Christian Denomination

Which is the most redpilled?

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Other urls found in this thread: Basic Identity Message.pdf

Catholicism. Not the imposter Vatican II sect, real Catholicism.

Orthodoxy, any kind.

Eastern Orthodox by far.

why don't you show the rest of it bud

I've strayed from God for over a decade. I'm ready to return to His teachings. How can I find a church more efficiently than literally sitting down at every one in my town? Which denomination follows the teachings of Christ as they should be?

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With the existence of Jesus being a proven hoax, your question seems odd.

Jewish believers. Jesus was a false messiah desu senpai


I attend a baptist church that sticks to teaching from the bible

Redpill me on Episcopal denomination, particularly in reference to catholicism.

Also give me the rundown on Orthodox and how it differs from Catholicism.

I am looking seriously at Catholicism right now but I am skeptical of the papacy and worshipping men (saints) seems strange to me. Just a young new-to-the-bible reading Christian at this point however. Help me out.

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If you want to find the right church you'll have to church shop. Look for one with lots of children and avoid liberal denominations like PCUSA

Burn all the heretics on that tree.

Start with the original liars.

Fundamental Baptist. The absolute antithesis to degeneracy.

Episcopal is American Anglicanism. Anglicanism birthed out of Henry VIII's desire to divorce his wife (not kidding). In Catholicism, everyone was Catholic back then, you can not be divorce; marriage is for life. Pope at the time denied him his divorce and so he founded his own church with the monarch of England as the head of it (himself).

Orthodox church and Catholicism are very similar; Catholics and Orthodox have more in common than do Catholics and Protestants for example. The Catholic and Orthodox split occurred for political reasons as much as it did for theological ones. Ultimately, the difference comes down to what degree one accepts the Seat of Peter, Bishop of Rome - the Pope, has authority. Orthodox accept the Catholic Pope as the legitimate successor to Peter (the first Bishop of Rome), however, the disagreement is in to what extent does this position have the authority to exercise power over the church as a whole.

Saints are not worshipped. Veneration =/= worship. Catholics/Orthodox ask Saints to pray on behalf of someone, it is like asking someone you know irl to say a prayer for you.

Godspeed in your journey into the faith.

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>Not the imposter Vatican II sect, real Catholicism.
God no.
Catholicism is incapable of introspection.
And has mastered the art of shifting blame to others.

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Based and wisdompilled reply user. God bless.

>Look for one with lots of children

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Orthodoxy is the only one that is not corrupted.

Catholics worship Mary which is idolatry.

pentecostal, they can speak the language of The Lord

Jewish eastern orthodox catholics of the last term of donald trump. MIGA

Society of Friends (Quaker)

Go to each one, find the head preacher, and talk to them privately. Ask them about a handful of topics. As in, how they feel about gays, feminism, the wall, and so on. If they give you the "W-well, we're all equal under God's light" shit, spit on the floor and leave. Alternatively, leave without spitting on the floor.

This but damn there are a LOT of denominations

Eastern, Greek, or Lutheran? I have all in my town.

>Lutheran Orthdoxy

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There's a lot of churches here user. If I went to one every week I would still be seeing new ones into 2020

Not once a week, just drive around one day, and stay at each one just long enough to talk to the clergy. Alternatively, do it by phone, but in person would be better.

Like I said, I haven't stepped foot in a church in years. I grew up in an Evangelical church and I really don't want to go to a place like that, or an episcopal church.

>Following a religion that was founded 1500 years after Christ

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Where should I start?

7th day Adventist


Veneration is not the same as worship, even Martin Luther knew this

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Catholicism didn't begin after Christ either.
I know Catholics love to meme it and larp about Peter being the first Pope
But Constantine was the founder of the Catholic church.

Skip the ones that do not place the God-inspired Scriptures above traditions of mankind, such as the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches. So-called Protestantism is generally more authentic to early Christian (1st century) beliefs, although the Orthodox do keep many old rituals.

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>Orthodoxy hasn't been cucked

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What the actual fuck?

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provide proof of your statement before you make a mockery of yourself, prot nigger

Practicing Episcopalian here. Imagine all the comfy ritual and liturgy of a Catholic service without the papacy, veneration of saints, or BS iconography. I enjoy it but I'm uncomfortable with how prideful some of the Northeastern churches are.

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newfags can't tell you the difference between traditions. they can only be fed infographs about which denomination is the most based or not. this shouldnt surprise you

if he can find a high anglican church then he should go for it

>Which is the most redpilled?
it's not redpilled at all to view yourself as a particular denomination. That's just a way of saying "I believe in the claims about God and Christianity that this particular denomination advances" Instead of just saying "I believe that Jesus is Lord"

Orthodoxy and traditional Catholicism

From what I know, most churches have a morning service on Sunday, as well as an evening service, so the clergy should be at church all day. After the morning service, get in your car, and use that day to drive from church to church, talking to the clergy. Make a list of questions that are important to you, and ask them. Don't be a sperg.
Like I said earlier, maybe ask how they feel about homos, maybe ask about how they feel about feminism, whether they do missions to Africa with their tithe money, or if they help Americans instead. Ask if they allow women to become preachers, or if they do not. Ask how they feel about the border.

If you have a church for the Society of Saint Pius X, start there, they're fairly based from what I know (Catholics who do not follow Vatican II), with Eastern and Greek Orthodoxy also being more based on average, but also a little strange.
But if you're really going to do this properly, then do it properly. What is one day of driving around looking for the right church, in the long run?

Anglicans are pozzed beyond belief.

t. raised Anglican

>provide proof of your statement before you make a mockery of yourself, prot nigger
Go clutch your silly beads Catholic
It's called the Roman Catholic church because Constantine co-opted it.

Doesn't the Episcopal church have gay priests though?

>high anglican church
i specified. not sure how many high anglican churches would exist in america. ive only seen a service performed on youtube


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Agreed. My problem is the type of worship many modern churches have switched to: a fleeting, PowerPoint-driven service with a rock band to open and close it. It completely strips away any contemplative element and replaces it with surface-level fun. I prefer hymnals and pianos, but that's just me

>service without the papacy, veneration of saints, or BS iconography

Sounds like shit and everyone knows Episcopal is cucked as fuck.

Icons are awesome and the saints are awesome too. Icons of saints are the best: Niggas shot full of arrows, beheaded, boiled alive, all set against gold-leaf.

Christian denomination?? Crusader.


1488 1776

#America #Freedom #Liberty

Our World. Our Time. Our Future.

A Holy American Empire to rule the world for 1000 years.

America, the Heartland. Jesus Country. Western Nations as satellite states. Maintaining individuality and autonomy. Retaining history. Australians stay Australian, but with American Freedoms and Liberties. British stay British, the French, French, etc.

Full Freedom and Liberty.

The biggest baddest empire this humanity has ever seen. Waiting for Jesus Christ to save us. With Holy Spirits help. God protects us from Jewry and any form of oppression.

This is so the European(white) male can live well. That's all its about. So we can start families and continue the works of our Father.

Retain our history, thousands of years in the making. A global effort by the commoner. For our greater good. We craft our future.

Remove Kike. Remove Foreigner.

One last War. Our World Forever After

S H A D I L A Y ~ B R O T H E R S

Iconography and saint veneration is based, though.

>How can I find a church more efficiently than literally sitting down at every one in my town?

You can't. Also, don't look for salvation in a church buildings or by membership in any particular group. The organized Christian church isn't really Christian anymore. For the most part. Nowadays you have to take your fellowship and edification from wherever you can find it. I personally get a lot more out of reading Christian threads on Jow Forums that I do from most sermons. You have to build personal relationships with Christians and your time spent with them is your church

>No real evidence
Rekt fake nigger




Some do, sadly. The idea is that we all fall short of the glory of God but people who feel called to present the glory of Christ's redeeming power shouldn't be turned away because their sin is more or less public than others.

My biggest qualm is that some churches have begun ordaining gay marriages, which to me is an absolute affront to God. It's not different providing dice to a habitual gambler or booze to a drunkard, so I avoid the congregations that imbibe in that bullshit

Subscribe to tumblar house

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The difference is that the Episcopal church doesn't venerate the saints so much as it does encourage Christians to learn from their examples and admire their virtues.

Besides, everyone knows the Catholic church is just a continuation of the old Roman religions with different characters playing similar roles.

>Posts Catholic sources as proof
>Literally refuses to acknowledge the Nicene Creed
It's like you're all faggots

ITT. It's another Christians fight over which denomination is better/more based. Keep it civil this time for Christ's sake.

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>Keep it civil this time for Christ's sake.
Compared to Protestant-Catholic wars of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries it is very civil.

Saying Mother of God is blasphemous. Must be mother of christ jesus.

Look for a CREC church. Check out (This is Doug's church

>She's the mother of Jesus!
>Jesus is God
>Mary is the mother of God then
Prots can't be this fucking stupid. Stop watching Steven Anderson.

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Enjoy this vid if you need anymore help on the topic

Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod

Look it up

i have one of those about a block from my parish. lot of old people desu

Going through RCIA with my wife right now. If you have a good parish nearby, talk to a priest about it. Speaking for our parish at least, they make it v easy to join and they sincerely want you to understand the faith. They give you a sponsor who helps you along, as much or as little as you need. It's a beautiful community.

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Naw Missouri Synod is cucked, go WELS if you can

good luck, user

This is OP but I closed tabs and got back on, what does RCIA stand for?

rite of christian initiation for adults

Good luck, I have been talking to my current girlfriend who I plan to marry about becoming Catholic, she is not interested at this point in time, but agrees church will be good for when we have kids. Trying to figure it out, shes "Christian" but not very religious

>jewish believers
the absolute state of christcucks

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Omg imagine believing that extra biblical bullshit about intercession of saints and Mary

not poster aforementioned, but thanks anyway. good luck to you too, user. try seeing if you can get her to read some of flannery o connors short stories. she might like them.

Christian Identity (Transcripts and Graphics) (Transcripts and Graphics) (Transcripts and Graphics) (Transcripts and Graphics) (Transcripts and Graphics) (Transcripts and Graphics) (Transcripts and Graphics) (Transcripts and Graphics) Basic Identity Message.pdf

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It's a welcoming environment, even for those who are simply curious about the faith. Even if you don't wind up becoming Catholic, I think it would still deepen your relationship with Christ.

It’s all gay faggitry

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Im Lutheran and we have some pretty conservative services yet, opposed to adultery, homosexuality, and all the other morally bankrupt shit people get up to these days. Might be worth checking out, but make sure you go to a WELS/ELS church. ELCA are a perversion of Lutheranism and are almost as bad as Methodists.

The Catholic Church is the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church founded by our Lord Jesus Christ.

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what prayer book do you guys use if you don't mind me asking? does this depend on the church?

Irish Presbyterian Church. It's one of only 2 (other being rcc) I have experience with.
It's plain to me that it is quite strict and traditionalist.
I am talking 2019.

Baptist of course

I love the Christian threads so much everyone is always so helpful and welcoming. I am confident this website has converted thousands to Christ and it really is inspiring. The hardest part for me is getting off the internet and trying actual Church.

The slow threads are pretty comfy desu. What denomination were you both previously raised in?


>I am confident this website has converted thousands to Christ
most people here mock dumb christcucks that worship kikes


Being a baptist. Only god, only Jesus, only the Bible. No false idols or doppelgängers like the current pope

You all believe in Christ. Why can’t you faggots get along regardless of denomination? You’re all in the same boat for fuck’s sakes. I’m glad I’m not Christian. Christ.

This has been true recently. I'm sure it will probably stay that way with pagans/atheist holding a hegemony for the foreseeable future. Doesn't bother me too much.

Why the spergery? I scrolled up and no ones going to war here except the memeflaggot who doesn't like christians


I mean, most churches will structure services in the same way, we have two books that every church has, "Christian Worship" which has standard service templates and hymns, and "Christian Worship Supplement" which has some more hymns and additional service material. As for prayers, they are mostly themed around the days sermon (up to the pastor) and the church season.

We see the works of Luther as very useful tools to interpret, understand and apply the Bible, but at the end of the day the original word of the Bible is the final say.

Not sure if this answers the question, but the WELS is a pretty small part of Lutheranism as a whole, and it's sad to see how other Lutheran synods have started to alter the meaning of the Bible to become more palatable.