Things to do before suicide

Hey Jow Forums. I’m gonna hang myself pretty soon (tomorrow). Does anyone have any recommendations on things to do before then?

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maybe stead of being a bitch and killing yourself, fix your problem? Or just dont post about it on Jow Forums cuz no one gives a shit. text your mom this nigga. see how she feels. fucking cracker

My problem is chemical sir.

fav food
more drugs

Whats wrong OP?

I’m bipolar and going thru a particularly awful low and I just can’t no more you feel?

Livestream it so you will go down epicly in history and be remembered for at least something

Livestream backfliping off of bridge and ill put it on Reddit for upvotes

OP just think carefully what your about to do... killing yourself will surely impact the people around you. Shit man don't do this nigga

Before u do anything do what I do....FAPPP TO LOLI HENTAIII
It will make u feel good
Best last thing to do

I would rather just hang myself where no one can see or find me thanks.

I already did this, god you need to hurry up nigga
I know this will hurt a ton of people but I’m a selfish little fuck so its okay

Jesus dude, alright just look up your bucket list i guess... Please just rethink for a moment

When no one finds you (by the way, someone will), or when youre pronounced dead, the damage is already done.

Do the people around you deserve that pain? But more importantly, are you certain that you will not see the good side to life soon, as you have seen countless times before?

Imagine being so much of a faggot that even in the afterlife you're nothing

Good luck with your suicide, homo, I hope the rope breaks and you have to live with the guilt, or at least become a paraplegic

Have u fapped to loli hentai by Noise

You remind me of someone I know. Do you by chance live in Minnesota? You seem to follow the same speech patterns of a close friend of mine.

Yes you fucking idiot it’s amazing.

Nah dude i'm from Texas

I don’t live in Minnesota but I I learned the ways of the lolicon by my friend
My friend is gone now but I will carry on his memory

Fuggin wild. I’m from pheonix how the fuck did I get up here there isn’t shit to do in Minnesota and all the coke is cut with meth. It fucking sucks

Nothing much in texas as well other than shooting guns

Have u fapped to oppai loli hentai with bondage toys mind break and thicc thighs

It’s safe to assume I have seen all available hentai.
Anything I should do before I die though? You never answered that question.

I'm still trying to convince you not to kys
1. Get laid
2. Do some drugs
3. Sub to Pewdiepie before you die
4. Watch hentai ?
5. Please don't kys

send me some of your cash before u die

>I already am broke because I do all the fucking drugs
>no sir I will not sub to subwhore2.0
>I haven’t watched hentai in a solid minute but I mean if you say so
>don’t tell me what to do that’s my gf’s job. She dominates the fuck outta me its great.

Yeah sure what’s ur bank acct info I gotchu nigger

Learn how to draw ? express yourself through art, it really helps coping with dark times...

I tried to learn from several sources in the past but ultimately lost interest. I would rather make acid beats.

Try to drown yourself. If you can't do it, and your body pulls up to the surface, remember that your body's will to protect you has to count for something.

Damn alright... how about break dancing ? or singing ? you could try writing some songs and play a new musical instrument

Bet I’m on that. Actually I’m out for the night. Thanks for the advice Texas dude I appreciate you. And hentai user ill meet you in hell I really look forward to showing you my collection.

Cant go to hell if fapping to hentai is ur only sin

Also if ur 15year old fapping to lolis who is 13

just pull through man please

Can we get some F’s? Rip user

you are too white to say any of that shit

Post funny memes. About 500 of them before you do.

Don't do it user.

Please don't.

I don't know what kind of circumstanes you're in,
but please don't kill yourself, you'll never know what would have happened if you hadn't killed yourself if you decide to do that.

Please please don't user.

lol idk im also looking for things to do, but alchol is hard to get since im 14, guess weed instead

if you are going to do it, wait till christmas

No you won't

run into a police station and yell that your going to an hero tomorrow

This OP merry Christmas everyone that doesn’t care about me esp your gf that apparently dominates tf out of you and the hooker that’s gonna hear about you on the street and the convenience store person that remembers your ugly mug on the news broadcast

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Please do not kill yourself.

Life sucks OP. When tough times happen cry about it, bitch about it, do whatever you need to do but killing yourself is just cowardly. Dealing with pain in life is what makes up human so suck it up and move on

-Dance one last time
-Eat your favourite food
-Have a cold shower
-Have some vanilla ice cream
-Make a last round of strolling about your local market or favourite café
-Plant something
-Reconcile w/ your enemies
-Ride a bike one last time
-Say goodbye to your pet if you have one
-Write a letter saying why you're doing it
-Write a separate letter for the people that matter the most to you
-Write a will

Find Jesus, go to a church and talk with the pastor.

Why hang? Have fun dying. Do tons of drugs, eat like a pig, do some minor illegal or shamefull stuff.

I was diagnosed with ADD, cycloyhemia, bipolar disorder and have a little bit of schizoid in me. For the majority of my life I was unable to form proper bonds and my shit kept spiraling uncontrollably. I was lost, fucked beyond belief, had several love affairs and family affairs go extremely bad and decided to one day, like yourself, hang myself. Before I did I thought of things I've never done but always wanted to do. I was always afraid of getting punched so I went out and as dickish as it sounds kept staring at douchey looking dudes until someone reacted and got in a fight. It wasn't that bad. Then I called my crush and asked her out. She accepted but told me she isn't attracted to me which was fine because not four hours later I picked up a chick who I thought was waaaaay out of my league. I proceeded to pick up a bag and traveled around Europe with 500 euros for a full month. I tried drugs, hookers, fucked a tranny because why the fuck not and surprisingly enough didn't catch any STDs. I went back home and was being waited on by 6 different chicks that I had picked up and I moved out of my place to rent somewhere where I couldn't be found hanging. Funnily enough when I was tying my actual fucking noose I realized I don't want to die. I'm old now, have kids, married smart, beautiful, incredibly sexy woman and have beaten my "chemical imbalance" through lifting in the gym and proper nutrition. I can only hope you can draw from this post and give yourself another chance, bubba

Not to be le edge meme but I think if I were consigned to dying, I'd go full Batman

What would you recommend? (Im not the OP)