My boyfriend likes to spoon and cuddle at night, but he wraps himself around me like a snake basically

My boyfriend likes to spoon and cuddle at night, but he wraps himself around me like a snake basically.

He not only wraps his legs around mine in a really weird way but even his arms have one going across the lower half of my torso and other arm around the upper torso. This doesn't bother me, but sometimes he squeezes me and as much as I like being squeezed sometimes it's very painful and I feel like I might break something, but he says squeezing me makes him feel good

Is this true or should I be worried he's trying to kill me?

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ya man. call the cops. he's trying to kill you

squeeze him back real hard to make him loosen up

Just tell him you don't like that, and then tell him how you would prefer it. Boom, problem solved. Just communicate.

What if he takes that as a challenge?

die bich

He wants to end your life


If he doesn't respond positively, that's trouble.

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I just don't want him to stop

He probably really cherishes you.

he's trying to make it look like an accident

He needs to calm the fuck down that's not normal kek dis nigga

>tfw my boyfriend never squeezes me he just puts an arm around me
I feel sad now

I'll squeeze my gf for you when I have her in my bed for the first time.

Slowly she is being crushed over time. Bone by bone, phalange by phalange, metacarpal by metacarpal, carpal by carpal; and so forth. Soon she be but a pile of ground bone and the sadness of that which once was.

he's trying to kill you subconsciously
he likes you sm he doesn't want anyone else to have what y'all have

also had an ex that slept with me like this but he kinda suffocated me by smothering his arm over my head in this weird protective embrace. i hated it.

Then defend yourself or be crushed


he may be into vore

What a weird fucking thread

This is how its done