And I'd dare any of you faggot cucks to say something to me in person. Not me in pic
Just started dating a black qt
don't her white palms gross you out?
Show her how good white meat is, i sure did
Niggers like wiggers. You must be some stoner faggot. Get a white/Asian girlfriend or get the fuck off my board.
u are not white so i dont care
Tenshi eating a corndog!
Imagine the smell
>And I'd dare any of you faggot cucks to say something to me in person
Everyone is allowed to make their own mistakes at least once.
bleach that womb, yiss
Download this image. Copy the text below, and Tag all Black/IR Girl Shill Post
#Operation WoodPipe.
Tag all Black female shill post with this tag, so we can search them on 4plebs.
Nothing wrong with loving a black woman. It's natural and healthy for a white man to love and breed with a black woman.
>And I'd dare any of you faggot cucks to say something to me in person.
It's obvious you want us to think you're a tough guy, but I know weakness when I see it. Chances are you're not all that tough, and believe me, I would definitely fuck you up beyond recognition.
Eeyuh. this chimpette must be retarded even by nigger standards.
Shanice! What up, girl? Haven't seen you on here in awhile. You find yourself that white boyfriend yet?
Say something to us in person faggot.
Don't you fucking faggots DARE summon that gay ass racemixer estonian
Black women are the best.
Okay, good for you.
Tries to make a shill post for WMBF, doesn’t even include any pics of Black qts.
Shariablue aren’t sending their best...
I already called OP a nigger lover when I saw him walking out of KFC. He didn't do shit.
>I'd dare any of you faggot cucks
Why are you so full of anger? Doesn't your nigger girlfriend fuck you?