I have like a small wound at the base of my penis, near where the stomach and penis meet...

I have like a small wound at the base of my penis, near where the stomach and penis meet. It's been there for maybe 2 months or something, doesn't ever want to go away. What could it be?

Attached: b02.png (420x420, 146K)

>near where the stomach and penis meet
Nigga your stomach is right below your ribs

Attached: 4BbeSiog_400x400.jpg (240x240, 9K)

>where the stomach and penis meet
you what now

OP you stupid fuck ur penis and ur stomach dont meet

Ok, the belly or abdomen then. In my language it's the same word.

Post pics.

probably too small for that, its just 1 or 2 mm

OP's penis is protruding from his rib cage you judgmental fucks.

Are you Tommy Wiseau?

Look , you say you have a scar in a place between your torso and your dick.

The obvious answer is go to a fucking doctor but you chose to come here. So post pics, a pick with your dick is welcomebut not necessary.

Shit this was reply meant for you

No, I didn't say it was between the torso and the dick, I said it was on the dick near the torso.

Whatever, unless pic with dick i am not showing it to the dermatologist i know. Your call mate

If it's a small nick but you're getting erect often it might have trouble healing. Abstain from masturbation until it heals

Attached: 20181212_183737.jpg (3264x1836, 2.67M)

Oh no, it's what I feared...
It's too late user. Grab a knife or pizza cutter and cut off your dick, QUICK!

It's herpes. You're gonna die.

Omg the madmanactually did it. Ok i will show it tonight. Hold steady user.


you either got an std, skin cancer or youre in the early stages of liver damage.

Op, you are masturbating incorrectly

It's a swollen lymph node. Could be the symptom of an infection or cancer, or more likely, vigorous masturbation.

How could it be from masturbation? The hand doesn't touch that part. Not sure I had been masturbating a lot when it appeared. I do nofap, but I have failed it a few times this year.

Have you had a flu? Fever? Pain on or surrounding area? What does it feel like when you squeeze it? Can you feel something hard, or is it just soft?

>Have you had a flu?
don't think so, had a mild cold yesterday
don't think so
>Pain on or surrounding area?
>What does it feel like when you squeeze it?
don't know but rubbing it with a finger doesn't cause any pain
>Can you feel something hard, or is it just soft?
Now just soft, previously I think it was a little like a scab.
I think it might have started after I shaved that area, but I'm not sure.

meh, the only red flag is that it has lasted 2 months. Just don't touch it and if it doesn't improve in a week then try yahoo answers or, you know, some kind of professional.

I'm so fucking tired of the healthcare in this country though

you're from some 3rd world shithole?


haha, aja du märker själv om det blir dags att dra till vc

this might be a sign of liver disease ; failure to heal. Do you use prescription medicines user? or alcohol?

I don't use medicines. Haven't had any alcohol since July.