What's going on with Peterson?

What's going on with Peterson?

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Attached: Juden Peterstein.webm (472x360, 2.95M)

clean your wallet out sort it into my bank account

he's making like $70k per month from retards and buying a lot of suits

His intellectual dork web nexus of Gloe Rogan, Ben “remember the holocaust” Shapiro and himself is falling apart. Womp womp nigga!

He's being paid to tell these guys what their real fathers never told them.

his beard is like a nutella on my dick. stop growing that shit you fucking idiot it looks hideous.

t. soiboy cuck who can't grow a beard

he is living up demands of being a world known celeb

he should at least get that shit colored accordingly. he already had hair plugs. just give into vanity you awful trump lite.

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>What's going on with Peterson?
Dunno. I like him, though.

He's an Israeli stooge.

still better than nobody telling them it at all

replace the audience with zoomers instead of boomers and it would be perfect

He got what he always wanted, he's wealthy as shit and mildly famous. And all he had to do was keep pushing individualism, which will invariably lead to the death of America. The most insidious leaf out there.

Vox Day on Juden Peterstain live

He's making people lifes better. Does it matter if he's doing it for the money?

he's not. he's telling a bunch of basement dwelling dorks to wash their genitals. this kinda of excuse should be punishable. life advice gurus are all scum.

>Daddy Peterstein helped become a real man

its a meme, but it's true. There's a reason he finished talking at his oxford event in 12 minutes - usually people talk for an hour.


Juden peterstein is a joke now

He signed with CAA and they took his soul in return. Deal with the devil, pay the ultimate price.

Modern day sophist (and there is nothing wrong with that desu)

Wash underneath your foreskin and scrub your toilet you filthy mongrel

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It's over now. That was a really good takedown of JBP.

80k a month from Patreonbux alone. That's not counting merchandise revenue like his 3k$ rugs and Super Bucko Ball Washer, or his university salary.

>Super Bucko Ball Washer

What should happen to him?

The meme is over


he's making way more than that
i have him at 20+ million for just last year.
his tour charges 100+, every date has had 2000 or more people, he toured 100 days, plus book sales, plus paid motivation corporate/christian seminars.
he'll make another 20 mil this year from touring.

So were people pissed? I can't even imagine going to a paid event and having it not take up even 15 minutes of my time.

Who cares what lobster bucko man is up to? I hope he chokes on his 30 pieces of silver.

He deserves it

Happy Hanukka

if it weren't for the hate threads, there'd be no peterson threads at all. really makes you think

genuine question: has anybody ever debunked anything Peterson has said by using scientifically proven facts? I'm not talking about post-reality "facts" from liberal scientists who claim retarded shit like "having a traditional family with a male father and female mother is bad" or anything like that. I'm talking about actual science.