We need to have a serious talk about that thread

I believe it will be shoahed here so I just wanted to let you know the BASED mods stickied the thread over on

N E I N /////////////////////////////// C H A N


Read through the thread it was way too elaborate without holes to be a larp. The back story checks out too since the supposed glownigger was fired for a few jewish comments about Jared The KIkener

Also, time will tell. If we don't get the funding for the wall with the national emergency glownigger says the people will rise up.

Anyways get over on NEW POL they have no shills we can discuss over there.

Attached: Screenshot 2019-02-16 at 10.01.22 PM.png (1366x768, 265K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Where is the link iggern

>still trying to honeypot glownigger

Attached: 1550023444923m.jpg (1024x641, 100K)


>Anyways get over on NEW POL they have no shills we can discuss over there.
Not a suspicious link to an external website at all

Attached: 1550266381946.gif (255x190, 17K)

nobody is going to this nein chan faggot forum. Please leave this board

Attached: 1550117494184.png (1276x630, 467K)

Looks like larp by a kike

why are you using ChromeOS OP?

I don't know man the more I read through all those replies it started to fit user

holy shit lol i didn't even notice

Attached: 1544332114901.gif (300x168, 791K)

it's just a quality system goy

the cianiggers deleted it

the only reason I noticed is because I was sent this 100 dollar laptop for christmas and it was ChromeOS so I used it to watch youtube

I have the link. It's not deleted. Went over there and found thread 2 w/ the link to the first one.
Can I post it here?
Jow Forumsres/12804664.html

>muh Q is wrong
>come to new pol

I only put the link to NEW POL up because it has a discussion thread that is not shilled like the one on 8CH

Mine just broke. Used it to read while in the tub. I liked it enough. Put Ubuntu on it for a while and then decided I was okay w/ the Chrome 'OS'. I logged in as guest all the time which made captchas harder.

Attached: discordtrannyfaggots.jpg (1340x8892, 2.1M)

thats pretty much all they CAN be used for

>Nein chan
Are you the same faggot behind the dailycrusader?

I see the nein pol thread. Tried posting for trips. Hung at 79%. So close, and yet so far.

>hey goy, there was a cool thread on 2xchan
>you should read all about it on glowniggerchan

Attached: 462DDF58-28EF-4CC9-AE99-3BCCB3D330DC.jpg (250x220, 6K)

Someone just posted you must be lying

oh look its another larp thread

Well constructed larp but naw nigga. Also ain't going to your fucking glowie death pit sight fuck off.

Attached: 1546185731143.png (1122x2220, 509K)

Tried posting as a response as well. That hangs at 55%. I'll get an error message in a few minutes. I am using Safari to create the message. Not sure if that is a factor, but it might be.

And I am not lying faggot,

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-02-17 at 1.17.11 AM.png (1088x1134, 132K)

i have an archive link that has the thread currently reading it.

i thought it was a larp up until the atlantic city mob connection which honestly makes a lot of sense. all the casinos in the town are mob controlled and throw a lot of power and shade around when Trump was there.
t. parents worked at the Sands casino in the 80s-90s for nearly decade

Attached: image-8.jpg (638x477, 85K)

Poast it.

Just hit refresh try again. This is an interesting issue because I just posted

infinitychan is unironically superior than Jow Forums just not as popular. No idea what kind of chan 9chan is but I have heard of it before I think its just populated by a bunch of Japanese or maybe that was another chan

oh fugg thats a lot of chans in that line of text

Hopefully this 9chan larp purges some boomers, godspeed schizofag

>N E I N /////////////////////////////// C H A N
>(DOT) C O M
stop shilling for your glowinthedark honeypot website kushnershill

Attached: 1536106585749.jpg (699x485, 68K)

Damn, what an idea. How can we send more boomers to government honeypots?

telling them that is where Q's most faithful followers are.

I went through all that earlier. No luck. I don't have my developer tools on the machine I am using otherwise I probably would have dug further before saying anything. I called it quits. My guess it has something to do with safari the the google css.
t.database guy with a hat.

It's not a bad larp on infinity right now. Giving it a read.

Okay sorry user hope it wasn't the sites fault.

I don't think its a larp user

I think it's better we lure them here, redpill them, and then let them spread on Facebook and whatever else they shitpost on.

I wasted my time and checked out your thread. Larper:
>just ask Trump as Mossad has tapes of him assfucking girls in that age range thanks to Epstein.
Here's Trump calling out Epstein island:
If Trump did anything at Epstien island, he wouldn't bring it up.

>still trying to honeypot glownigger

>The back story checks out

Hahahaha no. Its a literal anecdote.

Have someone you know do a Safari test. No worries.

yikes nice larp

fuck off and die

What is Q referring to?

This mid level Glow nigger repeatedly said this stuff was heard from other people.

Also, most of the complaints are after Trump even had any connection with Epstein.

When has Trump been near Epstein in the last 2 years. I don't know a lot of it could be plausible.

Trump became a KIKE

Did you just bump the thread?

This is pretty juicy and isn't full of shit like most LARPs. Today OP wasn't a faggot

Trump may be a kike, but that thread is definitely a larp. He comes across as a guy who's watched some right-wing youtube critiques of Trump. No great insights beyond that.

>Jared The KIkener

How do I know a shill poster when I see it? Look at how you reach so far to appeal to the basest of jargon. Like you say kike and this whole board just drinks all you have to piss away. You are positively glowing.

I fucking told you guys. Lots of Anons were saying they haven't seen a thread like this in a while.

Yeah, I am still reading the first thread. Hopefully this puppy gets archived. user doesn't seem happy with Kushner.

Wasn't me.

Leftypol nonsense.

I hope we get more like this. Anyone with half a brain knows Trump is a dead end, hopefully the atmosphere leading up to the 2016 election and all the leaking that came along with it returns.

Oh look two glowing niggers try to sound convincing enough to vulnerable normies and lurkers to get them on an external site and later use it to doxx them. What a fucking joke you people have become

Not to defend Epstein, but calling a man who likes fucking 17 year olds a "child molester" is a fucking stretch