Marx Statue Vandalized

All the commie fags over on r/socalism crying super hard right now over this lmao

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Marx hated jews, the vandal is probably a jew.
Also it's stupid to blame him for what other people did long after his death.

That shit needs to be toppled

>Marx hated Jews
>Marx was a fucking Jew
Pick one

The tide is turning.

>there are no antisemitic jews
How retarded can you be?

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post some plebbit salt.

what's r/socialism?

I forgot to put on my NBC suit before going there for the salt, and now I'm retarded.

They're mostly deluding each other into thinking that they're winning. One of them thinks that a logical response is to destroy a Confederate statue, and the top comment is talking about how those who vandalized the memorial would benefit the most of all. They also keep talking about the "bourgeois." I also never knew people used this word un-ironically.

If Marx hated Jews, why did he create an ideology that perfectly complements the parasitic and subversive nature of the Jew?

Really makes you think.

I wonder when some brave patriots will tear down this eyesore in Seattle

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>Marx hated jews
>Advocated for the jewish bund

Seriously, does it look like we give a fuck? You have to go back.

likely a commie trying to stir up victim bucks.

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At some point, Jow Forums and myself would probably have been against this, as it violates many freedoms and rights, and is incredibly disrespectful.

But at this point i know Marxists wouldn't show the same kindness to their political and intellectual opponents.
So fuck em, and fuck that commie kikes grave.

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Karl marx was a faggot jew

>Marx hated Jews
Dumb nigger


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A place badly in need of free rides

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They did a shit job. Shoulda went at the face with a hammer and poured muriatic acid over it

66,000,000 yep would be a jew

i bet not one of you has ever read one word writen by Marx,he was far more pol than todays leftists

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That's some impressive legibility from those letters there, using such a thick brush.

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They should've superglued a dragon dildo to his forehead.

epic! BASED!
commies btfo XDDDD

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good, it shouldn't be there in the first place

Should've painted the nose red. That would've been awesome.

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66 000 000 000

Someone should vandalize the CWP 5 grave over in Greensboro. Communists deserve no dignity or rest in death.

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Why the fuck is there a statue of Lenin in Seattle?
2nd gayest city in America.

Thanks for warning me, nerd. I'm camping out nearby with a rifle that I'm not legally supposed to have. Can't wait to shoot you guys and run off.

Yes, because communists picking a fight with right-wingers worked out so well for the people in that grave.

Oh wait...

Attached: greensboro massacre.png (1350x450, 105K)

Wait, what?
Marxism encourages - social justice, legalisation of slavery, land grabs, identity politics, group rights over individual rights, seizing wealth on behalf of hidden elites...
We get it. We don't want it.

Based and graffitipilled

What? Nobody had a sledgehammer?

He has nothing to do with that.

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>acting like niggers.
>somehow an accomplishment
K....keep me posted

I dont approve of vandalism but it is refreshing to see people bitching about vandalism when they damn well know they would cheer over vandalism of a bank or McDonalds or something

Just wait till Seattle gets its turn

Fuck your shitty stolen rifle.
I will piss on that grave.

Let's see who posts the next good pic.
Me or the news talking about me getting shot!

My money is on me.

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Please tear that shit down.