70% TAX NOW!!!

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its carrying over loses from the previous year

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What loophole makes you pay no taxes?

Amazon hasn’t paid taxes ever because they only became profitable very recently.

Loses jobs in socialist

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being poor

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A lot of big companies leave the us to avoid taxes.
Like Burger King merging with Tim Horton to get a better tax break in Canada. how easily could Amazon build Amazon centers in Mexico and Canada.

and the ceo paid nothing too?

where's OP?

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How much would they have to pay if they didnt game the system? Can some brainy anons calculate it for me?

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Reality check.
Corporations don't pay taxes. When you leftist retards implement "taxes" on corporations, you only make them collection agencies.

poor people suck, we should tax earnings below 50k 30%, then next 50k - 300k is tax free

wait for the boot lickers
>muuuaah job creators
>we have to give Amazon more tax money

Amazon, Tesla, all social media companies live off government subsidies.

Thank you. Also are you actually a Kraut or just a proxy?

Good for Amazon. Taxation is theft. Fuck your social programs. Fuck kike wars. It goes in all fields.

anyone or any organization that can get out of paying taxes for any reason is ok with me.

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jewish accounting

Based and AnCapilled

They are living the ancap dream

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*Yawn* not my money, not the governments money, not your money

You could take 100% of their money and my life would not improve. In fact, it would negatively impact it, knowing that the government is looking to take my wages from the labor I put in and use it for their own gain.

Nobody "makes" that kind of money, except perhaps actors.
What I mean is nobody is employed by some organization and gets that much money as salary.
They get "compensated" in other ways, i.e. investments.

If you have an actual salary, a part of it is automatically withheld by your employer and given to the feds. With investments, in order words capital gains, you have to self-report and pay taxes on your own. The wealthy have so many loopholes to avoid paying taxes on this sort of income that the tax rate is completely irrelevant.
Not to mention so few people on earth make more than 30 million per year in any way, shape, or form that the top 2 tax brackets are meaningless. 99% of even the mega rich receive single digit or low double digit millions per year. The vast majority of their wealth is tied up in assets which are not liquid.

In fact it's probably a stealth troll image to lump richfags into the 10% tax bracket.

They don't make any profit, they just have shareholders that pump their stock while they try to destroy every other retailer until they reign supreme.

Same shit with Uber. It's fucking disgusting.

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