Why are you black?

why are you black?

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Because g*d hates me.

my hamster is black, but he is not a nigger, go fuck your self

he has a good solid job, running in the wheel for the power company. he always works the night shift

Because my mom fucked a mutt nigger

found the kike

Why are you a faggot kike?

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why are you black?

I ain't a jew, but HE made me a nigger so I don't feel like uttering his name.

Because it's what I identify as

my mom fucked a nig

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type GOD then

you are a jew, fuck you

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I guess I'm a nigger because I have a pitbull. I only took her in off the streets and got her spayed, but pol faggots say I'm a nigger for this.

they call me a coconut/oreo, the racists i mean of course

GOD. There.
Now leave a brother alone, honkey.

fuck off.

okay even if you are just that kid, this was funny

niggers dont use honkey kike

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>a nigger has to behave they way I want him to
Once a cracka, always a cracka.

Spoiler he's a nigger. His cage is just like jail cute.
Liar I was called a honkey last night after I owned a uppity nigger last night
Your a fucking sambo. Kill yourself porch nigger.
To bad you can't identify as a noose and Lynch yourself
That's correct god only loves whites. Even Genesis says so.

Why are you OP?

Because I'm from africa

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>meme flag LARP
>not a jew
pick one

because of all the single wives

IDK, why is your ID color black?

Poor life choices

I'm not but other people keep trying to tell me I am.

It's the only flag with enough black in it to make me feel represented.
Even the BLM has too much of other colors and the pirate flag reminds me of the slave ships, you know the sea and shit.