I've been with my gf for two years. I am gradually falling out of love with her...

I've been with my gf for two years. I am gradually falling out of love with her. She is no longer putting much effort into the relationship and is getting fatter. She also has a tendency to complain about everything and seems to be pessimistic as fuck.

Meanwhile, there is this new qt girl at my workplace. She looks quite attractive, has a good taste in fashion, and even likes the name nerdy shit as me. A lot of other guys at my workplace also seem to see her as a catch and have been flirting with her. She seems to enjoy flirting with me but I don't know if she likes me that much.

I have no plans to cheat on my gf. Is dumping her for this new qt girl worth it? I don't even know if the new girl truly has feelings for me yet.

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We want what we cant have.

The sooner you get that bitch, the same story will play out.

>She also has a tendency to complain about everything and seems to be pessimistic as fuck.
You sure we're not talking about you?

Seriously? She seems much better than my current gf. At least we seem to have more in common and honestly she looks much hotter than my gf.

She complains everything - her job, politics, the weather, how much I watch porn, how expensive everything is, wishing we had more money, etc.

Well you know what they say. Like attracts like

I don't complain as much. I'm just like yeah whatever as long as we can live a decent life it's OK.

You're a Jow Forums user. That's bullshit.

So are you.
I'm mainly only here for the porn and shitposting out of boredom.

>how much I watch porn
that’ll turn off any girl user. Your gal wants your dick so put it to use.

I am in a similar situation OP, except that I get along way better with my gf. The second girl is super hot and she has actually confessed she likes me but we dont have that chimestry. If I could combine both girls that'd be amazing. But alas its not possible. Also I am not perfect and have my flaws, in the end I am struggling to make a choice but I am leaning to my gf since looks can come and go but chimestry simply is there or it isn't. Just my 2 cents

>if I could combine both girls
>invites them over and introduce them
>teach them a anime ritual claiming it is a game of charades and they replicate it in sync
>outcomes may vary; proceed with caution

Sometimes relationships don't work out man.
It could just be that you know?
Though wanting to break up for another girl is usually a sign of chasing whats new. Could be either one.

That said, we don't really have a ton of information to go on to judge, in my opinion.
You've been together for two years. Hows the communication? Do you see each other often? Is your sex life good? Have you communicated that you feel shes not putting much effort into the relationship?
All these do play a factor.

Okay. This is epic.

But all guys watch porn. What's wrong with that?

>Hows the communication?
We still communicate.
>Do you see each other often?
Yes but not as frequently as whn we started dating
>Is your sex life good?
Not really. See complains I want to have sex too often so is having sex lesd frequently with me.
Have you communicated that you feel shes not putting much effort into the relationship?
Yes. I told her she id getting fat and boring. She said she knows she is getting fatter but she still eats a shit load of food.

Not when they have a gf they love to fuck. Why would you cum watching porn when the gf will help you do it?

That's because I have all these fetishes that my gf does not have. I want to have a golden shower where I pee on my gf but she doesn't.

You need to be at least 18 years old to use this site

Here's the deal. This problem you are having happens in EVERY relationship. I would say its the number one killer of long term relationships. People getting "comfortable" and not caring what their SO thinks anymore. Guys and girls do it.
If you don't want this to happen you have to say something about it. The sooner the better. And don't rationalize it to being okay for a while or not being a big deal. Those small things will add up. Don't think it'll get better on its own. It'll get worse until you cant stand her.
Keeping eachother honest is the key. You don't have to be aggressive about it, just sit her down and have a real talk. Otherwise you'll just go through a new women every 2 years and never really settle down. Unless that's what you want, that's fine too.
But that new girl your looking at will be in the same situation if you don't learn to deal with it.

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>But that new girl your looking at will be in the same situation if you don't learn to deal with it
Yeah but I can't help but think she is better than my gf. Tbh I went for my gf as I saw her as someone within my league. She has never been that attractive but I figured out hot chicks are out of my league. That new qt girl is kinda out of my league but since she seems interested in me I am wondering if I should trade up.

You'll always think a new pretty girl is better than your gf because you want something new. You'll set expectations on this new person which will almost always fail. You really don't know how this new girl is, people tend to show their true self around 3 months in a relationship.

Damn she seems such a catch though. I see more guys chasing this girl than my gf. And I'm not lying when I say she is better looking than my gf.

But yes, I am worried about this too. There's always the chance she may turn out more boring than she appears.

Again dude. Once you get tired of this next girl you'll feel the same way. It's a never ending cycle. I'm guessing you are young so I'm not going to tell you not to do it. Not having a couple notches on your belt isn't a good idea either but eventually you'll learn that feeling that way about women is the natural cycle for men who have options. Just giving you the knowledge I learned.
Here's another mind fuck. The fact that youre in a relationship makes you hotter to women. The longer it is the more attractive it is. Women see it as you being pre-approved as good relationship material. Which makes leaving the girl youre with for some new fling even riskier because they may not like you anymore after.
Make any choice you want just be informed about it and concider the risks.

>Not having a couple notches on your belt isn't a good idea either but eventually you'll learn that feeling that way about women is the natural cycle for men who have options
Tbh I don't see myself as having many options. Honestly I went for my gf as I saw her as within my league. She appeared to be decent, average-looking, but then all the hot chicks rejected me so I went for her. Now that this much cuter girl is flirting with me, I really want to be with her. I almost wish I met her first so I never had to make this choice.
>Women see it as you being pre-approved as good relationship material. Which makes leaving the girl youre with for some new fling even riskier because they may not like you anymore after.
Yeah I am scared of this too.

Like I said, you want something new and hard to get because it will boost your ego. Around half a year, you'll start treating her like you do to your current gf. Talk to your gf and try to open her up, don't end it when she says its fine and there's nothing to worry about.