
Anyone else here think that all trans people are really just mentally ill? Like, the suicide rate is so high even for those who transition 'successfully' that I can't think of why we're giving these people hormones instead of treating them as we would people with bipolar or schizophrenia. It's fucked up that we're not giving these people the help they so desperately need, and instead normalizing bodily mutilation and fucking with brain chemistry by taking testosterone or estrogen.

They need #TherapyNotHormones

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There are studies that have shown that semen could act as an antidepressant in women. The study included sexually active college females and found that not only were females who were having sex without condoms less depressed, but depressive symptoms and suicide attempts among females who used condoms were higher.

Condom use meant less exposure to semen. Measures of depression were high in women did not use condoms if the time between last sexual intercourse increased. Researchers speculate that the vagina absorbs a number of components of semen that can be detected in the bloodstream and that reduces symptoms of depression.

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SO what you're saying is that all FTMs need is cock and they'll be cured?

Kill yourself newfag, if you even lurked for a day here you would know what we think of trannies. Now lurk more and dont post again before 2020 you scum

damn you're angry there friend, how about you simmer down and take a load off?

Correlation =/= Causation
Alternate hypothesis:
Sure Trannys are mental cases, but afaik from their pronouncements, most of them are ingesting larger amounts of semen than most women, either for emotional support or commercially to pay for their surgery, and they're still both demented and depressed.

More likely that stable non-depressed women are in stable trusted relationships and can therefore safely go bareback.
Whereas Thots Trannys and other depressives are having desperate sex to try to fill their psychological void with sex with other untrustworthy potentially-pozzed scum, so need to rubber-wrap it.

most trans people improve through hrt. Otherwise you get people that transition later in life from repressing, and they're all ugly af. If I could be normal I'd gladly do it, but mental illness isn't that simple. Jow Forums is full of retards, so I don't expect you to be able to take into consideration view points outside of your hivemind.

What evidence is there for/against transitioning being the best form of helping these people? To me it seems like a completely irrational belief (much like some schizophrenics) which would be treated with medication or therapy more effectively than hormones.

Damn Sven settle down, this man's just trying to learn him knowledge.

rates of suicide attempts drop dramatically, especially with cosmetic surgery to accentuate hrt. I am only talking MtF though.

Imagine being proud of how much time you spend on this site lmao


cite your sources

either mentally ill mother or grew up around a predator

>thinking that your gender differs from your chromosomal makeup
>not insane

these people need to be put on a high threat watch list before they get violent when someone misuses their pronoun

Take note r/TheDonald, this is an actual Discord tranny.

nah it's totally misdiagnosed weakness in the blood-brain barrier of the victim of the suffering, where in the atom of this weakness, existential evil bullshit latches onto the suffering consciousness as an attachment, to try and drive a wedge into the person's thinking in a gamble to rope them into a racket for their soul

She's what justin beiber tried to be.

omission#9285 ;)

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>think they are mentally ill

They ARE mentally ill.

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Idk m8. If they go this far to mutilate themselves, perhaps they should be mass graved as a potential health hazard to everyone around them.

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it boggles my mind that the first treatment for gender dysphoria is hormone replacement rather than aiming to eliminate or cope with those feelings. Doctors who push that shit are literally harming their patients health.

They are attention seekers. Look at the history of any of these people from childhood to adulthood and you will see the same patterns.



> I believe the ghost of my dead father is haunting me, and my dog tells me the mail man is Satan.

Classic case of schizophrenia, better get you on heavy medication and see what we can do to counter the delusions.

> I think I'm invincible one day, then can't see why I should keep on living the next. Is this normal?

Sounds like you might be bi-polar. Let's analyze your mood swings and see if we can do something to regulate them.

> Doc, I can't seem to read properly. The letters just twist and turn and confuse me, it's really messing up my education and I've struggled my whole life with this. Is there anything you can do to help?

The letters aren't twisting or changing or trying to trick you, you just have dyslexia! This can often be cured by analyzing what type you have, and may be as easy as using a colored filter on whatever you read to correct the mistakes your mind is making.

> I believe I'm fat. Even though the scales say I weigh only 60 lbs, I just look at myself in the mirror and think I'm a bloated whale!

Ah, body dysmorphic disorder. Rare thing, but you're not fat, in fact you're incredibly under weight. We better put you on a specialized diet to get you health again and put you into treatment. Therapy and other treatment may help here.

> Doc, I'm a man but I think I'm a woman.

Wow, we better chop of your dick, fill you full of hormones, and do whatever we can to make your incorrect perception match reality ASAP! You understand this is extraordinarily painful, debilitating, costly, and irreversible right? Great, let's get started right away and, oh, you have insurance right? Awesome, let's start by splitting your penis in half.