I'm a woman with a fit body and an ugly face. Make up doesn't help...

I'm a woman with a fit body and an ugly face. Make up doesn't help, it's my bone structure and feature sizes that affect my looks. I feel like there's no point in dressing up to be attractive because no one is ever getting past my face, but I also don't want to just give up and let myself go. I wish I could just wear a mask all day. I'm never going to make enough money for that kind of plastic surgery. What should I do? Just rope?

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Date a blind or ugly dude.

Plastic surgery won't make you feel or look better. Post a pic.

Ugly dudes don't want to date me. Feels cruel picking on the blind.

It would definitely make me look better, that's ridiculous. It may not make me feel better. I am not becoming a meme, no thank you.

Unless you’re physically disfigured through a birth defect or an accident ruined your face, I doubt you’re as ugly as you say you are.

Maybe you need to learn a better skincare routine? Maybe learn how to take care of your hair? Wear makeup?

Give us a photo, a good one. Something that gives us a clear image of your face. Otherwise, give an equivalent online of someone that looks like you.

I'm an uglier, younger looking version of kate mulgrew, for reference, with a longer, bigger nose and close set eyes

Literally no one cares, you're a dime a dozen here on Jow Forums.

If you want an honest rating just fucking post it

Also, plastic surgery hardly ever makes you look better.

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I moisturize every day and wash my face before moisturizing. Make up wouldn't change anything unless I did full on contouring every day. Working on hair but. for reference of what I look like.

Yeah until people smell insecurity. I don't want rating, if I did I would be on /soc/. I've had plenty of feedback about it and now I want to know what to do. It does for those who start ugly.

be the aggressive one when it comes to relationships, most guys might not wan't to approach you if you're really that bad, but personality and other factors are what matters long run so you just have to get over that hurdle, then your facial features won't matter.

Alright look, if you have an answer for everything then why are you coming here? There’s no magical solution and like I said, unless you’re horribly disfigured, you’re probably not ugly and just have low self esteem.

Think about it this way: Who told you that you are ugly?

Based on your description you sound Mexican/native perhaps to the Yucatán peninsula.

Agreed. Don't put the penis on a pedestal.
You have the most powerful weapon ever invented in the history of the world: a puss.
Snag a guy with sex, be caring and giving, and you'll snag him for life. Other things are more important.
Improve everything else you can. Be confidant in everything else possible.
You could also preggo trap a guy that you know will step up.

How ugly are you and have you ever been asked out? There's a trainer in my gym, she doesnt have a pretty face at all, but shes fit and tan, Id fuck her just for that and Im sure more guys would too. She also russian accent and is generally a cute girl despite looking masculine, so Id even date her tbqh. Dont lose hope.

>What should I do?
Obviously come here and attention-whore. Or, you know, make peace with being ugly and undesirable.

Personality and confidence is key

I know your pain user /: honestly there’s really nothing you can do physically. Mentally however, it might seem impossible, but you can raise your self esteem. Dress in the cutest clothes you have, pamper yourself with long showers and nice skin products, spend time cleansing and polishing up your skin, brush your teeth, etc. You get the idea. Take care of yourself and make yourself feel good.

Focus on yourself before worrying about what others think user. Any man worth his salt would be attracted to such a confident woman. Don’t waste yourself on random guys wanting to pump n go either. You’ll only feel worse about yourself. Always put yourself first and work on bettering yourself. Hope this helps.

As a guy, I can honestly say that just having a nice body puts you VERY far ahead the average woman who doesn't take care of yourself. You can't help your face but you absolutely can control your body, and the fact that you have done that reflects very positively on you. If you have a confident, outgoing, and caring personality, you would be all that many guys want , including myself. The girl I am currently courting doesn't have a very flattering face but her body is amazing and she is such a genuinely nice, interesting person, and honestly she has me hanging on every word she says, its hard for me not to fall head over heels immediately.

> woman
> with fit body
You’ll be okay babe

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Body pic. I don't care about your ugly face

Unless you have a truly deformed face (which I doubt) there are absolutely people that will fuck you, especially if you're fit. Some people like "ugly" faces. You, unironically, just need to be your best you and love yourself. Wear makeup, it definitely helps at least a little, and dress nice.

I am the "aggressive one", I've asked guys on dates before. One of them literally turned round and said men don't find women who make the first move attractive. I have friends who care about me so surely my personality can't be as repulsive but eh.

I'm coming here for advice from men who may be able to tell me what it is that I could do to get them past my face. Everyone calls me ugly, except for therapists and family which don't count.

Nope, white Anglo.

Very and no. I'm just losing hope atm.

Yeah of course, unless you're too ugly to look at.

>Dress in the cutest clothes you have
It just makes me feel like a 60 y/o in a mini skirt tbf. I'm not interested in settling for someone who doesn't actually like me, which I guess is why I'm so distraught.

Doesn't have a flattering face isn't the same as being ugly, but I appreciate your honest input. I'm trying to be a genuine, interesting person but I'm honestly really starting to get bogged down by this.

Why, so you can't try to convince me that's not good either? I'm good y'know.

>there are definitely people who would fuck you
Pity I'm looking for someone to love and respect me, not use me since I'm so ugly I.have no other options.

>it's another "woman thinks she's ugly so she looks for validation" thread
it's gon be ok OP

I'm not trying to be rude but adv is usually rammed full of the opposite gender version of this thread so one or two female ones should be okay. There's legitimately at least 5 threads on the catalogue of guys trying to get advice on what they think personally brings them down in relationships.

It's hardly women's fault that men care so much about what their face looks like, I just have to learn to deal.

Nah you're right.

OP, the only thing you can do is just stop waiting for a bf, just like with male virgins, it isn't going to solve your problems and your self image. You should do some soul searching, find out who you really are because so far you're identifying with your looks too much. Your looks aren't who you are, that's why the beautiful people end up depressed, lonely and lost when their looks fade because they thought their looks and the popularity it brings WAS their life and who they are.

You have to find out who you are, where you want to be going and then working towards it. The perfect man isn't a destination on this journey, but the right man will follow you on it.

You from New Zealand/Australia?

> Your looks aren't who you are

I get that man, I'm just feeling so lonely and desolate. It feels like my only options are to accept being someone's play thing or accept i'm only entering a relationship at 40 if I'm lucky, when everyone else has gotten ugly. I've always been pretty certain of who I am and what I want from life other than romantic, it's just starting to feel like a gaping hole that cannot be ignored.

Stop chasing 9/10 chads and ask out some equally ugly beta, ezzz

Nope, Britain, the home place of ugly white Anglos. My family is white anglo as far back as we can trace.

>I am the "aggressive one", I've asked guys on dates before. One of them literally turned round and said men don't find women who make the first move attractive
If you think I've been asking people out higher than I think I'm rated then you're sorely mistaken. I even asked out a 24 y/o KHV when I was 20 and got rejected. Typical nonsense.

I understand you feel like it's a huge deal, but that's only because it's like a "grass is greener" situation. The last thing you want is to be in a relationship just because it's a relationship, trust me.

Just pursue your life goals other than getting a boyfriend, you're more likely to meet someone if you take a more active approach and do stuff that appeals to you because then you're surrounded by people who are going to be interested in the same stuff rather than just fucking someone they can brag to their mates about.

>men don't find women who make the first move attractive
lol dat nigga gae

Interesting. Welsh?

Is it really that big of a deal? I feel as women we've been taught being attractive is all that's important in life. I guess my face is attractive but I've been fat and ignored by guys before, it's actually quite nice. I liked not having the pressure off, not being the center of attention because of looks, etc. You find out who is shallow and who isn't really fast.


Yeah I understand that. I was like that for late teens and early twenties but I'm getting mid twenties now and everyone is getting married and starting families and I'm just... Here. I'm trying to focus on my goals and interests and finding people with similar ideals, but it always turns to friendship. I guess I'm just struggling to make the jump between and it's killing me. I really am trying to just live my life but blah.

Interesting as he's getting married next year to a lovely lady. Are you done making assumptions yet or?

One half Welsh, the other Scottish (technically). Still 100% Anglo cus that's where everyone started.

I guess it's easy to say as someone who's seen it? I see it as similar to being a poor celebrity; yes you may get more attention that may outweigh the benefits for some people, but the vast majority of people would just enjoy the fact that people are being nice and are actually paying attention to them.

It may be a bit 'grass is greener' tbf, especially in certain cultures where things like cat calling are common.

Do you have broad shoulders?
Your masculine features seem to be resulting from potentially being of a warrior lineage family. Just a thought. Anyway, the only recommendation I have is to search for a guy that you can relate with personally/intellectually, not just "any guy".

Then I'm afraid I don't know what more advice I can give, basically we all have to live with the cards we've been dealt and almost all of the sadness on Jow Forums comes from looking at other people's cards. But not all of them, for example there might be a guy who is the archetype "Chad" and the guy on Jow Forums envies him because he got the looks and the girls.

But if you looked at his other cards, you might find he grew up with a family of alcoholics with bullies for parents, so they're confident and happy among friends because they're thrilled they're away from that family for even 5 minutes.

No one is entitled to anything, everyone possesses something enviable, hell is a life of wanting what you can't have.

Seduce guys on Halloween wearing a mask

it was joke
no wonder you're lonely...

It has nothing to do with catcalling (although that is annoying). People who fall 'in love' with you for your looks, don't love you at all.

Lay off her m8, people have been taking out their own loneliness on her. She's probably not that defensive in reality.

I have broad shoulders for my height but thankfully my body is wonderfully petite so you can't really notice. I love them tbf, my body genetics are almost perfect imo, just a nightmare from the chin up.

>I'm trying to focus on my goals and interests and finding people with similar ideals, but it always turns to friendship. I guess I'm just struggling to make the jump between and it's killing me.

I'm constantly just looking for dudes who I can be myself with, that match my intelligence and interests and then trying to see where that goes. It doesn't work.

>wonderfully petite
I'm not sure that's universally considered a good body type... are you sure your body is that good? Because you might not have a particularly feminine body..

Not to bring you down, but maybe food for thought about arrogance?

Ah fair, well I highly appreciate the advice anyway. I've been trying to be happy with the hand I've been dealt - it could be so much worse, I know that - but it gets unbearable from time to time. Tbf I didn't know what else to expect from this thread, at least I've had a lot of good personal opinions to prop myself up with in the future. I don't want to be entitled, so it's probably best i try to keep that in the forefront of my mind too, thanks.

Want a loving relationship, not to be someone's ons.

Fair. I guess my problem is that I have people who potentially could otherwise fall in love with me but can't because I'm repulsive, the exact opposite of that problem, so it's hard to understand.

Mate I'm not trying to be rude but you initially made an awful assumption which could've been completely skipped over by reading the thread. When responded to, you ignored everything but one facet to make an irrelevant assumption dressed up as a joke. You're being rude and unhelpful, buddy, and I'm just trying to get advice.

Thanks man. I'm definitely much sweeter irl but I've been on Jow Forums for 12 years and I know you can't give an inch here.

Ah, I'm very sure. It's not about arrogance, it's about curating a fairly large research pool with varied feedback over several demographics, same as my face. Perhaps I'm using the wrong wording, but people's thoughts about my body when they only have my words to go off are never going to affect my view of it.

>but it gets unbearable from time to time.
Yep, but it's just best to treat it as a reminder that you have a yardstick to compare this to. I don't think people would be truly happy if we lived in a utopia where everyone has what they want, because what is happiness if not a measurement of sadness? You're only happy with something when you know the opposite side of the same coin would have made you miserable.
>I love my job
Because you can easily and usually do hate your job
>I'm so happy with my partner
Because we know they can end horribly or last with abuse
>I became a buddhist as abandoned all desire
Because desire provides disappointment.

you're going to need to be a better partner than the women with a fit body and a good face
you also need to stop worrying about things you can't control(your ugly face)
these are easier said than done, of course

>live on easy-mode with the media, laws and people supporting you
>still fail at life

You're pathetic, OP.

where do you get the balls to come to a den of 25-30yo KHV men on the verge of suicide and mope that you can't get a man?
I guess I'm a fool to assume you even exist

>She's been here for 12 years
You're not going to be able to pull her hair and push her in the mud you fucking tool.

You sound like a person who is self aware but still confident. A person would be lucky to have you. Good luck.

Also there are actually like dozens of methods ( non surgical) to beautify a face. A friend i know is a dertmatologist and specialises in cosmetics, i have seen incredible transformations from eople you think were ugly. Look into those.

I can do whatever I want, got it, big boy?

I'm clapping for you.

>a den of 25-30yo KHV men on the verge of suicide
This isn't Jow Forums nor your safe space Tumblr. Jow Forums is brimming with normies and always has been.

>incels want safe spaces and rule tumblr
oh, sweetie...

Yes exactly hun.

I don't see what you're trying to convey
are you saying there are no KHVs who have little to no hope on Jow Forums? they're like half the board at any given time

No I'm saying they actually do need safe spaces and probably get an arsepain about Jow Forums not being one.

safe from what? shitposters like you?

From themselves and reality.

Assuming your face is ugly (which it probably isn't - or isn't as serious as you make out) then even still, I guarantee there are good guys who would want to get to know you and also fuck you senseless.

I think you are the one coping with the fact we are here

post face

Yeah but that philosophical shit doesn't really help at 3 a.m. when it feels like you can't breathe from loneliness. I appreciate it, I will try.

I've got more to offer than those, it just feels like having a nice body is completely moot point with an ugly face which is why I was lamenting. I was going there was actually going to be a way to improve it, instead of focusing on things I cannot change.

Top kek

From being rejected by them. I dig care if you believe I exist or not, I'd just appreciate advice.

I've looked into dermatologist things, like lip fillers and stuff, it's just most of my issues comes from my nose, eye placement and forehead which I've never seen anything for aside from full blown surgery. I feel like you'd need to crack my skull open and rearrange it to even get started.

>I guarantee there are good guys who would want to get to know you and also fuck you senseless.
No there aren't, and if they are they don't want it to be an actual relationship. If you read the thread, you'll see I have friends and ask dudes put myself and get nowhere. I appreciate the sentiment but that's all it is.


Be honest, are you here to actually hear advice? Or are you just trying to vent? If you got, theoretically speaking, the BEST advice from this thread, what would it have provided you?

What's the point of this post if you don't post a picture of said face/body?

Hard to give advice with missing context.
It's either true and we can give our 2 cents or you're just surrounded by assholes

929 user here, look you cant be that bad. I have seen people get husbands(multiple) after like 6 sessions of fractional laser. Or add some botox to reverse some aging.

You actually have to be fully deformed for what you are saying to happen. Doubt thats the case.

Spurdolano on Wire, send me a pic and I will tell you how you look
I've been told I have low standards

Aren't fractional laser both for the same thing, removing wrinkles? Like that might be the only thing I don't need tbf. I appreciate you naming treatments and things tho, I've just done a lot of research.

you don't let yourself go to be independent until death, otherwise it's living in a retirement home, sitting in a wheelchair, wearing a soiled diaper

I've already had plenty of feedback, read . I appreciate the solo offer but I don't trust it to not end up back on Jow Forums one day. The last time I was careless about my photos I ended up on incels.me, which was a grizzly read tbf.

Not necessarily no, it can remove facial scars and certain other deformaties. That sunspot? Poof gone!

I have seen what you can call miracles esssentially, just needed time.

Huh, unfortunately the only scaring i have is like pockmarks, but I'll definitely look into seeing if there are any specialists near here and see what they think they could do. $2k is much more manageable that $16k at least. Thank you, I really appreciate you pointing that out.

Lets take all the straight men available for a moment and consider them as a percentage.

Let's focus on those who range from 5-8 out of 10 looks wise.
Can we agree that takes us down to like 60%?

Now, assume your face is ugly but body is as hot as you say it is.
That'll probably remove 30% of those remaining males, but lets go with 50%.

The remainder is the significant proportion of guys you have to play with. Lesser still will want a long-term relationship or simply be compatible with you, but you have just as much a shot as anyone else with these folk.

Unfortunately there's no way of truly knowing who these guys will be in advance but you've just got to get out there and get to know people. For every guy that isn't attracted right away, there is another who can gain attraction over time.

As a personal example, there's a woman I work with who is overweight, 4/10 face, feminist who is just completely differently-minded from me yet through moments of kindness and humour there are times I find her totally attractive and could imagine sharing a life with her, moreso than the prettier woman in the office who I have more in common with.

I'm definitely not making it that far if I stay single past 50, don't worry

The girls I've been the most attracted to ever have all been like 5-6/10. They didn't have a fit body and a model face, but they weren't overweight either, just very average.

Especially one of them were extremely happy, bubbly and confident. I always enjoyed being in her company. Her personality made her go from a 5/10 to a 9/10 in my eyes.
Really regret not asking her out back then.

So don't worry. If you can learn not to give a fuck and be happy, you'll be attractive to most guys.

Look my kik is pgtfg . You dont have to send any pics. I am not even from USA, i am from turkey so literally no chance of any relationship.

I will ask my friend what to do with pochmarks and come back to you.