Why do Brown People still exist?
Why do Brown People still exist?
Living near the equator.
Because people like you sit around pondering the matter instead of doing something about it.
I have done more for the eradication of niggers then you will ever know
This is fun. Tell us a bullshit story.
I want to fuck Sakurako
pls LARP, anime faggot
I traveled to the united states to state on the verge of becoming blue, I attended a university and made it my mission to get as many millennial young men to keep texas red and vote trump in 2015, and 2016
I also voted myself and kept my county of nueces, red.
Because of my actions, Donald Trump successfully got elected and eradicated plenty of niggers as a result.
Forget russian bots.. we Canadian mercenaries were the key to the win. Nobody ever expected it.
chirp chirp
Good taste.
Because I'm busy securing a future for the brown race with my aryan wife.
>Who’s 2D
because white people subsidize their existence
>Why do Brown People still exist?
Because Whites feed them and give them healthcare and literally clean up their shit
they're a more effective parasite than even the jew.
>Who's 3D, but as beautiful as a 2D
we're just too fucking good, if we can breathe life into others sure why not anymore
cause we fuck
not like europeans and north americans that are going to disapear, and add japan to the mix
Nah, jews are more effective. Jews are made wealthy and powerful through their parasitism, niggers just live in the ghetto and burn shit.
Post a pic of her then, nigger. We'll be the judge of that.
Horrible trash quality of her feet. As much as you nibbas gonna get.
Go try to conquer them then and maintain power over them.
They are monkeys like niggers in a ghetto.
They are brainwashed by islam to the point of auch hatred that they would kill themselves with home made tnt or something to make a point.
The problem is, the point he makes is that everyone should put a bullet to the next sand nigger near them
Brown guy here, AMA.
Also, to answer OPs question, absurd amounts of breeding.
Why does harmful bacteria and vira still exist?
If you multiply enough, some are bound to get through.
Australia is full, its time to go home.
Whites were too generous by the time colonialization had started. During the crusades they would put to the sword all the survivors of entire places they captured.
Im chatting with nogs in this program I'm in and these nig middle aged men have like 7-10 kids each. Bout to an hero.
It's not going to do any good when the wh*toid solution is to praise a dead kike on a stick
Don't insult my goddess of a wife.
Bcuz whity pay taxes
I want to sniff brat ass
Only because I allow it.
Hello, me.
What the fuck are you gonna do about it?
Because they're the only ones who will keep existing. It's called Darwinism.
Le mud daydream
because white goyim are VERY easy to manipulate
You keep daydreaming about kids. Or at least that's what whites do if they're not fucking them. Fuck women instead of kids. This way you can make them and not die out as a species. It's called Darwinism kek.
Because we still allow them to.
To make me rich .
Because we keep feeding them.
Is owning shiny jewels and obsessive lifeless materialism really a rich life though?
Far, far more Ebola niggers han yarmulke niggers.