All the commie fags over on r/socalism crying super hard right now over this lmao
Marx Statue Vandalized
Marx hated jews, the vandal is probably a jew.
Also it's stupid to blame him for what other people did long after his death.
That shit needs to be toppled
>Marx hated Jews
>Marx was a fucking Jew
Pick one
The tide is turning.
>there are no antisemitic jews
How retarded can you be?
post some plebbit salt.
what's r/socialism?
I forgot to put on my NBC suit before going there for the salt, and now I'm retarded.
They're mostly deluding each other into thinking that they're winning. One of them thinks that a logical response is to destroy a Confederate statue, and the top comment is talking about how those who vandalized the memorial would benefit the most of all. They also keep talking about the "bourgeois." I also never knew people used this word un-ironically.
If Marx hated Jews, why did he create an ideology that perfectly complements the parasitic and subversive nature of the Jew?
Really makes you think.