>mfw i found out my current gf gas had over 20 cocks in her pussy, plus an abortion, plus her last ex bf works in the same fucking office
Welp, time to tell her to fuck off I guess. It's just so hard when you become 25+.
>mfw i found out my current gf gas had over 20 cocks in her pussy, plus an abortion, plus her last ex bf works in the same fucking office
Welp, time to tell her to fuck off I guess. It's just so hard when you become 25+.
Go for a younger, fresh girl next time and not a used-up 24+ slut then?
You know that with modern women if she's 24+ years old she's definitely had numerous "slut phases" and is literally unable to bond properly.
Lol, you think this is a rarity?
Wait til you meet the bad ones...
How many times are you going to post this same shit?
I don’t mind the other shit that much, but working with her ex is no go
What the fuck are you talking about? I just posted it now on another board. Literally last time I posted on this shit website was two months ago.
I know man. Sometimes I try to bluepill myself cause it feels nice to be loved.
And what fucking Jow Forumsice do you actually need here
Just need to vent, maybe God reads this board.
I've only had two LTR's in my life. Both of them were younger than me, one 16 and the other 21. They'd both had 3 partners before me according to them. I don't even want to think about it now. I work with 16-17 year old girls and one of them is already on guy number 5.
I have a young 19 yo French colleague in uni and she's already fucked 45 guys, with threesomes and group sex included... And she's gonna get married soon, and her future husband knows nothing! Kek.
Lmao, imagine marrying a disgusting slag like that.
>getting married at 19
I genuinely feel sorry for the guy, he married a literal definition of a whore and a slut
God is dead and we killed Him.
I took my first gf's virginity, so that's off the bucket list.
Then after her I tried to get over her by sleeping around. I talked to her, she did the same. Only that she stopped and I didn't.
I don't think it's the numbre of sex partners that matters (same guy twice a week for years vs. a stranger every three months), but rather how and why past relationships went and ended.
Taking a virginity being on your bucket list is just as creepy and gross as being a slut.
>that level of cope
Lmao, fuck off back to tumblr roastie whore.
It's okay, I'm sure you feel like a big man and aren't hiding a Napoleon complex or anything. Just make sure to cry about roasties while you actively cause them.
having a bucket list sounds like something a boring/easily scared person would do.
Some guy congratulated me on it and said he wished he would have been his gf's first but really it was no big deal for me.
hello there 19y old user
How and when did you find out about her track record? That is shit you should discover before you give her your heart. Then its too late.
A girl in my small town was beyond OP's GF at age 17. What age do you want to look for, 10?
Fuck up whore
That just means she was an even bigger whore.
Whores are not relationship material.
Just because you fail at getting laid doesn't mean people who don't are losers/whores.
>this cuck cope because his gf is a town bicycle
Lmao, have some self-respect.
>I don't think it's the number of sex partners that matters
It kinda does matter. Statistics have proved time after time again that having a high number of different sexual partners in your life reduces your ability to pair-bond effectively to a single person in the future. This is especially true for women. Women who have slept with dozens of different dudes rarely make for good LTR material because they are way less likely to stay loyal to you and stay happy being with you.
Also, most women who sleep around during their college years don't do it with the average Joe. Most of them sleep with attractive guys who enjoy fucking her but would never consider committing themselves to her. Basically, she gets used to getting fucked by guys who are above her league. Then after she grows older (usually around 25+) and becomes desperate for a committed boyfriend, she is almost forced to date a guy who isn't as attractive as the guys who used to bang her. If you haven't already guessed what this leads to, it often leads to the woman becoming perpetually sexually dissatisfied by her relatively unattractive boyfriend/husband.
Just take 30 cocks yourself to out-better her
Thanks for the blogpost
Very insightful. Thanks user
Wasn't this dumb incel study done with second and third divorcees, skewing the results?
I've never heard of shit like this. Either I'm too sheltered or most of this board is full of shit. Only a prostitute could do that sort of thing.
Settling basedboi or roastie confirmed.
Lmao, you're so naive when it comes to modern women.
10+ cocks by the time they're 21 is pretty much standard.
Where do you meet these women? My past 3 gfs, all in their 20s fucked 2, 0 and 3 before me. The idea all girls are sluts is the single biggest meme I've seen.
I've only met a few people like that and they're just disgusting but definitely not the norm. Most people I've met have slept with like 2 or 3 people. Either everyone is hiding this big secret from me or you're full of shit.
>he believed her
>20 cocks in her pussy
Jesus Christ is like you are dating an experience prostitute at this point. what the fuck when so wrong with women?
you should study matriarchal societies their women are huge disgusting sluts and that is what is happening to western societies as they become more matriarchal.
>10+ cocks by the time they're 21 is pretty much standard.
Nah i don't think so. The average 21 y/o woman hasn't slept with 10+ guys lol. That's a pretty serious lay count for someone who is in their very early twenties. Remember, the biggest sluts provide the greatest source of slutty sex that guys can get. The minority of women give out the majority of slutty sex. With slutty sex i mean non-relationship type sex like one night stands, fuckbuddy's and FWB's.
But sure don't get me wrong, the slut ratio is definitely getting worse and worse. It's becoming increasingly harder to find a 'good girl' who isn't full of chad cum.