Daily reminder that taxation is theft
Daily reminder that taxation is theft
Based lolbert
you consent to taxes by living in the country dingus
avoiding starvation is consent apparently
Police and government only have authority’s because you give it to them. They have no right to dictate what you do.
>Sorry, you made a homophobic comment on twitter yesterday so you're not long allowed to use anything owned by Google, oh and all the other corporations have formed together in a conglomerate so you're barred from their products too. Sorry goy, it's just business.
>you're consenting to chattel slavery by being born on the plantation
What do you care? you don't pay any because you don't even have a job.
Turn off the meme flag Dan.
You conset to be taxed by continuing to live in a nation and benefit of its services, from military defense to roads to public sanitation. Don't like it? Fuck off and live in the forest, leech.