China is alredy the first economy of the world, growing + 6% per year, is alredy the most important country of the world

China is alredy the first economy of the world, growing + 6% per year, is alredy the most important country of the world

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Other urls found in this thread:

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China will grow larger.

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Hi 50¢ army.

Can someone nuke this thread with chinese accident videos please?

china represents a new kind of threat:
An authoritarian capitalist country.
The problem with this, is they have a robust economy, and are also a totalitarian state that is hostile to democracy.
Democracies unwisely adopt many socialist policies, which weaken them economically and militarily. Europe is a great example of this.

So to defeat authoritarian capitalist countries, we must abandon socialist ideas completely.

+60% of the world high speed network

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This is why Germany is allying with China

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Good luck getting Soulless Chinese men and women fighting for your Country China.

They'll give up with in the first month of war.
bigest projects on renewable energy, coal, , nuclear energy


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I hope they mature themselves out of this half-commie jewshit and their incoming population stabilization changes their perspective about how their country should work.

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I for one welcome the emergence of the Chinese Dragon and its increasing power and might. Burgers have been the most inhumane, short sighted, barbaric, and narcissistic dominant power in the history of mankind. No one has treated the earth with such lack of compassion and no one has contributed as much to the worsening of the future of humanity than the burgers. The average amerifag has no interest about the higher things in life. They all cling to freedom without knowing that this narcissistic obsession over one's individual rights or identity is contributing to the degradation of communities and by extension to the degradation of the earth. They are all obsessed over controlling their fellow man and they have zero interest in beauty, knowledge, and culture. American cities are some of the ugliest in the world and americans themselves are obese and indolent. American "culture" celebrates violence, selfishness, and depravity. The pursuit of happiness has lead to a society that eschews self-discipline and compassion. Americans are gangsters at heart, taking advantage of everyone, even their fellow countrymen whether through crime or through exploitation. With this obsession over their own egos they have unknowingly ushered in their downfall and the rise of the Chinese dragon. Yes, the arrival of Chinese dominance cannot come soon enough. The future is looking bright.

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World's first naval railgun, on a Chinese naval ship.

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How come nothing about China seems first world?

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Weak ass fuck bait with obvious misspellings and grammar mistakes because you want people to call you out. Sad faggot incel LARP

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First Chinese cruiser will feature nine (9) railguns and more missile launchers than any surface combatant in history.

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got tired of eating dogs

Third Chinese aircraft carrier will feature steam catapults and cost 1/5 of a Ford class carrier.

forgot pic

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Why is it only leftists and autists are obsessed with trains?

Oh, and it's already under construction.

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China just steals shit from everyone else that's why, then they hold companies hostage by under writing everything so none of them can compete on a global market because China already produces the same shit except way cheaper. Chinks just flat out steal everything

Chinese stealth J-20 and J-31 will be carrier based as well as land based. For comparison, USA will not have a carrier based air superiority fighter until 2035.

Attached: J-20.webm (426x240, 2.24M)

Railguns are pointless though

They rely 100% on the west. America could just cancel their debt and they would go into mass.panic overnight

动态网自由门天安门天安门法轮功李洪志Free Tibet 六四天安门事件The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安门大屠杀The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派斗争The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大跃进政策The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人权Human Rights 民运Democratization 自由Freedom 独立Independence 多党制Multi-party system 台湾台湾Taiwan Formosa 中华民国Republic of China 西藏土伯特唐古特Tibet 达赖喇嘛Dalai Lama 法轮功Falun Dafa 新疆维吾尔自治区The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 诺贝尔和平奖Nobel Peace Prize 刘暁波Liu Xiaobo 民主言论思想反共反革命抗议运动骚乱暴乱骚扰扰乱抗暴平反维权示威游行李洪志法轮大法大法弟子强制断种强制堕胎民族净化人体实验肃清胡耀邦赵紫阳魏京生王丹还政于民和平演变激流中国北京之春大纪元时报评论共产党 独裁 专制 压制 统一 监视 镇压 迫害 侵略 掠夺 破坏 拷问 屠杀 活摘器官 诱拐 买卖人口 游进 走私 毒品 卖淫 春画 赌博 六合彩 天安门 天安门 法轮功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 刘晓波动态网自由门

How so?

Chinese stealth bomber will be 1/10th the cost of B-2, and will allow China to strike US carrier groups undetected.

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>riding chinese trains

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China's first marine carrier is also under construction. Will likely be used when China brings the wayward province Taiwan back under its wing.

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The Chinese economy is a house of cards built on the flawed premise of never ending expansion and foreign investment and is facing a major housing crisis on the near horizon. If they can’t fix this bubble soon, it’ll collapse with devestating consequences.

Chinese strike stealth bomber will be deployed by 2024. The west has no equal to it.

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>"After the fall of the Han dynasty, the northern half of China was repeatedly conquered by various foreign invaders for almost 300 years during a time of total chaos and suffering."

This is referring to:

"The Sixteen Kingdoms"
>The term Sixteen Kingdoms traditionally denotes the plethora of short-lived non-Chinese dynasties that from 303 came to rule the whole or parts of northern China. Many ethnic groups were involved, including ancestors of the Turks (such as the Xiongnu, possibly related to the Huns of late Roman history, and the Jie), the Mongolians (Xianbei), and the Tibetans (Di and Qiang).

"Northern Wei"
>Wei dynasty, Chinese in full (Pinyin) Bei Wei or (Wade-Giles romanization) Pei Wei, English Northern Wei, also called Tabgatch or (Pinyin) Tuoba, (386–534/535 ce), the longest-lived and most powerful of the northern Chinese dynasties that existed before the reunification of China under the Sui and Tang dynasties. The Wei dynasty was founded by Tabgatch (Tuoba) tribesmen who, like many of the nomads inhabiting the frontiers of northern China, were of uncertain origin. Their language was basically Turkic, and scholars presume that their ancestry can be traced to proto-Turkic, proto-Mongol, or Xiongnu peoples. In any case, the Tuoba were non-Han Chinese, and their conquests of the small, weak North China states in the late 4th century were clearly regarded as foreign invasions.
>By 439, the Bei Wei had secured their territories from attack and unified all of North China.

Source: Encyclopedia Britannica

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Is he eating her

Wow how 1980s.

3D printers will destroy the need for cheap goods from China.

After all of the crap and trash that enabled it to happen? Should be quite the awakening for the reality religion in the USA. Probably has killer weak points.

Chinese missiles will render US carrier ops obsolete within 3 years.

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If they don't hit at least 8% GDP then it's literally a recession for them. They fugged

You will need to get ridiculously close to an enemy ship to fire and still then your chance of being accurate is very slim. Modern war is fought from very far distances. The same reason there is no more dog fighting is the same reason ships won't be firing cannons on each other. The first to see the enemy, wins

Also this. Butt plug and dildo manufacturing coming back stateside. WOOHOO!

>robust economy

An economy which the CCP says is robust, and one where genuine figures are difficult to study and analyze. China is still victim of massive wealth inequality, and has a high propensity for social discord in the event of economic downturn. The massive shadow lending bubble that is currently bursting in China represents billions in savings evaporating due to shadow lending being forced into the grey market where it cannot be effectively regulated, regardless it represents massive loss.

All of this isn't to mention demographic change and declining industrial sector employment, as well as the fact that OBOR is a soft power initiative cleverly disguised as economic development, but it is in reality a means to prop up the massive construction sector they have built over the past couple decades and is now in serious financial difficulties. But OBOR won't pan out once nations realize that the loans China is offering them are garbage, and that China just wants to own their ports and infrastructure while propping up domestic industry.

No nation will look at authoritarian managed economies and then look at free market economies under liberal democracies and then opt for the authoritarian regime.

The only use for a railgun might be as a cheaper alternative to cruse missiles against fixed targets assuming some decent range can be achieved.

So please fill me in here:

Chinese people are powerful because they provide goods at a cheaper cost and sell them to americans and other face-stuffing goyims. We agree on this right?

So if China becomes number 1 and the gluttonous gois are unable to gorge on what the chinese is China going to inherit anything?

China economy strong

Attached: Fresh seafood.webm (320x568, 2.57M)

My understanding is that railguns would be used for anti air/shore bombardment the same way they use modern naval artillery.

Chinese super heavy lift rocket. Larger than Saturn V and SLS. First flight in 2028.

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>a country with 1/5 the population of China has just as many train accidents

Nice pasta.

Perfect strafe practice.
Money black hole white elephant project.
F22 knock-off

More importantly, OP is a faggot and his flag confirms it.

Lol china is responsible for more pollution and damage to the environment than anyone. They have no concern for balance with nature and are essentially primate locusts.

Attached: bestofchina.webm (240x320, 1.98M)

China will fracture into civil war like when every other dynasty comes crashing down.

6% all based on shady shit like building ghost cities all over the place to artificially stimulate growth.

Not the world's first.

Ok let's assume they can even get close enough to a shore without getting taken out long before they get in a position to fire. What will there defense be against surface to ship or air to surface missles?

I like the way they treat muslms so I'm actually ok with it as long as we are on decent terms i support them.

just don't buy what is not needed.

Want to know how I know you're not American?

Same as now. Other missiles. Railguns offer little beyond current naval guns for most engagements unless fighting some primitive shithole.

Are they having a duel? That's fucking awesome

6% is unsustainable and China's economy is a house of cards built on sand. It's why they are investing heavily in western real estate and trying to build up Africa. It's why they have a road to nowhere and entire cities with no one living in them. They were likely scared shitless when Trump was talking about a trade war.

Either CIWS or surface-to-air missiles, presumably. Those are pretty standard missile defenses across the board.

Shumai in the morning, shumai in the night, shumai in the afternoon, it makes me feel alright.

A most underrated sense of humor.

The only major benefit I can see to rail guns are logistics. Storing sabots as opposed to shells probably frees up interior space and you don’t have to worry about them cooking off in the event of an explosion.

Cause you listenin to jew media m8.

Our own football league has been subrogated m8. Football Mandrake, children's football.

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How can America and the as a whole even complete? They will never enjoy the same cultural influence as America though. Hopefully we are able to carry one with our lives undisturbed.

>add more boosters
clearly they've been playing KSP

Yeah, he was eating her.
You know what they say about eating Chinese?
You are hungry again a half hour later!

I suppose but the lack of an explosive shell kinda makes shore bombardment against area targets useless. Same for anti missile work. Seems like a poor trade off.

Fucking make your own!
Fucking-A man!

>believe anything a communist say
>being a reasonable person

Those numbers are plain lies, just to "fulfill" the requirements stated by the state-party

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>what will you do america and western?
So obviously Russian shti-threading


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My understanding is that they won’t work.
Read up on early 20th Century’s attempt to build a modern navy.
The corrupt fuckers STOLE AND SOLD THE PROPELLENT for the shells fired out of their cannons.
Their shells had no explosives in them either!
They were filled with sand!
In a war their shit will fail.
Not from what I’ve seen. The rail gun relies on kinetic energy for penetration and damage as opposed to explosive shells and they are pretty good at what they do. Mind you, I’m not as enthusiastic as I once was about railguns. The power draw they use simply doesn’t make sense unless you’re using a reactor, which most ships don’t. I think you’ll see railguns play a bigger role in the future (read as space) however they just don’t have a place in modern conflicts.

>No nation will look at authoritarian managed economies and then look at free market economies under liberal democracies and then opt for the authoritarian regime.
China will support anti-democratic factions within countries around the world. There certainly are many factions that want to take over their country and impose single party rule. In fact, there are very few representative government's left on earth. Most are oligarchies.


I always love to see pics of Chinese ports, I can only imagine what a shitshow it must be inside there. I worked as a driver for the Port of Los Angeles, it is a complete mess in there, dozens of state and federal regulatory agencies working to process incoming and outgoing freight and perform QC. I am certain Chinese ports are 10X worse. Only advantage of working at the Port of LA was the USS Iowa was a 10 minute drive away.

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There needs to be a “Rekt Chinaman” channel somewhere.
“He didn’t stand a Chinaman’s Chance!”
I want to make that phrase have a total comeback after 70-years in hibernation.

Literally a meme plane. next.

>garbage CGI model
>40-year old design
>relying on Chicom manufacturing
>relying on Chicom pilots

I love how Chinks use the "Made in China" sign with pride. America does a lot of shit poorly, but we are Israel's war hounds, and we have the best killing gear, bar none.

Can’t stop laughing at children getting horribly run over.
Someone please help me

yet, they absolutely must be on the US good side. always or the whole house of cards comes down crashing faster than you can say Moo shu pork.

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Lol, that’s some really excellent deck gun placement. Electro-magnetic equipment + wettest part of the ships deck = Chinese master race.

You should not feel bad, ethnic Asians are a subspecies. You laugh when a monkey gets beat up by other monkeys, there is no shame in laughing at a member of another subspecies getting rekt.

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This. There will always be some shithole African nation or South American dictatorship willing to accept the short term benefits of Chinese investment without consideration for the long term consequences.

Except none of China’s air-frames are considered “air-dominant” by any stretch. Not to mention China’s complete lack of pedigree in air combat all together. Shit pilots and half baked concept planes do not an Air Force make.


Lol perf

LOL, good one op. China is still a shit hole.