Bros my girlfriend just texted me on some serious shit

bros my girlfriend just texted me on some serious shit.
We love each other and have been together for a little while now and she says that if our kid turns out to be gay that I have to roll with it.
She just texted and said
"being gay isn't a choice"

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What do you need help with exactly?

Just kill her user

Are you afraid that this is the first hint to she coming out of the closet?

I plan on finding a good church wherever we may end up. This should assist with said statistics, correct?

Yes it is, but current propaganda says otherwise. For example, if these things were determined by genetics, the percentage of gender-fluid in California would be the same as in Afghanistan, and we know it is not.

Even if it were determined at birth, there are many heteros who choose celibacy (monasteries, Catholic priests who are not pedos - which is a sizable majority) - gays have the same option if they have the strength of character.

Yet the the bible itself says that "Thou shalt not lie with a man as with a woman; it is an abomination.” Presenting the problem of religion vs. my possible son's well-being.

Just raise him to be a cute little trap. Feed him foods rich is sõy and fibre to keep his dick small and his asshole tight. That's all it takes to be a good parent.

>For example, if these things were determined by genetics, the percentage of gender-fluid in California would be the same as in Afghanistan, and we know it is not.
Wow, user. Have you considered the possibility that, not only could homosexuality follow genetic trends such as things like sickle cell, but that there are more openly gay people in California because the chance of being murdered for being openly gay is significantly lower?

>Even if it were determined at birth, there are many heteros who choose celibacy (monasteries, Catholic priests who are not pedos - which is a sizable majority) - gays have the same option if they have the strength of character.
You are are a moron. There is no universe in which choosing not to have sex is the same as choosing which sex you are attracted to.

I've given it some thought and I have devised a strategy.
If my son turns out to be gay, I'll simply tell him that he is not allowed to go to church and will receive bible study from me.
Slowly I'll work my way to the elephant in the room.
Thanks, anons

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tell her you'll raise the kid better than that and to stop worrying

show her Jow Forums as proof that being gay or trans is a choice and that people can be convinced to switch sides.

How about you compromise with her and say you'd accept a gay son if he procreated?

im a lesbian. its not as big of a deal as people think

I think it is more the result of selective migration in that the amount of people moving to California are disproportionately gay, for some reason.

Perhaps California is simply a gay Hub.

Are you German by any chance

If she does turn out to be gay make her have a past life regression.
Apparently it takes the gay out of em sometimes

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She's close-minded. The whole "gay isn't a choice" thing is propaganda. It's entered the realm of virtue signaling... somehow.

I know many gay men who chose it. Most straight men would have gay experiences if they weren't so afraid.

I don't get it. If it's a choice, why would people actually choose to be gay? Why would you choose to potentially have relationships ruined, your family hate you, and take it in the ass, in the case of men?
>society will accept you
Obviously, as repeatedly shown, not all of society will. But for those that are actually accepted by some leftist group, what will happen to those that lived in some conservative household and actually loved their family? How can they justify making their family hate them, I repeat, just to take it up the ass? I honestly cannot understand this.

OP, there are worse things than being gay.

Such as being transgender.
Or "non-binary".
Or driving a Ford.

>if these things were determined by genetics, the percentage of gender-fluid in California would be the same as in Afghanistan, and we know it is not.
Why would it?

Lactose intolerance is determined by genetics, and the percentage of lactose intolerance is much higher in east Asia than anywhere else.

But wouldn't you expect the prevalence of gays to be lower in places they're not forced to act straight and have wives?

I hope you never have kids

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this one isn't a big deal. chill out op.

People don’t move to California because they are gay... they live in California, and then turn gay.