically is the difference between good and bad performance?

>My friend swears by "match"
Might give that a look.
>Yea you have to pay
I consider that a good thing. Might keep out certain fuckboys and whores, so I can imagine the general userbase is a bit more tolerable.