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Why didn't someone take a hammer and just fuck that shit up?

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I hate him with a passion but no. Just as I wouldn't support someone doing that to a Hitler statue, if one existed

>muh 66 million
Fuck off retards

Fuck off kike. He needs to be destroyed

Seething kike. Hopefully someone fully destroys it soon

Reminder: the same people who wanted to tear down confederate monuments are the same people kvetching about Marx's statue being defaced.

it seems some valiant worker decided to reclaim that decadent lump of granite from the privileged classes

>ideology of starving

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Someone did that last week

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How hard would it be to just get a backhoe in there and dig that cracka up?

this is just near me, they mention it in school like a cool little thing
all commie shit is framed like that there, animal farm is presented like hey boy didnt those bad apples mess up a good thing kids

>I hate him with a passion but no
Then you obviously don't hate him

There's literally ZERO leftists/commies that would condemn a Hitler statue getting vandalized, in fact they keep pushing more and more the envelope so it's acceptable to destroy statues that are even vaguely opposed to their cult. The time of playing by MUH WE ARE LE BETTER THAN THEM cuckoldry is over.

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I hate Marx, but this is my local cemetery and it fucking rustles my jimmies. Nice people, like Douglas Adams and Malcolm McLaren are buried beside Marx making it a eclectic rogues gallery. It's like a Share Blue shill just turned up in my neighbourhood with a tin of red paint.

JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA Good commies always vandalize historical monuments, it´s only just they get a taste of their own shitty grafity once in a while

>any statue of anyone right of the centre gets defaced/removed: Heh serves those racists right.
>Marx statue gets defaced: REEEEEEEEEEE

Those faggots started it now they have to suck it up and deal with it

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comparing Marx with Hitler is a stupid analogy

Marx was literally just an old man that wrote a bunch of books and died, its not his fault others took his writings too seriously

Based and commiekillingpilled

He wanted them to be taken seriously and put into practice. Weither he would have approved of different people's interpretations of his ideas like the shitshow that was Mao's china is a different story.

If anything, you should be pissed that this piece of shit is anywhere near those great people's monuments.

Good, fuck him and anyone who subscribes to his bullshit ideology.

Why don't they dig up the dead kikes corpse and drag him bones around the street?

still doesn't change the fact that he was just a philosopher not a political leader

if I write a book saying we should all cut off our hands and start fisting each other and a bunch of people start doing it after reading my book is it my fault or is it peoples stupidity fault?

> Mongos on the right side of the political spectrum

As much as I think marxist ideas are horrible and have lead to a lot of deaths. It's part of history now. It's culture. Atleast the statue is.

Also, this is a case of idiotic people not understanding how easy it is, to become a villain in the eyes of the public. Thereby spawning more marxist morons. The people cheering this on, was already on the same team as you. All this does it make people on the fence see how big of a mongo your side can be.

Aren't you the same shill who keeps posting those traditionalism threads?

no one owns a few sledge hammers?

no one owns a Jack Hammer?


Why are Karl Marx sculptures always giant heads?

> Memeflag
> Obvious amerimutt
Punish the people and group responsible for destroying historical statues/art. Acting in the same moronic way just makes whatever side you're on equally retarded.

This guy's right. I loathe Marx, but acting like a bunch of Antifa faggots and defacing historical monuments that you don't like the politics of just makes you as bad as them.

That's not a stature of Marx. He lived in London (for most of his live) and that's where he's buried.

The attacker desecrated his grave

I support anyone who vandalizes this shitty statue or any similar memorial to a communist bloodsucker. Propaganda of the deed.

The best thing to do would be to put commies in the dirt, and then vandalize their graves.

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>Punish the people and group responsible for destroying historical statues/art

Ok, tell me how to punish the people IN POWER, AKA THE FUCKING ESTABLISHMENT then.

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There is no need to stoop to the level of low iq commies and niggers who act entirely on emotion.
This is correct

This is bait right?

Anti-White/Jewish statues don't belong.

Pro-White statues do.

Agree'd, but maybe it is time we start fighting back. How many Confederate statues have we seen removed, or destroyed?
Stop holding back, cause if we don't divide ourselves from the commies we will live to see that we are exactly like them.

Both if you were dead serious about it being carried out


70,000,000 Christians killed by Jews! The real Holocaust!

>charged gunfire with bare fists and sticks
yup, sounds retarded enough to be done by communists


If someone jumped on top of that headstone and shit on top of his head... That still would not be enough to express the hatred what should be exacted on this motherfucker.

>desecrating a historical grave because you were triggered by his ideology

This is why the right is losing. Focus on modern proponents of socialist and communist ideology that exist today and affect us today. Ruining a headstone with historical value, no matter how much you detest the man, is pathetic. In fact, desecrating graves never looks good, no matter whose it is.


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yes dumbass, tell us more about how we should ban the books that are too dangerous

At a 'Death to the Klan' demonstration, too.

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> Black lives matter
> Establishment

You obviously shouldn't do it. Best hope to deal with BLM doing w/e they want, is to voice your opinion, and hope it's an opinion that is shared by other people.

This is an act of self-defense.

So? There shouldn't be private property. The statue belongs to everyone, thus everyone should be allowed to "decorate" it.

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Karl Marx doesn't even deserve a proper grave. He is quite literally the most evil person ever to exist.


BLM is just one of the many street groups of the globohomo establishment.They only got defunded when one member went too far and massacred some cops in Texas and when one of their leaders attacked IsraHELL, that moment was really eye-opening.

You are right. This is not something that should of happened. I hate everything this man stood for, but to deface this is wrong. I want to visit this place and understand the story behind him. I will make my judgement and leave. Most likely a left winged idiot did this to spark interest. If the person who did this is on the right, you have a reservation for the day of the rope and are no better than the man who you defiled. Fucking nigger tier shit, faggot.

How does doing what is right make you just like them? Bad people should be forgotten, good people should be remembered. Destroy bad statues, don't destroy good statues. It's very simple you centrist kike.

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Whoever did this, I salute you. Marx's remains should be flushed down a toilet in a Thai brothel. The leftists thought they were going to harm our cultural identity. Well they are getting some blowback from the hero who did this. Wonderful statement against pure evil. "Ideology of starving" LOL. Nice touch of humor too.

If you want to win you need to fight fire with fire. This cuck mentalilty of the Republicans and 'our ideals' will win people over is a joke. It won't happen

The capitalist class is so scared of Marx's message that they've resorted to desecrating his corpse. They want to command our labor THAT much. If they could dig up our corpses and turn them into wage slaves they'd probably do that too.

Marx gave us a path to freedom. A choice that wasn't "NEET" or "wagecuck". It's up to us it to turn it into a reality!

"If you kill your enemies, they win" mentality.

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>who’s fault mine or theirs
Both. Obviously. What is 1+1.

just fucking smash it, take a few sledges and smash it, or use other methods. Got some dynamite blow the fucker, got sharp buzz saws that can penetrate through it and remove the head do it too. Or you could fuck it up and make it look retarded.

Are they filming a Zardoz remake in London?

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Putting a tarp and a flag on a statue is pretty far from spray-painting a statue. Likewise, Hitler lost just like the Confederates did, so why make a statue for the losers?

Under communism you wouldn't even have that choice, cool "freedom" you've got over there.

You sound like a bit of a moron.

Silly sausage, go do Scientology. At least you’ll only be self harming in that silly religion.

>Putting a tarp and a flag on a statue is pretty far from spray-painting a statue
Yeah, let's ignore the statues that were outright demolished while the police stood and watched.

>Likewise, Hitler lost just like the Confederates did, so why make a statue for the losers?
By your fucking stupid far-leftist demoncrap logic, might as well demolish the memorials to the American soldiers that died in the Vietnam war. I'd like to see you wearing your pink pussyhat while explaining their families why their fallen relatives were losers and supporting the removal of their memorial dedicated to them because it's a "statue for losers".

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>Why didn't someone take a hammer and just fuck that shit up?
That's what the left does.

Except that isn't killing. Killing and insulting is two very different things. When you kill they have no chance to respond.

we aren't destroying storefronts and disturbing the way of life of the common man, so no this is not antifa shit

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They were simply restoring it and adding important facts to the display. Nothing wrong with that. It's their statue after all. They can do with it what they please.

Stop trying to stand the high ground. The left are the way they are today BECAUSE establishment “right” keep taking the “high ground”

I see what you did there

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Marx is the reason there would be a Hitler statue.

That's fucking stupid even from a right wing view, Karl Marx isn't responsible for the deaths of communism, he didn't even invent communism. The only thing he did was lay out the groundwork by criticising 19th century capitalism, and frankly if you don't agree with his criticism about 19th century capitalism you're either retarded or a libertarian faggot. Even national socialism has learned a trick or two from this dudes ideas. And thanks to his influence on left wing politics we today have economic regulation which benefit everybody, and things such as labour union.

nice, but next time behead it.

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looks fake

you should read how favorably marx thought about the rothschilds and their control of money supply in europe, very critical of capitalism indeed (when it benefits the jew)

I would dig up Marx's corpse and turn him into a gloryhole cocksucker. You can show him the ropes.

What did they expect this whole ideology at the end of the day is about killing people to get off

>graffiti that can be easily cleaned up
A real human bean would've used a sledgehammer up his nose

you'd get caught tho, there must be only so many people with sledgehammer licenses that it would narrow the search for authorities

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finally one you goyim had the balls for it
it only took you how many years?
meanwhileit is not uncommonly heard of that leftists are vandalizing historical landmarks and monuments like in Spain.

There's a Lenin statue in my town. I've wanted to smash it for a long time now, regardless if I get caught or not. I just wonder if cast metal (bronze, maybe?) even budges to a sledgehammer.

>Workers Unite to tell the truth about commie atrocities
btw there were no gas chambers in auschwitz

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No matter what you think about him and his ideologies it is DEGENERATE to deface someones grave.

No better than leftists.

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Shut the fuck up cuck. Communists should be murdered wherever they sprout up, and their graves should be forever unmarked.

it is likely that it is hollow to some degree, so yes. a solid metal statue would be very impractical. be safe user, no need to be a martyr for such a small hill to die on, but godspeed

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How do you destroy something like that?

Asking for a friend.

He wanted to implement his ideas himself. Fuck off memeflaggot commie.

I sure hope the vandals paid the entry fee

But you oppose the removal concederate war statues. Get some perspective dipshit. Erase the history and repeat it again

I want to shoot all Communists, why should I draw the line at defacing their graves?

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Yes, these statues are hollow.

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Isn't Karl Marx's Grave owned privately and they charge you a fee to visit?

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Fuck judaya utopia, fuck marx, fuck kikes and fuck you.

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