Anyone regret voting for Trump?

He keeps letting us down and I honestly am starting to think he was the not the better candidate.

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Other urls found in this thread:

im so off the trump train. fuck drumphf

Discord tranny thread #67298

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oh ya fellow whites i got dubz. m,eans this post is true and more should follow it

shit double 4s again. im hot now

Trannies are out in full force, I see.

Nah. Establishment is probably freaking out because they thought Trump was unelectable. Turns out the majority of Americans are very much for deporting illegals. That would explain why Trump is cucking so much.

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squeak squeak rat shills

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go back

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What does it matter? You voted for Hillary.

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Hilarious how these future suicides think all their "hard work" is making a "difference"...

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>garble garble slurp slurp

Can't hear you with all that MIGA cock in your mouth

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Reminder that your parents wanted a son OR a daughter, lmfao.

Not the worst of both worlds.

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>He's still pushing the "tranny" narrative.
Trumpfags truly are worse than liberals at this point.

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You're right. I should have voted for Hillary. Seriously we can't let him get the nuclear codes

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Stop picking on the poor little Trump bot. Can't you see he's working overtime?

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it sucks he's let us down but Hillary would have been a lot worse

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>2 posts by this ID
>1st post
"You don't like Trump. That means you voted for Hillary."
>2nd post
"Discord trannies. XD"

You're a failure at life.

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Show your flag fucking kike

>the president can do whatever he wants without Congress the post.
Fuck off and grow up.

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>G-Go back to R-Reddit y-you nupol redditor!
The wall is going up and the Discord trannies are absolutely losing their shit.

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Hey at least he woke more people up to the fact that democracy is a sham than most presidents do. That's something.

Not only can the left not meme, everything they say is constant vitriol and doubling down.
I'll pass...

Wall is going UP UP UP! All the Satania incelposting won't save you now!

>is trump the best he could be?
>is trump the better candidate?
yes. name anyone better.

This post by a mile...trump isnt end game hes just the start.
I wish we would a mass extinction, I'm so sick of this world and its "humans"

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zoomers and boomers are stuck in a personality cult of trump
they now dont care what he does like bombing the middle east
they are just like obama supporters

>Anyone regret voting for Trump?
it was either him or Hillary.
the only thing i regret is that it came down to these two. but then how can I regret when i had no hand in picking the two as the final candidates?

>Wall is going UP UP UP!
Screech louder faggot. Maybe your hope will come true. ppffffftttttt
I wish he WOULD build a wall and kick the spics out btw. Just saying.
He won't though. His big business kike buddies love that cheap labor. Remember how he said it's a good thing, all the LEGAL immigration?
kys faggot

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>they now dont care what he does like bombing the middle east
Didnt he want us to pull out and all the "Democrats" who years ago hated the war are going against him.
Again liberals and Democrats are just people who do the opposite of whatever trump does.
I remember when Obama was a thing all the "Democrats" wanted us out like they did in nam.
Now? Suddenly trump is wrong for pulling out and wrong for staying in?
Doubling down and vitriolic rhetoric.

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Just post anime and hugs, or like a girl, all the time. They will fall apart infighting at the gayness.

U mad? Hahahaha and when the wall is finished I'm going to visit it regularly and laugh at all the dirty spics on the other side in their shithole and there's nothing you can do about it tranny

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>constant vitriol
Do you know where you are?

Trump wanted us to pull out unlike Obama.
How old are you? I bet underage.

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Ooh, caught one
Triggered much?

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I mean, who didn’t expect this?

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Yes and it's annoying as fuck.

Why do Jews like using nazi flag on Jow Forums for? Are you compensating for something?
How long have you been on HRT for?

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>bombs syria
>yeah goys i want to pull out
>still no proof he has yet
boomer propaganda
grow a brain grandpa

>obvious discordfag thread
>OP wears a Nazi flag
Jesus Christ you guys suck at falseflagging.

>Hillary totally isnt in bed with Teamsters.
Her whole family is corrupt and she covered up the Monica Lewinsky case.
Stand with her? She covered up her husbands rape.

>Trump sends tens of billions to Israel
>But American Jews voted for Hillary
How is that relevant?

Haha okay sage this paid shill trash

Yeah, pull out, against top military generals advice and according to Putin's orders. Trump is Putin's bitch and you are Trump's useful idiot

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>whole argument is literally "XD triggered liberal tears"

>Trump wants to pull out
>bombs the fuck out of Syria for no reason

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Holy fuck, if you knew that Syria was breaking Geneva convention you would understand why people are against Syria.
Seems like you're the child here.
Then again this is normal for Islamist.

>haha fellow discordians, GOTTEM

After the SOTU address, I realized this presidency has been a complete disaster. Trump made nationalism look retarded by becoming another neocon puppet for Israel. Now we have to wait another five years to build up momentum once more.

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>haha fellow redditors, GOTTEM

>anyone who questions the god emperor is a discord tranny
Have you considered suicide user? You should.

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>Trump's useful idiot
Never voted in my life, nigger.
Still, I'd rather Putin and trump then Obama and Hillary.
But cool vitriol, Democrat.

You're fucking stupid.
As bad as he is, the alternative was Hillary.
Unless you're making some gay accelerationist point.

Damn right. Stay mad. Hahahahaha

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Da fuck?
What the hell you going on about?

Was there a shift change between these two posts?

>>bombs the fuck out of Syria for no reason
Being Islamic state isnt a reason enough? And chemical weapons?
Shit I dont care what muslims and the middle east does but dont act like Islam isnt a problem.

The wall is going up, and you will take your mask off when an officer asks you. Discord trannies and Satania incelposting is not working well for you today, huh. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!

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Thats for trannies like yourself sir

>Unless you're making some gay accelerationist point.
They are doing that exact thing.

>Only vote Democrat or Republican
>Why is America going downhill?

you will never have true conservative traditionalist president
in 2020 florida goes blue, in 2024 texas goes blue
its going to be socialist progressives vs communists now
>muh gas attacks
go back to r/eddit fool
and even if they were real i dont care and neither should america as a whole
we have no business in the middle east at all

I voted for drumphf but its become clear as day hillary clinton was the better choice

You're a leppo.

lmao this fucking threads man. you need to be more creative than this

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Shills are on suicide watch.

Notice when you ask them things like if they take medication, self diagnosed or see a psychiatrist they usually shut up.
The truth hurts for these cross dressing incels

>its going to be socialist progressives vs communists now
Pretty much this

I never would have imagined that immigration would have gotten WORSE under him.

I don't regret my vote but I don't think I will repeat it. Unless we somehow make it to 2020 with a wall and no amnesty.

ahahahahahaha XD i've ben troled! XD

The Syrian government (that Trump bombed) fights Islamic terrorists.

Here's another Satania for you.

I'm not a tranny, but okay.

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Who you trying to bulkshit OP? You bever voted Mr. Trump and you damn well know you didn't. You are simply nothing but another Hillary supporter.

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Do you retarded discord trannies actually believe people believe this shit?

Oh sorry user, I forgot to respond to that. Don't be offended. No I don't take HRT. Nice try though.

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Keep crying. I'd tell you that everything will be ok but unfortunately for you, you're stuck with Trump derangement syndrome for a very long time.

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Lol. Now that president Trump wrecked isis, his war plan is Obama’s.
>sure thing nigger.

>Billions of Israel
Thank you America, your aid is much appreciated, best of goyim

>Do you actually believe people think trump is a kike sellout
not everyone is in denial

I regret not voting for Trump, kinda on the wrong continent.

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Trump derangement syndrome = reddit fags who support trump no matter what he does or doesn't do. This is your last (You) btw.

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Trump isn’t going to win in 2020 because he pissed off a good chunk of his nationalist supporters. They make up almost half his base. The only remaining people who are on the “Trump Train” are deluded boomers or actual kikes. Most of my white friends have accepted he pretty much damaged any chances of this country being saved demographically. Well except for this one guy, guess what religion he’s from?

Sadly this might be the case, the politicial divide will only get worse once the next economic crash happens shortly after he loses. I won’t be surprised if riots start eventually happening.

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Trump didn’t “wreck” ISIS. Putin, Assad and Iran did. The orange kike took credit for it despite US soldiers barley being involved with the Civil War.

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>JIDF Trumpfags and discord tranny anti-Trump fags are fighting again

How many of these blatant off topic threads are gonna be made a day?

I flip flop on whether or not it's a bot or a PR nigger with a headset using a script.

A tranny telling someone to kill themselves kek. Keep crying.

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Ok Hillary just keep telling yourself that.

>thinks I'm arguing
Funny how you got triggered about something aimed at someone else
Nice memeflag tranny

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>Muh Hillary
She lost, whenever Trump fucks up on his promises. It’s most likely his fault. Stop blaming your wrongdoings on people who aren’t even involved. I prefer him over Hillary as well, but that doesn’t mean Trump is prefect.

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