Any of you fags from Denmark care to weigh in on this? This shit is quite tragic.
Denmark YES!
If doppels she gets raped by migrant
I keep fuckin telling you morons that Germanics are cucked--Scandinavians (including Finns), Germans, Austrians, Anglos, etc ARE KEKS.
Listen to me for fucks sake.
Danish niggers have a problem with white privilege?
I thought america had this problem ?
I'd wager the uploader is a shitposter or lurker somewhere. I never expected that "whiteboi" meme to show up.
as always, White Women will do everything in their power to stab the white race in the back
White Women are the Enemy Within, they will be the reason for every Western nation falling.
When will they learn.
White women are race traitors and need to be executed for colluding with shitskin niggers and refugees
>that subhuman filth at 3:40
and leave it to Amerimongrels to spread degeneracy all over Europe
you probably never heard of Southern "Europe" then
literally the least race aware region on earth, and Portugal even has PAKI Prime minister
Women clearly are a total danger when they have political power. I dont remember it being this bad in the 2000s and this decade. It is amazing how much power men have lost since I was a child.
>It is amazing how much power men have lost since I was a child.
There is a reason why State and Local governments spend $Billions in local tax money building massive NFL and NBA stadiums and arenas, they want men completely brainwashed by sports, sometimes when I drive to work I'll flip through the stations and land on an AM-Sports Talk Radio station, and I'll literally hear grown men calling up other grown men and debating them over the radio if the 2016 Cavaliers were better than the 1996 Chicago Bulls, and they will remember every little detail and statistic about a NBA Playoffs Game from 1996. add in the video games, streaming porn, NASCAR... it's amazing most men are ever able to get off the couch
Meanwhile, the Universities and Media Companies and Newspapers are full of young women, they are coming to take total power, they even wear shirts that say " THE FUTURE IS FEMALE"
This is know about women . That's why they didn't have the vote or jobs in government.
pretty much, women are fucking idiots. Ugly women demonise the males of their society[who don't want them], bullying pretty women to follow suit. A bunch of bitter spinsters arise and and extend their unfulfilled cluckiness to shitskins. Then you get a bunch of human trash being imported from the 3rd world.
Denmark is pretty red-pilled, and easily thr most red-pilled of nordic countries.
Literal cancer from USA that these normies have picked up. White priveledge doesn´t exist. It means it´s your country. If you are a dane, you have danish priveledge? OFCOURSE YOU DO. it´s your country it´s your people who multigenerationally built every fucking thing about it. Ofcourse some machmoud or mukebe can´t fucking come in and pretend he´s as valuable as a dane is for denmark. he can fuck off back to kenya or iraq if that´s what he wants.
It´s literally just bullshit marxist cancer from USA that finds its way through the internet to the rest of the world.
Here´s another one. White supremacy. No such thing. Another ridiculous term.
If a kenyan said, oh well i don´t want my people in kenya to gradually dissapear and be mixed and replaced with another people. He´d be a black supremacist. It´s nonsense. Wanting to be majority in your own homeland is the most natural thing in the world.
Same with 'racism' that´s the big one but it´s also total bullshit. The notion that you can´t protect and safeguard your people in your own country.
Diversity. That´s another one. Literally means DIFFERENCE, try just replacing every single time someone says diversity. Just replace it with difference.
DIFFERENCE is strenght.. nope. the more DIFFERENT we are the better we get along. NOPE..
>white/european nations need diversity.
NOPE.. infact it is harmful for global biodiversity. Aka the actual one, where you preserve unique characteristic off each ethnic group in the world in their own countries. Because pic related. The other groups are massive in population, and european ethnicities etc. are NOT massive in populations. That the others can´t get their nations to work should be besides the point. Because it´s not like they lack the ressources and other such things. But they don´t put in the efffort i guess you could say.
Also very very cringy to watch these normies. And it is highly annoying to hear them use the fucking idiotic terms that nobody should be using!
forgot pic.
These normies think they are like cool and what not for 'being aware' of these bullshit terms! That´s all this is..
Shieeeet it gon happen wit dis
Look at the first two girls he interviews. They don´t know what white priveledge is. Because it´s bullshit. It´s demonization of having your own country be about your own people, and that you are more important than a foreigner for obvious reasons, since you built the country multigenerationally and the machmoud faggot didn´t do shit other than go to your country where most don´t even want him to be, and then pretend to be a victim.
So then the girls say well they don´t really know about these things.. and so he start talking about wealth inequality, yet another stupid shit pretending that niggers are oppressed if they don´t earn as much money as the average 'white person' i guess he is taking people in europe now. So he ask the girls, well what could you do to combat this inequality. Maybe marry a black guy?
This is exactly the cancer of the american, or whatever the fuck this retard is. I don´t know what he is, nor do i really give a shit. They invent these marxist terms, with their stupid kikes. Then they go tell others.
>blablabla priveledge do you know what that is
and most people go.
>well i have no fucking idea what it is.
>ok let me blablablabla so i just conjure this priveledge shit out of thin air, you must now believe this thing exists. Ok so now we have established that this exists, since i just pretended it does. And said that you should accept it. Now how will you deal with this. OH how about this, you marry a nigger. Are you racist? Do you not want equality.
It´s like a sort of sick like a guilt tripping game almost.
It´s easier to just kill everyone than to sort out this stupid web of bullshit these marxist kikes are creating in peoples heads. It´s just filled up with total fucking garbage like that. But unfortunately i don´t think we have the luxury of the first part...
You make a good point. However, those two bitches confessed to being nigger lovers. The damage was already done.
He literally ask them after guilt tripping them with this invented concept to make it feel like they are priveledged and are evil for having this priveledge. So then should they not marry a nigger to make things more equal and to address this thing.
So he is already trying to guilt trip them to say they are ok with niggers. What are they going to say on camera. Nah fuck niggers i don´t care about this bullshit premise that you say we have priveledge..
You know should they take that whole discussion.. No they ofcourse go, well some niggers i guess are pretty funny.
They say they think some niggers are funny, because hollywood and rap music and all this put dumb fucking niggers on piedestal all the time. Also there´s the foreigner element to all societies. Everybody finds foreigners slightly interesting to begin with, compared to their own people that they are used to. Because they take it for granted. It´s like it can be more fun to go on vacation to a different country, than perhaps to a place you have been thousands of times already. But this doesn´t last long. So i wouldn´t put much to that.
I'm aware of the guilt-tripping, user, but look at that part again. They did not hesitate in their reply, which is telling, (i.e disgusting).
Anyway, I'm always amazed how so many people will blindly submit to outsiders sexually, claiming that it's "exotic" or some shit. These kikes have made a real mess.
>I'm aware of the guilt-tripping, user, but look at that part again. They did not hesitate in their reply, which is telling, (i.e disgusting).
Danish tribalism tends to be underground, we tend to be pretty polite especially in front of camera, but off camera is very different.
This retard interviewer he first lays this guilt bullshit on them with 'white priveledge' establishing this fraudulent concept. Then asks them how they should deal with this inequality, and perhaps they should marry a black person. What are they going to say. If they say no i don´t want to marry a black person. Then he can say.
>oh are you racist?
or whatever.
So ofcourse they say well some black guys are funny, to try to be polite etc.
But all this kind of stuff all these words are literal propaganda in order to brainwash you to marry interracially. It´s so obvious.
Also don´t you think it´s fantastic that people have the idea that let´s say some asshole from somalia, he come to say sweden.
>oh no so many swedes in sweden, they treat eachother better and give eachother more attention than me
Ofcourse.. it´s their fucking country, it´s not somalia.
>how do we fix this.
What is broken exactly?
>oh i guess we need to import more different people to sweden
this is SUCH CANCER. just show these people a fucking map of the world with populations by country.
For instance somalia. How many are in somalia? 15.2 million somalians 98% muslim country. Population of sweden. 9 million. SURE just bring tons of somalians in, maybe some arabs, some pakistanis, some nigerians, whatever.. Who cares.. because clearly it´s MORE important that these people who should not for practical purposes really even be there. Is more comfortable. Than for swedes to have their own country.
Fucking assholes... literal fucking cancer of the mind in these people.
Funny to listen to that palestinean girl 'from sweden' talk about 'white priveledge'. The fucking nerve of these idiots.. These immigrants are so stuck up their own fucking arse, that they think they can just decide to turn sweden or other countries into some kind of cesspool solely based on them not wanting to live in their own countries where their people are like 90% majority.
>Danish tribalism tends to be underground, we are polite on camera.
The same can be said for basically all other Whites these days. The interviewer might be an edgy faggot, but he's actually exposing these idiots on all this stupid shit we're mentioning, to a degree. My issue is that they have no shame if you question them. They will, at least, be OK with any hedonistic shit you throw at them. They are called lemmings for a reason.
Well, when you are being interviewed on camera, and you maybe are not well versed in debating these things. You can be easy to ambush and perhaps say the wrong thing in the wrong way or whatever. And now you are on video. So someone can just say.. link that video to people who know you or whatever. And try to character assasinate you by claiming you are some evil 'racist' or whatever. So it´s easier to just trying to be polite. If someone is interviewing you. The way he phrases the questions and sets up the false premises etc. is ofcourse sort of ambush 'journalism', so unless you have debated these things many times before, like i for instance have. Which these girls obviously haven´t whatsoever. Really even thought too much about this stuff, you just try to say the more safe thing to say.
It's always funny how the shitskins don't realize they are turning they're host countries into the shitholes they escape from. Then we have to deal with these stupid-ass thots forsaking us for a degenerate lifestyle and complete corruption of the entire nation. All the while we get turned into onions faggots.
* s o y faggots
replace white privilege by money
It´s worth pointing out that he´s doing the interviews in copenhagen, especially copenhagen is ofcourse has quite a bit of these airheads. Look at the ones at 6 minutes in those two girls. And where they say they got it from. From some black woman in USA. This is not USA ofcourse. But then they say we need more brown women or whatever in positions of power to fix it. It´s just total cancer of the mind. How about they sort out their own countries, they can be all brown and all black whatever all the time. And they can have ONLY black and brown people in positions of power in those countries. Because that´s almost all there is in those countries. But that´s how urbanfags easily turn into sjw´s. Outside maybe parts of copenhagen it´s not really like that as much.
This idiotic idea that say a black person go to china, and try to argue there should be more black people in positions of power for 'equality'. You have your own countries, you can put brown people in all positions you want!! Don´t try to put them in positions in our country, why they fuck should they be that here. To cure some mirage called inequality, aka what they mean by that is, a country is not allowed to have majority swedish population say in sweden. But kenya can be like 98% black, that´s no problem! But they don´t want to live there. Well maybe they don´t, but i don´t see how that´s our fucking problem, or how we should sabotage our own people culture and values, just so others can feel that it is more their country.
>future is trannies
They are literally asking for it.
some new world mutt (seriously whats up with its face and midget height?) goes around interviewing young sluts at the most trashy location in the most degenerate part of Denmark and you people somehow dont expect this?
It is 100% virtue signalling and conformity. When the establishment turns right wing they'll turn 180 degrees just like that, I guarantee.
What's worse than the responses is the professional soros paid cuckold giving the interviews
oh christ not this fucking weird mutt again.
accosting random people in the street like hes a fucking TV journalist
>go to middle of copenhagen, the capital city
>ask university age people political questions
>surprised when they're either left wing, or don't know what the fuck you're talking about
Statistically this dumb bitch will get raped, robbed or both, utter moron do not stick your dick in that guys.
wow, young women care about others and are led by feelings much surprise
Orangutan arms make me think this is an MtF. Tranny demons have a lot to answer for. They are our rulers and oppressors. May God send a superior predator, to oppress them.
jews are the one who are harmed the most from refugees coming lol these people are masochistic
>if only Europe was pure blondes refugees wouldn't happen
Ethno-nationalists btfo
Big Jews like the Rothschilds aren't worrying about street crime.
And maybe, just maybe, they want to drive Jews to Israel.
>When subverting the host nation is a family affair.
It’s friggin staged, they pay maybe 20 women and then make sure the photos flood the internet.
Really? Because the video shows another thing but if you want to lie to yourself it's your problem
>fake blonde arab with plucked eyebrows holds up a sign
>argentinian monkey thinks she's danish
as always, White incels do everything in their power to stab the white race in the back
White incels are the Enemy Within, they will be the reason for every Western nation falling.
>young women care about others
I don't think I've ever seen a young, school/uni age girl truly care selflessly about someone else. All the girls in those pictures care about is how they're perceived by their fellow peers in their respective social circles: they want to be seen as virtuous according to what they think are the current moral rules of the collective, so they play this little game of pretend in order to collect their "good person" coins and become "moral millionaires".
It's all a big sad clown show.
Roastie detected. Wake up you cancer
>It’s friggin staged, they pay maybe 20 women and then make sure the photos flood the internet.
This also
Pic is relevant simply because it takes place in Denmark. Take it easy, Hans. You have plenty of shitskin monkeys to deal with yourself, with the occupational US military and all.
Lol look who is doing the interviewing (mc faglord)
Who is he interviewing? Copenhagen thots. No one prominent.
Calm your tits.
Denmark is better off than its neighboring countries, although no one escapes this shit show.
t. white mud shark
You're getting roped soon dumb whore
This. Tak for indsatsen Tobias.
Those bitches better welcome refugees, even then danes are still racist as fuck.
Sometimes I get way too excited when I hear a pro-immigration person was raped and murdered by a migrant. I almost hop out of my chair every time, it pumps me up like hell
What makes you think that this is primarily due to women having more political power? What about the industrial e communication revolutions and a more globalized world? Seriously wouldn't that be to blame much more?
nah, it's women. It's because of their psihology. They should have absolutely no power regarding topics that deal with foreign policy, internal affairs (social organization and economics), war or national security.
Men compete for them, we compete amongs each other. They'll do everything in their power to fuck up any advantage you might have and level the playing field for everyone and make the rules fair for all the males to compete for her. Even fuck up whole civilization if needed. And if it doesn't work out for them and they'll figure out the males that were surrounding them at start were the best ones, they'll demand safety and you'll have to clean up their mess.
come on, sista ... just look at shitty pro refugees demonstration, its always almost like 75 percent white women and 25 percent soy_boys
if a shitty trend is happening way more women then man are following it
Greece has a major fascist party the Golden Dawn and Italy is less cucked than us
kek confirms