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Meanwhile what did that stupid fucking orange buffoon do? Oh thats right
*sips tea*

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Obama didnt drink Flint Michigans water. He just faked it like a little bitch

hey trannys

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haha nigger lover

Everybody on board the tranny train
*mic drop*
All fields

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Obama pretended to get bin Laden.

>I tripled the stock market in 6 years.

Not even close to tripling in value. Most of his Presidency the stock market was sideways or slightly growing. The only real appreciation was a correction to normal levels after the largest financial crisis since the great depression, initiated by policies signed into office by a democrat (Clinton). President doesn't have shit to do with the stock market anyway.

>Cut employment in half

I made it mandatory for employers to offer healthcare to anyone working 40 hours a week. So employers chose to hire 2 people to work 20 hours a week instead. Great progress!

>Brought gas down to $2.75

Obama did more to increase gas prices and other energy companies than any recent president. He banned offshore drilling for fucks sake, which was what led the US to change from a net importer to a net exporter of energy.

>ended two wars

Iraq and Afghanistan still have troops in them despite him "ending" them. Also he started wars with Syria, Yemen, and Libya. Shit handling of the wars also led to the rise of ISIS.

>Cut the annual "Bush defecit"

Literally racked up more debt than any US President. Racked up more debt in his term than the entire history of the US. Whatever "Bush defecit" means it is fucking wrong.

>I got bin Laden

Yeah, it had nothing to do with the military and intelligence agencies who had been looking for him for half a decade. In fact the lead to bin Laden came from a captured Al-Zarqawi, who Obama almost let go when he wanted to "close guantanimo day 1".

That's the way a democrat remembers history.

i know this is bait but i'm responding anyways
bin laden was killed between 2001-2003. the bush whitehouse decided if that information became public it would hurt the war effort (hearts and minds and all that crap)
obama started half a dozen wars in africa, not counting libya and the egpyt coup.
under obama not a single permit to drill oil on federal lands was issued, all of those permits were issued under bush. or issued in states the federal govt couldn't stop.
and the deficit part is just a fucking joke come on.

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Didn't the national debt nearly double too?

>tripled the stock market
He took office during the worst recession since the great depression, and the stock market was at unusually low point. Quantitative easing boosted stocks, not Obama.

>cut unemployment by half
It should have gone down by much more, much sooner, as it historically has. Obama had an appreciation for extra regulation that employers didn't appreciate.

>ended two wars
Ended combat, yes. Pulled out? No. Iraq wasn't ready for either option, and when ISIS became a problem, he refused to bomb the shit out of them. The Russians eventually helped out on that one.

>brought gas down to $2.75
No, fracking brought the gas down to $2.75, though in fairness to Obama, he didn't fuck it up, so well done for taking the hands off approach.

>cut the annual bush deficit by two-thirds
A slowly recovering economy and the Republican spending cuts during Obama's 2nd term reduced the deficit, but again, credit for not interfering.

>and I got Bin Laden
No, the deep state got Bin Laden... maybe?

>failed as President
Obama is widely recognized, even by Democrats, as a disappointment. Mediocrity is infuriating.

Don't forget that Obama extended and expanded the surveillance state that faggot Bush started.

Ended two wars? Kek, no he didn't. In fact, the amount of bombs dropped and countries we were bombing increased.

In other words "I did absolutely nothing and waited for the business cycle to bounce back up. Meanwhile the fed did nothing while the crisis was happening, and only did the bare minimum in the aftermath to prevent a total collapse." He started a ton of wars, more than Bush. The Arab Spring, the disasters in Libya, Yemen, and Syria, Ukraine, all of that could've been avoided. Didn't even end Iraq and Afghanistan, so I hope that's not what this picture is referring to. He tried pulling troops out, and in response we got ISIS and the Taliban taking a lot of territory in those two countries. Those wars were only ended in the sense that he made our situation there as if we had never even conquered the enemy.

I'm not much of a debt-alarmist. It's just accounting entries. But Obama of all people shouldn't be lauded for cutting deficits. Have you seen what happened to the total debt? (pic related) Is this where you pull a trick by only counting discretionary spending, instead of mandatory spending? I don't see how anyone could talk about Obama lowering the debt.

If you look at a graph of oil prices macrotrends.net/1369/crude-oil-price-history-chart you can see that prices were higher the day he left office than when he was inaugurated.

I don't know why democrats like to brag about Obama "getting" Bin Laden. If it happened under McCain they would've just said "You didn't get him. It was the CIA and Seal Team Six. You just sat around while they did all the work of finding and killing him." I can give this one, but it's not a big deal. Any President would've "gotten him."

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we haven't had a good president since nixon. kys party fag.

>i got bin laden
I believe he's delusional enough irl to believe this

I wonder who is collecting all the interest on this debt???

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Forgot to add that he increased the national debt by more than every president previous to him... combined.

People who own treasury bonds. You can buy 'em yourself if you'd like. The yield is pretty bad though. Investing in stocks makes much more sense. If you're new then buy a few index funds, or go find someone with a good track record and have them manage your savings. Real-estate is another good form of investment. I can't think of a better way to become a millionaire than to buy rental properties.

In just 6 years 2 massive post 2008 stock market crash massive inflation, lowered wages, massive unemployment which we still have hidden by the most foul corrupted fake stats issued by the now laughing stock Bureau of Labor Statistics...no one has or can affrod and it no longer covers anything except denying you and killing fake medical "insurance" (highest deductibles ever aka you gotta pay before it kicks in) Soaring crime rates also hidden by a change in records 3 murders in a breakin on a house now count as ONE, massive rise in homelessness and a huge drop in living standards hence home ownership at all time lows and no one being able to afford shit and teens/20-30 somethings having to live with mom and dad increasing admittedly by a factor of 8. Also zero interest rates meaning your no work no wage ass can't save anything and build on it...causing further destruction of the producer economy....

Gas prices? Because SA has been dumping oil thats not purchased, and the US stole Libya's, Syria's, Yemen's, and the Ukraine to further flood the market to preserve king dollar....gas prices btw still extra high even though less people can afford a car and for the first time since the model T the majority of the country does not own a personal vehicle.

90% real unemployment, mostly low tier rinky dink part time bs which was added as "full time" dishonesty and the imaginary job creation index known as the "birth death model" working 10x its historic rate(a gimmick invented by LBJ)

Oh and he was a mass murderer and war criminal, a laughing stock deserving to die non human, a stupid jew from Indonesia with a feeble mind...and a child fucker

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Fuck Puerto Rico

Fuck those spics and their kids

Russia narrative fake

Not one russia related conviction


Nope. He added almost 10Trillion. It doubled under him.

and that was while budget sequestration was in effect. Which, by the way, he told that faggot Romney (and the country) "will never happen" during the second debate. Still happened, which is what "cut the annual Bush deficit by two-thirds" (which actually cut it DOWN to 2/3, a 1/3 reduction, but jews like to manipulate language). OP is a massive faggot, and I hope he shits himself to death in front of the thot he orbits.

>Barry Soetoro

>Bureau of Labor Stats fraud

>friend of the trillionares, bank, kikes, and corporate whores of ZOG

>Enemy of the people

>Worst economy in the history of America

>Continuation and same jewish "advisors" Summers, Bernake, Goldman etc.

>If you had a house and 2 cars 80% chance you are now carless back at home with mommy and daddy or crammed in an apartment with 3 other mates awaiting your round behind the counter at Macdonalds and other big jew gmo corporate thieves who destroyed all real competition to their fake non food and "products" syndicates that are toxic in every way and even literally

Shilling for the mongrel jew from Indonesia who made Monsanto unsueable for their crime with unjust and illegal laws is sad....regurgitating bullshit is insane btw Gas prices aren't low they are high and should be higher but are suppressed suing dozens of menchanism including murder and theft war profiteering.

Tell you know nothing criminal when you run out of lands to rape murder and steal from and sacrifice for king dollah where will you turn?