
>4.5" erect penis
I'm literally inferior to every single male out there, so then why should I even try to work out? that wouldn't really change the fact that I'ma borderline midget and have a tiny dick. there are so many men who are 100x better looking, taller, have a better personality than me, why should I even try?

Attached: (asuka).png (500x387, 179K)

Has anybody ever told you you look like a cute girl?


Then, let me get this straight. You have to date lowrange girls. Very ugly women or below average. The best you can do is a cute fatty. But 7/10 and above isn't achievable for you. Women these days are very picky about looks and always try to get with a man that can provide the best genes for her offspring, even if she isn't even planning on getting children.

The attitude and outlook in life is the reason why you feel inferior, comparing yourself to others is self destructive, a love one's heart jumps at a sight when one loves himself in order to love other, to embrace who he is to become a butterfly, a butterfly of confidence.

Hey Blondie, we missed ya

I'm trying
I really am
but these things drain any kind of motivation I have

I'm getting real sick of your pity posting.

I'm sorry, but I can't seem to move pasts these things. whenever I get happy, or try to do something good, I always remind myself of how inferior I am

Fuck off the only thing inferior about you is your pathetic self flagellation.

No lie I am genuinely afraid of this. I'd rather live alone for the rest of my life than settle for some "cute fatty" or whatever leftovers Chad and Stacy left behind. I don't want to be with the leftovers, yet even that can't motivate me to do what needs to be done to become a Chad.

You incels gotta understand that Chad doesn't fuck every chick he can. Why would he waste time fucking fat chicks when he can have stacy? If an ugly girl is "used goods" it's because she's fucking other guys like you.

I'm not implying the ugly girls are used goods, I'm implying they're unwanted. That's why they're easy to pick up.

The goal is to be wanted by the chicks that are wanted.

>The goal is to be wanted by the chicks that are wanted.
So despite the fact that you're 5 nothing with an oversized clit, you want a girl completely out of your league?

You're not attractive, you'll never be a Chad, either accept loneliness or date in your own pool

>I'm literally inferior to every single male out there,
Literally untrue, but it's clear you have borderline pathological body dysmorphia so you know, get some therapy or die mad about it

if you know how to stimulate a clitoris it is ok

If your goal is to get with a woman outside your league (5/10 or higher) even though you have absolutely nothing to offer in exchange then you are right, don't even bother, because you will never get what you want. I don't think you'd be able to score a butterface or a fatty, because, to be honest, they have better options than some entitlement child-sized dicklets who obsessively post the same shitty tread over and over again. You gotta to learn how to be humble, man, cause your personality is shitty too.

When I first read this post I thought somebody had written about me. Hey man I know your struggle, it is a constant fight within you on whether or not you're worth anything. The truth is that you are worth something, and it is going to be very challenging for us, but it is not impossible. Keep that in mind.

how do i become humble in the face of such adversity?

but just telling myself so is not enough, especially if it isn't true

What do you plan on doing then?
Are you going to give up and let yourself get pushed around by everyone, including yourself? Regardless of your limitations, you have a choice. You can choose to be miserable or you can choose to fight for your happiness.

the guy gets off on this. it's the only explanation for the fact that he talks about it ALL THE FUCKING TIME.

or it could be the fact that these are in fact limiting factors and they will hinder any kind of happiness

I know how this dude feel. It's not the end of the world. It does suck to be short on both sides, but damn it as long as you don't look like a burned victim there is hope!

OP is a frequent flyer
he doesnt listen to anything anons say unless it conforms to his pre-suicidal narrative. he will be back in about four to six hours, and will likely post a new thread in a few days, maybe next week. same pity party.

Shut the fuck up and wake up. The key to a happy life isn't to try and satisfy some 3/10 fatty whore who will always resent you for not being 12/10 Christian Grey with wings. The key to a happy life is self-improvement and fun hobbies. Enjoy your life, no matter how shit the globalists want it to be.

That's brutal. OP don't settle for anything you don't want to. Your definitely short as fuck though. Start strength training immediately. That way your way stronger than you look. Any chick would be impressed if you lifted them off their feet. Also grow a beard. Do everything in your power to grow that beard. Go dwarf mode.

then hide the thread, there's another 149 at any given time

wow, thanks for the hot tip. tell me more about hiding threads and how to work the 4charn wabsite
his pathetic attitude gets me hard. each time he returns, i get more diamonds than the last time.

Go to a foreign country. Dont be stupid.

Better get a good job, OP. Some gold-digger would gladly marry you and leave in 2 years if you had good alimony.

It’s been hopeless for a long time, from the very beginning. You will never represent a young girl’s erotic dream. You have to resign yourself to the inevitable; such things are not for you. It’s already too late, in any case. The sexual failure you’ve known since your adolescence, Raphael, the frustration that has followed you since the age of thirteen, will leave their indelible mark. Even supposing that you might have women in the future - which in all frankness I doubt - this will not be enough; nothing will ever be enough. You will always be an orphan to those adolescent loves you never knew. In you the wound is already deep; it will get deeper and deeper. An atrocious, unremitting bitterness will end up gripping your heart. For you there will be neither redemption nor deliverance. That’s how it is.

An Hero before it gets any worse.

Beautiful. Felt like I read a gothic horror paragraph.

Houellebecq is enlightened.
Should be mandatory reading for everyone in OP's case

Become gay, a lot of fag traps are a lot more accepting of guys with flaws considering how flawed they are

stop watching porn, and stop comparing to porn actors. Dude, I have several gym membership, and the alpha male I see don't have a hose dangling. OK?

what's your age?

I know you're lurking blondie, come back to your thread you fucking pussy

what do you want?

Now I feel awful.

I want to know you're still here bitch

And people like you are shit
>teehee i have a good life imma gloat on Jow Forums epic style

5'2'' tall
7'8'' erect penis +0.5'' if really in the mood. :)

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