>be first muslim in congress
>immediately starts bashing kike skulls and massively redpilled the entire left
What a women lads.
>be first muslim in congress
>immediately starts bashing kike skulls and massively redpilled the entire left
What a women lads.
I love it when the left eats itself.
it's gonna happen to the right too, you know..
You think all the young Trump supporters are going to keep supporting him when they realize they still have to be wageslaves and may never retire?
They're going to turn to socialism. Kids have the internet these days, they can look up wealth inequality and the toilsome over-work culture that the USA perpetuates.
>redpilled the entire left
>it's gonna happen to the right too, you know..
I hope so. The right needs to stop being pro-israel, and the left needs to stop supporting white genocide.
She's not the first
wtf i hate trump now
Agreed, including Trump.
He's Israel's whore and you all know it.
>t. white genocide supporter
You glow