What is the best way to tell my girlfriend that I am not happy with the amount of sex we are having?

What is the best way to tell my girlfriend that I am not happy with the amount of sex we are having?

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"We should break up."

Honestly this is emotional abuse if you're just saying it to get a reaction and don't plan on leaving. You want her to want you (not your penis), not let you use her body as a replacement for your hand out of obligation to keep you from cheating.
Since you aren't entitled to orgasms in a relationship, just TALK to her about how you'd like to make sex better for her, and then do what she says. Give her more attention and kindness. Tease her. Touch her without expecting anything in return.
Just be a normal fucking human sans boner.

>you aren't entitled to orgasms in a relationship
Uhh maybe in your 50's, but when you're young? Yes you are.

pleb advice. always a couple dummies in the thread who probably can’t even envision how many exes people would have if they just dumped each other over the first conflict that arose.

“I’m not happy with the amount of sex we’re having.” Try rewording it a little bit to not sound demanding. “I wish we had sex more.”

Also, a couple things:
A.) Consider your role in the relationship. Are you a seductive kind of guy? Is she resentful towards you, or untrusting of you?
B.) Consider settling for favors such as blowjobs or hand jobs, if she truly doesn’t want to have sex often.

The reason for settling for favors such as blowjobs or handjobs (some people prefer these things), is that it satisfies without making regular intercourse a scheduled, mandatory thing.

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>sex outside of wedlock
I bet you don't even nut in her. Disgusting. No wonder she's not giving it up.

“I want to see other people.”


No meme. Just tell her upfront. Whatever happens, as long as you tell the truth man, that's the best outcome.

most girls see blowjobs as more of a big deal than sex, and probably rightfully so. If OP's girl isn't having sex that often she's surely not going to start slobbering all over his knob like Pavlov's dog.

But yeah communication and not making flat-out demands is good advice.

OP, how does sex usually happen within your relationship? Is it completrely spontaneous or are the two of you sitting at opposites end of the couch and your phone beeps and you go "it is time for sex now it is 8pm on wednesday it is sex time". is she the one that comes on to you and initiates it? if you're the one who tries to initate it, how does she say no to you and what does she say? Communication is extremely important.

I am in a similar situation, except my girlfriend is now thinking she may be asexual. We used to have sex on a weekly basis until about two months ago. I'm okay if sex turned into something monthly or rare, but I still want to have some kind of sexual gratification, and I also find sex to be an important part of connection and passion in the relationship. We have had sex once in the two months she said she's asexual, and i'm completely surprised that we even did. What do I do? I've tried mentioning one time that maybe she could just give me handjobs or something, but she didn't know. Her suggestion to me is that she would be okay with it if I went and had sex with others, prostitutes or whatever. I denied that completely because that doesn't translate to a LTR with her and is completely immoral and just cheating in my eyes, and I wouldn't go do something I don't want her to do. What do?

>most girls see blowjobs as more of a big deal than sex, and probably rightfully so. If OP's girl isn't having sex that often she's surely not going to start slobbering all over his knob like Pavlov's dog
For all you know, OPs girl is sucking dicks on her way to the parking lot

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I also shaped my view of human sexuality based on that one scene from a 1990s indie dramedy

It's always about the cheating gf with you people. I bet your thinking of it right now, just hate fantasizing about her choking on a big black dick. You're stroking your micropenis and whispering to yourself "yeah, fuck women, they're all whores" and wondering why you have no friends.

I like to read threads like this and laugh at men who think it's not THEIR fault their women want less sex. If you're good, she'll want it every single day and then some. You don't need to tell her anything. You need to improve. You suck, hate to break it to you, bud. She probably is faking it, even.


how to get good then?

T. Chronically single and the guy on Jow Forums whose responses are always regurgitated single words.
Tell her you aren't sexually satisfied and want to have more intimacy in the relationship. It's a tough topic to cut in to, so no way you put it is going to make the discussion less necessary or somber.

Wow, that's like the opposite of my situation. I was asexual and repulsed by the idea of sex until I started dating my bf and now I can't get enough of him, even once a week feels like not enough
It makes him feel special that he's the only person in the world who's ever made me feel this way lol, I joke that I'm him-sexual now

>every single woman has exactly the same sex drive and it's your job to turn it on
Not possible due to wide genetic variation across regions resulting in differing natural libido
Science 1 incels 0

Sex is a huge part of a romantic relationship; otherwise it's essentially a friendship. I would ask her what she's feeling, why she's not interested. Talking about anything that's not working is, well, what a relationship is all about.

You let them fuck big dicks... I mean I was watching ameture porn and....