How do I become a rapper if im trapped in a small town...

how do I become a rapper if im trapped in a small town? I have a curse trapping me in my small town and its like impossible to succeed here 90% of people are just living on disability and poverty and there's literally 0 music industry im not even near a city that does anything with the genre its mostly stuff in atlanta and Chicago and shit

i really want to rap like gunna and nba youngboy and have songs produced by southside and tm88

what do i do? i cant not be a rapper i just dont like that reality its gay. i want to just smoke cookie and be rich riding around in a lambo in LA all day and doing shows

Attached: [email protected] (480x360, 32K)

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First of all, if you're white, just give up now, 99.9% chance it's not gonna happen.

Are you high?
you have access to an insane amount of advertisement in yt,twitter, hell even twitch.
Make some social media accounts to advertise yourself.
Familiarize with producing software.
Write some songs.
Upload aforementioned songs.
See the response? If good work on refining your craft. If not still refine your craft.
work a part time job in the meantime or full time or whatever.
move to a place that can support your career.

You fucking newfag. Are you seriously that fresh off the boat that you don’t even know the basics of two dui guy?

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Sorry I'm not on this shithole enough to have every meme memorized, I'll try to lurk moar this week just for you

well I know that but I looked up like a thousand different rappers literally and every single one of them even soundcloud ones are from huge cities or near one.

it only works in huge cities even with the internet because eventually it has to be noticed by someone who can spread it really far with one post and those people dont live in small towns. it just doesn't happen unless you at least know someone who knows someone

the only person I can think of who did it is soulja boy but he did it before the internet rapping thing was even a thing and made a radio hit

if you look up rappers every single one of them is from a big city. I dont know if thats cause there's no black people in small towns or what but im sure being in a big city has a lot to do with most of them

That's not true at all, just off the top of my head J Cole is from Fayetteville, NC (not far from where I live).

Why dont you rap about your curse and shit, nigga? Since God hates you, treats you like some punk bitch, join the motha fuckin devil, know what I’m sayin? Get sick with that shit, go all in and shit, nigga. Create some sick beats and rap on that shit, fool.
Man, if dont get out of that city, you gon die up in that bitch. And you know they aint gonna bury you with 50 ponds of chocolate thai, nigga.

oh yeah I was talking mostly about trap rappers and mumble rappers. every single one is from atlanta, Miami, Chicago and shit like that mostly those 3 cities

You’ll see at least two more of these threads in the next week, guaranteed.

Do you intend to be a trap or mumble rapper? That shit is kinda over-saturated right now.

That nigga dj mumble is the shit.

mumble rap emo country, that's a whole new wave bruv
make sure you rap about your moldy windows

I only like trap rap exclusively

I can't say I'm a fan of that type but do what makes you happy man.

Rap is so saturated and popular nowadays that you'd have better luck booking a train ride to LA tomorrow and trying to make a living off of acting than off of rapping.

Don't either bother trying to make it if you don't have a distinct style, a good network, or both.

im beautiful unique and talented im just oppressed by small town

Welp, I was bored, and it's late, so I hope you enjoyed your (You)s because I like to re-read my own comments anyway.

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What's distinct in your style? It isn't lyrical shit based off the type of music you're going for. Is it instrumentation? Mood? Have you had anyone review your shit?

stale, 0 effort
there is no hope for you

Hitten them streets high on that xanny bar, bitches think im handy brah, gottA get to the city before this cracker town gets to me. My PO be proud cause i pissin cleaner than clouds.
I makes excuses like bitches make lies, cant leave for the city cause god is my fav, blame that fat honky in da sky caue im a bitch.

Hey OP, I gave you the name Two DUI Guy; you should totally start out your online rap career as performing as Two DUI Guy.

It's 2018 not 1998, you don't have to physically move to LA or New York or Atlanta or whatever where record labels might be at. You can, today, produce and record your own tracks and upload them on a bunch of websites and apps and start your career right now.

I'm also an aspiring musician and I love living in the future. The internet and a basic computer set-up gives literally everyone an equal start. You don't have to sell your soul and sign a contract in blood to major companies that will try to control your image and your sound.

I live in some gay-ass suburbs and some kid who lives nearby got discovered by a huge k-pop group and they ended up having him produce the track for one of their major singles. I know about these 20 year old kids who started making EDM and started their own label years ago in their shit-ass farm town and now they're in LA and China and all over the world.

Sure often you look at big names in rap and music in general and you see that they live in big cities but that's only because they moved out there after the fact.

Don't get salty just because you're ignorant.


I listen to all kinds of new indimusic on bandcamp.

Your shitty rap name can be XannyBR.

dont rap

Just get to the city, nigga. You sleepin.

Oh look, he posted it.

im black and the whites are out to get me and trap me here for a minor crime plus on top of that I have a curse from god trapping me here

Rap about it, nigga, get all mumbled on da motha fuckin mic, nigga.

Its funny how you even believe your own lies.
I did a little research and you have never had a dui.
Tell us about the child pornography charges, you sick fuck.

It's not my intention to discourage you, but the reality is a lot of young teens and adults are trying to get into the rap game, and many don't even make it. You're competing against thousands of people who you could potentially better than or not. Many artist go unnoticed too.

you're the same hopeless faggot that used to post on Jow Forums for months about this, right?
I'm honestly surprised you're still alive

I dont want to be some huge ass rap like lil uzi I just want to be somewhat making money with music and use the money I make to invest in business ideas and produce music on the side I just want 3 careers at once

I really just want to make a good amount of money with rapping not be some millionaire rapping touring superstar

6 months in jail might help my rep too

What will your prison name be?

He's been posting this thread about leaving his town for at least 3 years.

Maybe it’s a coping mechanism, making the same post every day keeps him safe.

there has to be some way out but I cant find it because of my curse and lack of resources and knowledge

So once you make it to the city, what are your plans there?

LA is great this time of year.

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Your plane leaves later this evening, friend.

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I have a curse from god I cant leave. how do I get rid of the curse?

You’re avoiding something... you must face something right where you are or that place will bury you.

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even if there's some hidden objective or something I have to do here why cant I just do it later. why do I have to lose my entire life here. this place is literal hell its nothing but pure degeneracy and literally nothing but complete utter boredom forcing you to be a degenerate

even if I made every major change in my life possible id still get trapped here somehow god is out to get me

Sounds like you need to come to terms with this God of yours.


Those two are mutually exclusive brother.

Lol I thought this same thing. Everybody knows this guy.