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go to sleep op or mommy wont give you tendies

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The only currency that is worth anything is human beings. Forget horse power, it is human power and always has been. Base your currency off man hours and you have something.

The Industrial Revolution and Its Consequences Have Been a Disaster for the Human Race

Fiat currency is the most evil thing in the world

>mommy wont give you tendies



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Why is gold worth so much? It's literally useless.

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Resource BASED Economy (RBE)
>b..but isnt that "communism"
>NO (((Money))) at all (jobs automated)
>NO (((Centralized))) Government (think open source decentralized projects)

This is fundamentally different from any other ideology.
>It eliminates the (((PROFIT))) vs Sustainability conflict. Things are built to the HIGHEST standard, and made to LAST, be up-gradable, 100% recyclable.
>It eliminates the Jobs vs Automation conflict
>It obviously BTFO the (((bankster))) class.
Social hierarchy & power/ influence is no longer connected to wealth.
>so what to people aspire to be then
The Idols/Influencers our society will be the people how chose to advance their local community, country, human race the most.

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>Why is gold worth so much?

Because it is perceived as eternal.


I just want an AI to kill us all anand inherit the Earth

Unfortunately this gets BTFO when/if AI gets cracked.
Specifically AGI (artificial general intelligence)
And Elon Musk is right about it
Its summoning the DEMON
we will lose control of if...

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I hadn't thought of that before.

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>Why is gold worth so much? It's literally useless.
Its a good conductor & doesnt tarnish.

But thats NOT why the (((bankster))) class like it.
They like it because it Rare (hard for normies to acquire)
So the kings and banks would control the mines, to control the money supply, and thus control the people.

I disagree, humans are the ultimate atv's the jews called the goy beasts for a reason. Computers will never have the mobility, dexterity, order following capabilities as humans, and humans are cheap as shit, they work for peanuts.

forgot to add, and reproduction is free and just like rabbits. Robots that can do all that are far to cost prohibitive when you have ready made flesh units.

Not only that, but computers may not ever be able to truly invent new shit.

>Computers will never have the mobility, dexterity,
>order following capabilities as humans,
AGI will think far greater & faster than a human
wont get tired, works 24/7
micron accuracy
>humans are cheap as shit, they work for peanuts.
machines work the cost of electricity
if solar
then free

You are thinking far too specific.. sure robots can do repetitive tasks more efficiently. Circuit boards or vehicle assembly, put them in adaptive environments and humans will always out perform bots. Unit 29 has stopped responding, Unit 30 dispatched to repair. Unit 30 has stopped responding, Send in etc.. Humans will PAY to reproduce. We are not talking about sawing lumber here. Humans are the ultimate bots already.

>put them in adaptive environments and humans will always out perform bots
but im talking about AGI.
it doesnt exist yet
but if they do succeed
it will out perform humans in all feilds
IMO its a huge threat, and we shouldnt open this Pandora's Box.
>computers may not ever be able to truly invent new shit.
they've got AI already making music

I disagree.

There's no reason we can't develop it in a safe way.

A super intelligent slave AI.

The idea of self-determination and freedom, self-preservation are evolved traits that aren't necessary for intelligence.

Human population increases exponentially.

So your currency is basically exponentially inflating. On top of this automation means its demand is less.

Basically your currency is rapidly inflating.

>There's no reason we can't develop it in a safe way.
your dealing with an intelligence that once it reaches human level,
it will be doing 20,000 YEARS of human thinking,
We cant out think it
We cant think of all the ways to stop it / control it.
It will be so far beyond us, in just a week.
Even IF it didnt become malevolent
It could destroy us in presuit of a goal we gave it.

Here is a good TED talk on it

the GOOD NEWS is,
we DONT NEED AGI for a successful RBE,
Let humans to the complex thinking,
Just use automation for PROGRAMED scripted tasks, with minor task specific AI.

>Just use automation for PROGRAMED scripted tasks

This is what will liberate humanity. Technocracy ftw

How do people advocating Technocracy and Post-Scarcity politics aim to resolve the problem of Dysgenics in a non-active population leading to us creating the conditions for ourselves leading to Domestication Syndrome? Near as I can tell it is the constant challenges, violence and hardships that have allowed us to grow as a species. Do we not sow our own slow demise by removing ourselves from the equations of existence and compartmentalize ourselves in frivolities, hedonism and negative nihilism that will inevitably stem from the purposelessness of a Jobless society?

Genuine question for those who might call this a shitpost.

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>How do people advocating Technocracy and Post-Scarcity politics aim to resolve the problem of Dysgenics in a non-active population leading to us creating the conditions for ourselves leading to Domestication Syndrome?

By applying it to 11nat, or white nationalism, duh. When we get our own nation we won't be slaves to the Fiat system: we'll have our own thing. 11nat inherently implies post-scarcity.

no reason to speculate on any of this. AGI will rise in ~15 years or less, and it is literally impossible to know what happens next. It will be out of our control

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My question wasn't about Fiat. I also don't think that is an answer to what I was asking. My personal ideological beliefs are that as more and more resources are produced, they should be directly in increasing amounts in great projects (like Terraforming and Colonizing Mars), instead of using the gains to create a post-scarcity society. The issues surrounding Meaning and Purpose is what's leading to the depression and suicide crisis in the west. Increasingly large sections of the population, without work to sustain a family (what our ancestors had as a purpose since the dawn of the Human age), we fall into all sorts of issues like the problems with narcotics. That issue may be solved in some way, but not by others. What's the solution to that?

>What's the solution to that?

Not everyone is scientifically or technologically minded. Art and writing is important too. People simply have lost interest in many endemically human activities. In a post-scarcity society the arts would flourish along with science and technology. People have simply lost interest in all kinds of shit because they have become complacent and lazy. Money has become the end-all be-all and obviously not everyone can achieve true financial solvency, leading to lack of self-esteem, etc. Without the barometer of money as success, we will have more people contributing to society, I believe.

we already live in a technocracy you utter brainlet

>we already live in a technocracy you utter brainlet

No we don't. We live in a techno-oligarchy. Learn the difference, it might save your life.

A paper dollar from Zimbabwe is worthless. Meanwhile a gold/silver coin from an ancient government has more buying power today than when it was minted.