You will end up just being a Goy fighting for Israel.
Don't fall for the Marines meme!
Other urls found in this thread:
before the war.
Does she look happy?
Also, the Marine Corps is now the SJW Corps, the fucking females wear the same exact male Dress Blues, s m h WTF. They want no distinction between genders yet lower the standards for the females.
Imagine willingly fighting in some war caused by some old people you don’t even know
He deserves it, he’s probably just some degenerate who gets a thrill from shooting at innocent civilians
Hey but at least his country is grateful and looks after him super well now.
The niggers of Scandinavia
Being a Marine, especially an 0311, helped me get a good paying job as the hiring manager was a Marine. That said, I was a reservist and didn't do shit.
>be marine
>essentially a glorified mercenary
>fights for jews and traitors that want to destroy him, his sanity, his family, his nation and his race.
Why so angry?
Don’t worry Tyrone, I’m sure your turn to get drafted to protect Israel will come soon
This marine's story is sad. She cheated on him and he killed himself.
No. Proves that looks are everything
Thank you for your service, goy. Your toll has been paid in full.
OK op. Thanks for letting me know that trading Zionist for a crazy leftist Zionist is the best way forward. You're not like the rest of the shills who are trying to screw me.
Didn't know Spencer had a son. No wonder he disowned him.
good lord I hate the world.
All your memes are belong to us.
The Proud Beastie Boys are back
Im telling yall its a sabotage
He died a few years back
he didn't suicide himself, he got fucked up and slipped on ice. That's what killed him. He was abusing various substances. Never heard she cheated on him before.
The US has been fighting on the behalf of Jews since WW1. We had no business killing the shit out of europeans and now we kill a couple sandniggers across the world so beaners and 3rd world trash get to flood into America. Armyfags know not what they fight for
Fuckin' Jody
sad desu
The muhreens were good back in the 80s-90s. Todays Corps is SJWs